Geofence - Monitoring a region
This example extends iLocation library to allow monitoring regions in the background.
@Erel · 2019-10-28
Load HTML to Label
Load HTML to Label
@Brandsum · 2019-06-09
B4ITutorialList- and scrollview
Add UIRefreshControl To CustomListView
You can use this class to add refresh control to any CLV of any page you want.
@Brandsum · 2019-05-31
B4ITutorialFile handling
Files and Folders
Files and Folders
@Erel · 2019-02-11
Add QuickActions to your App
Add QuickActions to your App
@JanPRO · 2019-02-07
DeviceCheck - uniquely identify iOS device
In this tutorial (intended for advanced B4i user) I want to demonstrate how you can use the DeviceCheck framework (introduced with iOS 11) in order to uniquely identify an iOS device.
@JanPRO · 2019-01-06
B4ITutorialPush notifications
Silent Push Notifications
Silent Push Notifications
@Erel · 2018-12-28
Custom Dialogs with iCustomDialog library
B4i v4.30 includes a new library named iCustomDialog. It is based on SCLAlertView open source project (https://github.com/dogo/SCLAlertView). It makes it simple to create custom dialogs. It is quite similar to B4A CustomLayoutDialog from the Dialogs library (https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/t...stom-dialogs-and-async-methods.80204/#content).
@Erel · 2018-11-26
B4ITutorialFile handling
Picking external documents with DocumentPickerViewController
iUI8 v1.60 adds a new type named DocumentPickerViewController. This picker allows the user to choose an external document. The document will be imported (copied) to your app file system.
@Erel · 2018-11-15
Textchanged difference between B4a and B4i
I found an interesting difference between the textchanged event in B4a and B4i. In B4a, EditText1_TextChanged will fire whenever the text is changed whether by User or in code. In B4i, TextField1_TextChanged will fire when User changes the field but does not fire in code.
@gregchao · 2018-09-11
Background location tracking
Background location tracking
@Erel · 2018-09-09
Location Services Blue Bar
Location Services Blue Bar
@Sandman · 2018-07-12
Fast arrays access
B4i v5.0 adds several methods to the Bit object that provide very fast access to arrays. In most cases there is no reason to use these methods as they are more cumbersome and less safe than the standard way to access arrays. If your performance critical code does many reads or writes to arrays then you should consider switching to the "fast methods". ''Many'' means millions+ reads or writes.
@Erel · 2018-05-13
ShowPage Animated
A ShowPage animation Code Module
@ilan · 2017-12-20
iOS error code
There is an official tutorial by Erel how to get info about ios error code from your analytics log. Its a little bit complex so i found a different easy way. https://www.osstatus.com
@ilan · 2017-12-18
iMedia library - Camera and VideoView
iMedia library - Camera and VideoView
@Erel · 2017-11-19
Super small tutorial: Messing with #PlistExtra might get unrelated error
Super small tutorial: Messing with #PlistExtra might get unrelated error
@Sandman · 2017-10-25
B4I Creating a cross-platform dialog class with input validation
Creating a cross-platform dialog class with input validation
@Misterbates · 2017-10-19
Writing libraries for B4i [Objective C]
Writing libraries for B4i [Objective C]
@Erel · 2017-10-19
Icons and Launch Images
App Icons and Launch Images
@Erel · 2017-10-03
Simple Parallax Scrolling iSpriteKit
Simple Parallax Scrolling iSpriteKit
@ilan · 2017-08-21
B4ITutorialB4I [TOOL]
Swifter - Inline Swift code support [Tool]
Here you can find a new (experimental) tool called Swifter (v. 1.0 beta) which allows you to add Swift code to your B4i Project.
@JanPRO · 2017-07-04
ATS - App Transport Security
ATS is a security feature that prevents applications to make non-ssl http connections. This means that when ATS is enabled applications can only access https urls. Starting from 1/1/2017, ATS must be enabled on new or updated applications.
@Erel · 2017-06-05
iBeacons are small, low powered peripherals, that use BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) to advertise their information. The BeaconParser class can be used together with the BLE library to search for beacons. On Android, BeaconParser will find iBeacons, however not on iOS. iOS treats iBeacons in a different way. The attached example extends the Location library with inline Objective C code to search for iBeacons. You need to know the iBeacon UDID of the beacon you are searching for. The user will need to first allow the app to access the location services (don''t miss the two #PlistExtra lines).
@Erel · 2017-05-07
B4ITutorialCharSequence / CSBuilder
CSBuilder - AttributedStrings builder
AttributedStrings are strings with additional styling information. CSBuilder is a new type added in B4i v4.00 which helps with creating such strings. It is an alternative to iRichString class: https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/48573/#content
@Erel · 2017-05-04
B4ITutorialGame [EXAMPLE]
Breakout [Example]
Breakout [Example]
@JanPRO · 2017-03-29
Facebook Mediation With Admob
A very short and easy tutorial for showing facebook audience network ads on our iOS apps
@tufanv · 2017-03-28
DropboxSync Tutorial
Dropbox has dropped support for this API. It doesn''t work anymore.
@Erel · 2016-12-30
B4ITutorialIcons / fonts
BarButton icons
Add icons to any view with a text property. This includes the toolbar buttons.
@Erel · 2016-12-15
Compile As Library
B4i v3.50 adds support for library compilation
@Erel · 2016-12-15