Location & GPS
Location & GPS
@Erel · 2022-02-16
GoogleMaps Tutorial
The iGoogleMaps library allows you to show a map inside your app
@Erel · 2022-01-30
Google Analytics
Google Analytics
@Erel · 2022-01-25
Apple: Account deletion within apps required starting January 31
Apple: Account deletion within apps required starting January 31
@Sandman · 2021-10-06
Share data from your app with ActivityViewController
ActivityViewController allows the user to share data from your app using the standard share dialog. It was added in iPhone library v2.00.
@Erel · 2021-08-26
Dummies Guide to Getting Started with B4i
Dummies Guide to Getting Started with B4i
@Falcon · 2021-08-11
Reading the app logs directly on the device
Reading the app logs directly on the device
@Erel · 2021-07-29
Retrieve Apple Device UDID Code from Windows Registry
Retrieve Apple Device UDID Code from Windows Registry
@Star-Dust · 2021-07-23
CalcRelativeKeyboardHeight Example
CalcRelativeKeyboardHeight Example
@Erel · 2021-05-26
Erels B4I Oveview from Walt''s B4xGoodies - created with B4xgoodies Explorer using BVAD3
Erels B4I Oveview from Walt''s B4xGoodies - created with B4xgoodies Explorer using BVAD3
@Mashiane · 2021-04-27
FirebaseAuth - Authenticate your users (Google + Facebook)
FirebaseAuth allows your app to identify the user based on their Google or Facebook accounts.
@Erel · 2021-03-17
BLE Chat - Connecting Android and iOS
BLE Chat - Connecting Android and iOS
@Erel · 2021-03-14
Use Face ID Touch ID and Passcode
This is a short tutorial/code snippet on how to successfully implement Touch ID in your app.
@Alexander Stolte · 2021-03-04
Example CubeExample [ GPUImage ]
Example CubeExample [ GPUImage ]
@naifnas · 2020-10-17
Example Image Face Detection
Example Image Face Detection
@naifnas · 2020-10-14
New way to upload ipa to App Store
I just found out that Application Loader is no longer exist or missing from the latest XCode 11.5 or 11.6 so to upload our B4i app, we need to download Transporter from the App Store.
@aeric · 2020-08-25
Show an image in remote/push notification
Show an image in remote/push notification
@Biswajit · 2020-08-22
ActivityViewController in B4XPages
Passing a Page as a parameter
@Nicolás Cieri · 2020-08-20
Match the flags. Extremely basic game tutorial for new B4X B4i developers - Newer developers
Match the flags. Extremely basic game tutorial for new B4X B4i developers - Newer developers
@Peter Simpson · 2020-06-11
Tic-Tac-Toe. Extremely basic XUI cross platform WiFi game example B4i vs B4A - Newer developers
Tic-Tac-Toe. Extremely basic XUI cross platform WiFi game example B4i vs B4A - Newer developers
@Peter Simpson · 2020-06-10
Background playback
Background playback
@Erel · 2020-05-17
UITableView LongClick Trigger
UITableView is a very powerful Listview. It loads items very fast and scrolling is very smooth. thanx to b4i it is also very customizable.
@ilan · 2020-05-04
Creating long lists using xCustomListView with Lazy Loading - Newer developers
Creating long lists using xCustomListView with Lazy Loading - Newer developers
@Peter Simpson · 2020-05-01
Retrieving 2 JSON data feeds from an online server - Shared module with B4A
Here is a simple to follow B4i tutorial on how to retrieve JSON data from an online server, in this case I''m using a well known Coronavirus COVID-19 data feed. The project layout file can easily be copied and pasted into a B4A layout file, you can also place the code module into a shared folder as B4i and B4A both use the exact same shared code module.
@Peter Simpson · 2020-04-14
Video corso Preparazione ambiente di sviluppo B4i
Free course "Preparing development environment for B4 IOS".
@arenaluigi · 2020-03-24
Publishing your app to the App Store
Publishing your app to the App Store
@Erel · 2020-03-11
Swift libraries
B4i v3.60 adds support for libraries written in Swift and compiled as frameworks.
@Erel · 2020-03-02
ImageView Fill [cover] & Fit-Inside [contain] (B4I)
ImageView Fill [cover] & Fit-Inside [contain]
@Brandsum · 2020-02-12
In-App Purchase Receipt Validation
I needed a way to verify the transaction receipt from the In-app Purchases in an app i''m working on, below is what is needed in case anyone else needs to accomplish the same task. A secure server is needed in order for the receipt information to be verified with App Store. The PHP script simply takes the receipt data passed from your app and send that data over to the App Store to be verified.
@walterf25 · 2019-12-27
iAdMob and User Consent
iAdMob and User Consent
@Erel · 2019-12-11