Facebook Mediation With Admob
A very short and easy tutorial for showing facebook audience network ads on our iOS apps
@tufanv · 2017-03-28
B4i GitHub Libraries created by Alberto Iglesias
B4i GitHub Libraries created by Alberto Iglesias
@Alberto Iglesias · 2017-02-14
iSDWebImage Wrapper
This library provides an async image downloader with cache support. For convenience, we added categories for UI elements like UIImageView , UIButton , MKAnnotationView .
@icefairy333 · 2017-02-07
ios Map caller(for Chinese)
ios Map caller(for Chinese)
@icefairy333 · 2017-01-20
Supports: 1.loading image from web(into imageview); 2.download image from web with callback event; 3.cache(or not) with files; 4.customize cache time setting
@icefairy333 · 2017-01-09
Dims for FontAwesome names and hex codes
@icefairy333 · 2017-01-04
RadioButton groups
@icefairy333 · 2016-12-30
DropboxSync Tutorial
Dropbox has dropped support for this API. It doesn''t work anymore.
@Erel · 2016-12-30
You can using this to build picviewer class or image crop
@IceFairy333 · 2016-12-26
BarButton icons
Add icons to any view with a text property. This includes the toolbar buttons.
@Erel · 2016-12-15
Compile As Library
B4i v3.50 adds support for library compilation
@Erel · 2016-12-15
fixImageOrientation from camera
fixImageOrientation from camera
@icefairy333 · 2016-12-15
@Erel · 2016-12-05
Designer-Compatible ComboBox Class
Designer-Compatible ComboBox Class
@Derek Johnson · 2016-11-16
iSpeechRecognition - Voice to Text
iSpeechRecognition - Voice to Text
@Erel · 2016-11-10
make datepicker Chinese style
make datepicker Chinese style
@icefairy333 · 2016-11-10
iContacts + ContactsUtils
ContactsUtils is a class that together with iContacts library, provide read and write access to the device contacts store.
@Erel · 2016-11-09
Simple PatternView [class]
This is a simple patternview-class. I have tested it on my iPhone6+ without problems. Feel free to use or improve it.
@schimanski · 2016-11-08
imageloader with file cache
Deprecated; it''s better to using this:https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/imageloaderv2.75022/
@icefairy333 · 2016-11-02
AdMob - Rewarded video ads
AdMob v1.50 (included in B4i v3.0) adds support for rewarded video ads. Rewarded video ads are video ads where the user is rewarded if he watches the full video. How is the user rewarded is up to you. In many games for example, the users will receive an extra life if they watch the video ad. AdMob doesn''t serve such ads directly. You need to use the mediation feature to add an ad network that does support such ads.
@Erel · 2016-10-09
AdMob Ads Mediation (with InMobi)
AdMob supports ads mediation. This means that the ad can come from different ad networks and not just from Google AdMob network. It can improve the fill rate and the revenue earned.
@Erel · 2016-10-09
FacebookShare - Share Photo, Video, Link with native Facebook App
After that Erel has added the iFacebook Library this is a small addon to be able to share photo, video, link with native Facebook iOS app. Those are just the basics. I can be extended a lot.
@narek adonts · 2016-09-26
How to submit your app to Apple iTunes
This is for local compile i.e. using your own Mac.
@MikeH · 2016-08-16
Send Push Notification with OneSignal
In this tutorial I use onesignal rest api and send device token to onesignal and store it
@cloner7801 · 2016-08-08
clsSlideBar for B4A-B4i [B4I]
This class implements a "SlideBar" which is a cross between a B4A SeekBar and a B4i Slider. It presents the same interface on B4A and B4i, and in fact the class code is the same on B4A and B4i. i.e., you can select all of the class code in B4i and cut and paste it into a B4A class module (and vice versa). It is implemented as a Custom View so can be set up either in the Designer or programmatically. Examples of both are included in the attached sample project.
@Hugh Thomas · 2016-07-24
Symbolicating a crash report
The steps required to symbolicate a crash report received from Apple. The result is a readable stack trace.
@Erel · 2016-07-19
Icon to Hide Keyboard
IOS doesn´t have a key to hide the keyboard. I show how to add a icon to hide the keyboard.
@Humberto · 2016-07-17
Better Progress Bar and Circular with Stop, Blur, Small, Big and Colors
@Alberto Iglesias · 2016-07-12
Class to try to simplify porting a B4A app to B4i.
@Hugh Thomas · 2016-07-06
Send Push Notification with parse.com
I found and Created an easy way to send push notification without b4x push server. I used parse.com for my apps written with swift and I don''t like b4x because It needs a power on system like vps for store device tokens.In this tutorial I use parse rest api and send device token to parse and store it.
@cloner7801 · 2016-06-11