webview refresh page (and css, js) by javascript b4i
webview refresh page (and css, js) by javascript b4i
@valentino s · 2016-05-25
Create shortcut on OSX to run self hosted builder
Create shortcut on OSX to run self hosted builder
@gjt211 · 2016-05-15
BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) Peripheral
BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) Peripheral
@Erel · 2016-05-04
iGoogleIdentity - Sign in with Google account
Sign in with Google account
@Erel · 2016-05-02
change Imageview.Bitmap color
change Imageview.Bitmap color
@ilan · 2016-04-02
Record Video with LLCamera (audio inclusive)
@narek adonts · 2016-04-02
Set Gradient Color to a View
Set gradient color to a view like panel, label, imageview, button,â¦
@ilan · 2016-04-02
Background Task
Run a Sub in background thread without blocking the UI (Asynchronous)
@narek adonts · 2016-04-01
A tiny wrapper for the native ALAssets framework of iOS which let you get all the photos from the phone, put photos, create album, â¦
@narek adonts · 2016-03-30
A Timer that ticks on each display refresh
@narek adonts · 2016-03-30
Control general audio volume
Control general audio volume
@JackKirk · 2016-03-28
Control ringer volume
Control ringer volume
@JackKirk · 2016-03-28
RefreshControl for TableView and ScrollView
RefreshControl for TableView and ScrollView
@narek adonts · 2016-03-26
Point inside a polygon (Ray casting algorithm)
Point inside a polygon (Ray casting algorithm)
@marcick · 2016-03-23
Allows tracking altitude changes based on air pressure changes
@Erel · 2016-03-16
Numpad B4I
A custom view made of text field (FloatLabeledTextField) and a small numpad that appears when the user clicks on the field.
@Erel · 2016-03-02
FloatLabeledEditText (iUI8)
FloatLabeledEditText (iUI8)
@Erel · 2016-02-29
A dynamic self calibrating more accurate Timer
@JackKirk · 2016-02-24
Convert latitude-longitude strings to double
Convert latitude/longitude strings to double
@JackKirk · 2016-02-12
FlappyBirdClone [Example]
FlappyBirdClone [Example]
@JanPRO · 2016-02-10
Contacts Library (iOS 9+)
Retrieve contacts data on iOS 9+
@Haris Hafeez · 2016-02-07
ZXBarcodeScanner - similar to Android ZXing app - with full torch control
ZXBarcodeScanner - similar to Android ZXing app - with full torch control
@JackKirk · 2016-02-07
Easy way to put combo in your B4i apps
@Alberto Iglesias · 2016-02-05
iUI8 library
The controls in this library are implemented as custom views. This means that they should be added with the visual designer. Custom views are made of a base panel and the actual custom view. You can get this panel with the BaseView property. The following views are included: - WKWebView - An improved implementation of WebView with better performance. The API is similar to WebView (with more functionality). - VisualEffectView - A simple view that creates a blur effect
@Erel · 2016-02-01
This class is similar to B4A SearchView class. It allows the user to filter a list of items based on a term (prefix matches first followed by other matches).
@Erel · 2016-02-01
Identifying LocalNotification using ''Tag''
Identifying LocalNotification using ''Tag''
@Haris Hafeez · 2016-01-30
Image Transformation
Blur Image, Black and White Image, Grey Image, Erode, Dilate, Emboss
@joilts · 2016-01-10
@Pendrush · 2016-01-08
Publishing Your Apps in CYDIA STORE - DEB Package
Publishing Your Apps in CYDIA STORE - DEB Package
@Alberto Iglesias · 2016-01-02
This class mimics the B4A Checkbox programming interface, but is implemented using a B4i Switch so that it visually looks like it belongs in iOS.
@Hugh Thomas · 2015-12-09