@Erel · 2016-12-05
AdMob - Rewarded video ads
AdMob v1.50 (included in B4i v3.0) adds support for rewarded video ads. Rewarded video ads are video ads where the user is rewarded if he watches the full video. How is the user rewarded is up to you. In many games for example, the users will receive an extra life if they watch the video ad. AdMob doesn''t serve such ads directly. You need to use the mediation feature to add an ad network that does support such ads.
@Erel · 2016-10-09
AdMob Ads Mediation (with InMobi)
AdMob supports ads mediation. This means that the ad can come from different ad networks and not just from Google AdMob network. It can improve the fill rate and the revenue earned.
@Erel · 2016-10-09
How to submit your app to Apple iTunes
This is for local compile i.e. using your own Mac.
@MikeH · 2016-08-16
B4ITutorialPush notifications
Send Push Notification with OneSignal
In this tutorial I use onesignal rest api and send device token to onesignal and store it
@cloner7801 · 2016-08-08
Symbolicating a crash report
The steps required to symbolicate a crash report received from Apple. The result is a readable stack trace.
@Erel · 2016-07-19
B4ITutorialPush notifications
Send Push Notification with parse.com
I found and Created an easy way to send push notification without b4x push server. I used parse.com for my apps written with swift and I don''t like b4x because It needs a power on system like vps for store device tokens.In this tutorial I use parse rest api and send device token to parse and store it.
@cloner7801 · 2016-06-11
Create shortcut on OSX to run self hosted builder
Create shortcut on OSX to run self hosted builder
@gjt211 · 2016-05-15
BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) Peripheral
BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) Peripheral
@Erel · 2016-05-04
change Imageview.Bitmap color
change Imageview.Bitmap color
@ilan · 2016-04-02
FloatLabeledEditText (iUI8)
FloatLabeledEditText (iUI8)
@Erel · 2016-02-29
B4ITutorialGame [EXAMPLE]
FlappyBirdClone [Example]
FlappyBirdClone [Example]
@JanPRO · 2016-02-10
B4ITutorialViews - additional
iUI8 library
The controls in this library are implemented as custom views. This means that they should be added with the visual designer. Custom views are made of a base panel and the actual custom view. You can get this panel with the BaseView property. The following views are included: - WKWebView - An improved implementation of WebView with better performance. The API is similar to WebView (with more functionality). - VisualEffectView - A simple view that creates a blur effect
@Erel · 2016-02-01
Identifying LocalNotification using ''Tag''
Identifying LocalNotification using ''Tag''
@Haris Hafeez · 2016-01-30
Publishing Your Apps in CYDIA STORE - DEB Package
Publishing Your Apps in CYDIA STORE - DEB Package
@Alberto Iglesias · 2016-01-02
TableView - Action (swipe) Buttons
TableView - Action (swipe) Buttons
@Erel · 2015-12-06
iOS 9 important changes
iOS 9 important changes
@Erel · 2015-10-19
PageViewController is a pages controller (similar to NavigationController and TabBarController) that allows the user to switch pages with a swipe gesture. It is similar to B4A ViewPager.
@Erel · 2015-10-14
B4ITutorialFile xfer
Background Fetch (Downloads)
Background Fetch (Downloads)
@Erel · 2015-07-09
How to add launch images in B4i
How to add launch images in B4i
@imbault · 2015-06-28
B4ITutorialIcons / fonts
App Icon
App Icon
@Mashiane · 2015-05-28
Install Release ipa to your device with Appandora
Install Release ipa to your device with Appandora
@Mashiane · 2015-05-28
Symbolicating app crash reports
Symbolicating app crash reports
@Pendrush · 2015-05-21
B4ITutorialIcons / fonts
iOS, Android and more - Photoshop icon Templates
iOS, Android and more - Photoshop icon Templates
@Pendrush · 2015-05-20
T3 - The Timer Tutorial
T3 - The Timer Tutorial
@Mark Turney · 2015-03-26
Open local files with external apps
Open local files with external apps
@Erel · 2015-03-18
TableView - B4i ListView
The TableView view from iTableView library wraps the native UITableView control. This control is similar to B4A ListView though it is more powerful. Do not confuse TableView with Table class which is a custom multicolumn table: http://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/class-table.46567/
@Erel · 2015-03-08
TableView with custom items
TableView with custom items
@Erel · 2015-02-26
B4ITutorialPush notifications
Push notifications with new Tool
Push notifications with new Tool
@Alberto Iglesias · 2015-02-17
B4ITutorialViews - effects
Programmatic changing of button images
Programmatic changing of button images
@Mark Turney · 2015-02-14