Allows you to add circular progress bars to your app''s layou
@JanPRO · 2017-09-25
Allows you to add ColorSlider to your app''s layout
@JanPRO · 2017-09-25
A great way to make loading spinners in your application look nicer. It contains 6 different indicator view styles
@JanPRO · 2017-09-25
iPopTip - beautiful PopOver
iPopTip - beautiful PopOver
@JanPRO · 2017-09-25
iSpriteKit is a wrapper of Apple''s SpriteKit Framework which allows you to create 2D games.
@JanPRO · 2017-09-25
iTesseract- Simple OCR
iTesseract is a wrapper of the Tesseract IOS Framework and allows you to recognize text from images (OCR- optical character recognition).
@JanPRO · 2017-09-25
iRSA - RSA encryption / decryption
iRSA - RSA asymmetric encryption / decryption
@Erel · 2017-09-03
B4i implementation of CustomListView
@Erel · 2017-08-27
Simple Parallax Scrolling iSpriteKit
Simple Parallax Scrolling iSpriteKit
@ilan · 2017-08-21
Change BackButton Title
This code will change back button Title, instead using name of previus page
@Emme Developer · 2017-07-27
Sometimes, meanwhile i work with AttributedString, i need to start more Span for a single Text, or i need to load a string from database o file (for example for translate). So i want to share this simple class, that for sure can be extended with other method. This helps to start a span for each words between marker, like RichString.
@Emme Developer · 2017-07-26
RDC - DBRequestManager
B4i implementation of DBRequestManager which is the client side of RDC
@Erel · 2017-07-24
Swifter - Inline Swift code support [Tool]
Here you can find a new (experimental) tool called Swifter (v. 1.0 beta) which allows you to add Swift code to your B4i Project.
@JanPRO · 2017-07-04
B4i implementation of DBUtils
@Erel · 2017-07-03
AMAZON WEB SERVICES S3 V4 Signature Calculator [code module]
The attached zip contains a code module that calculates V4 signatures for Amazon Web Services (AWS) Simple Storage Service (S3) REST API requests, enabling creation of AWS S3 PUT/GET/DELETE requests. You basically just plug in the properties necessary for a signature calculation and call Signature. The accompanying example code has 4 worked examples that actually generate the signatures the AWS documentation says they should. There is extensive in-line documentation.
@JackKirk · 2017-07-02
Chart with JS (WebView)
Shows the basic integration of a BarChart with Chart.js.
@JanPRO · 2017-06-23
iExternalAccessory - A flexible and customize way to connect MFi devices
This library was built for create apps using devices with iAP protocol and MFi.
@Alberto Iglesias · 2017-06-09
JustImgSlider - simple horizontal image slider class B4I
This is a port of the Image slider that peacemaker created, with a couple of additional features.
@Andrew (Digitwell) · 2017-06-06
ATS - App Transport Security
ATS is a security feature that prevents applications to make non-ssl http connections. This means that when ATS is enabled applications can only access https urls. Starting from 1/1/2017, ATS must be enabled on new or updated applications.
@Erel · 2017-06-05
Multilanguage Easy
I develop a simple rotine to translate language using text file like "NotePad"
@Humberto · 2017-05-22
XPhoneSensor class - Motion object as per B4A
This class allows you to easily port to B4i a B4A app that uses the B4A PhoneSensors object with types TYPE_ACCELEROMETER, TYPE_MAGNETIC_FIELD and TYPE_GYROSCOPE.
@JackKirk · 2017-05-22
DecimalNumber (similar to B4A BigNumber)
This class uses NativeObject to access NSDecimalNumber type. Unlike BigNumber library, the objects are immutable. This means that the value of a DecimalNumber instance cannot change. A new value can be assigned.
@Erel · 2017-05-09
iBeacons are small, low powered peripherals, that use BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) to advertise their information. The BeaconParser class can be used together with the BLE library to search for beacons. On Android, BeaconParser will find iBeacons, however not on iOS. iOS treats iBeacons in a different way. The attached example extends the Location library with inline Objective C code to search for iBeacons. You need to know the iBeacon UDID of the beacon you are searching for. The user will need to first allow the app to access the location services (don''t miss the two #PlistExtra lines).
@Erel · 2017-05-07
CSBuilder - AttributedStrings builder
AttributedStrings are strings with additional styling information. CSBuilder is a new type added in B4i v4.00 which helps with creating such strings. It is an alternative to iRichString class: https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/48573/#content
@Erel · 2017-05-04
Official iOS MQTT client
@Erel · 2017-04-27
In order to develop easier application cross-platoform, i made a little "port" of Android DSTabLayout.
@Emme Developer · 2017-04-25
iCircleMenu [CustomView]
Description: iCircleMenu is a wrapper of the CircleMenu project and allows you to add beautiful CircleMenus to your app''s layout.
@JanPRO · 2017-04-02
Breakout [Example]
Breakout [Example]
@JanPRO · 2017-03-29
clsImageResizer - Rotate, Pinch, Move Image with Fingers or a Button (like adding a sticker)
An image resizer like in other apps which add a sticker,...
@narek adonts · 2017-03-28
clsInputAccessoryView - View always docked to bottom of a Page
This class will allow you create a page with a View (ex. TextField) always sticks to the bottom of the page and move with the keyboard automatically. This class is also useful to learn to write customs controls with Objective C and use it in B4i.
@narek adonts · 2017-03-28