iSD Switch
iSD Switch
@Star-Dust · 2018-08-22
A good thing for you MarkPatternCSbuilder
Convert any string with pattern to look like a link
@Pooya1 · 2018-08-17
An Android style menu class
A class to emulate the Android menus
@Didier9 · 2018-07-19
Location Services Blue Bar
Location Services Blue Bar
@Sandman · 2018-07-12
Automatic Content Recognition Library
Create Apps to identify Music, Shows, TV Channels and more. Over 40 million Music Fingerprint Database & 3rd Party IDs Supported. Check this website first to create your account and get your keys to use this library:
@Alberto Iglesias · 2018-06-16
iGameView - Library for games
iGameView is a port of B4A GameView library: It also includes methods for low latency audio playback, similar to B4A SoundPool. These features are based on the following open source project: (see the license in the readme). You can use the audio playback features without the GameView drawing features.
@Erel · 2018-06-06
Msgbox with timeout
A Msgbox that disappears automatically after the set timeout. The result is "Cancel".
@Erel · 2018-05-31
iBarcode library
This library allows you to use the device camera to scan for all kinds of barcodes.
@Erel · 2018-05-17
Face ID on iPhone X
There is a useful thread on how to use Touch ID. The code will work, as the API is the same, but there will be a warning message "This app was designed to support Touch ID. It has not been updated for Face ID". At some stage, Apple may perhaps reject apps that don''t have the necessary. However, it seems all you need to do is add a PlistExtra key, NSFaceIDUsageDescription
@nwhitfield · 2018-05-15
Fast arrays access
B4i v5.0 adds several methods to the Bit object that provide very fast access to arrays. In most cases there is no reason to use these methods as they are more cumbersome and less safe than the standard way to access arrays. If your performance critical code does many reads or writes to arrays then you should consider switching to the "fast methods". ''Many'' means millions+ reads or writes.
@Erel · 2018-05-13
CSBuilder text direction
This code adds a NSParagraphStyle to CSBuilder and changes the text direction to right to left
@Erel · 2018-04-08
Class Calendar
Here the custom calendar class for B4A ( now for B4i ) by @Takeru17 ( )
@MarcoRome · 2018-03-06
SortedMap; A Sorted Collection [Beta/Preview]
This collection is very similar to the Java TreeMap collection I wrapped for B4j and B4A a while back. However this version is written completely in B4X. It''s based on a red black self balancing binary search tree. If you want to understand how this works take look at this superb visualization tool which was of invaluable help in coding this. As the collection is tree based it''s very easy and fast to return portions of the Map based on the key values as shown in the example code.
@keirS · 2018-03-04
Equivalent RSPopupMenu for B4i
I made a class that it is equivalent RSPopupMenu in B4A. So you can switch from b4a to b4i with this class easily.
@Pooya1 · 2018-02-06
Gallery Grid
I make library that you can show pictures in grid. I use tableview for this library
@Pooya1 · 2018-02-04
iNMSSH - SFTP file transfer
iNMSSH is based on NMSSH open source library: It implements the SFTP protocol.
@Erel · 2018-01-10
OTA Deployer
Easily distribute your app to beta testers
@Erel · 2017-12-21
ShowPage Animated
A ShowPage animation Code Module
@ilan · 2017-12-20
iOS error code
There is an official tutorial by Erel how to get info about ios error code from your analytics log. Its a little bit complex so i found a different easy way.
@ilan · 2017-12-18
iMedia library - Camera and VideoView
iMedia library - Camera and VideoView
@Erel · 2017-11-19
iMapList - combining a Map and a List
A MapList is a combination of a Map and a List and implements most of the attributes and methods of both types. Why would you want to use as MapList? To have fast lookup (by Key) and to have control over the order of Values held in the MapList.
@Misterbates · 2017-11-08
Super small tutorial: Messing with #PlistExtra might get unrelated error
Super small tutorial: Messing with #PlistExtra might get unrelated error
@Sandman · 2017-10-25
B4I Creating a cross-platform dialog class with input validation
Creating a cross-platform dialog class with input validation
@Misterbates · 2017-10-19
Writing libraries for B4i [Objective C]
Writing libraries for B4i [Objective C]
@Erel · 2017-10-19
Leadbolt SDK (ads)
Leadbolt SDK (ads)
@Erel · 2017-10-18
Three routines to adjust a label to fit its text: * SizeToFitWidth - given a width (and using the label''s font), adjust the label''s height * SizeToFitHeight - given a height (and using the label''s font), adjust the label''s width * SizeFontToFit - given some text for the label (and using the label''s width/height), adjust the label''s fontsize so that the text fills the label * MeasureExpectedSize - Returns Width/Height/FontSize (type SizeToFit_Metrics) for a label that hasn''t yet been added to an activity/view (using Reflector object) * getFontSize & setFontSize - cross-platform subs to get/set the fontsize for a label
@Misterbates · 2017-10-17
iPropertyEditor - display/edit object properties or database fields / create an App settings page
iPropertyEditor is available for IOS and Android and can be used to present object properties to the user for review and editing. It is modelled on the IOS Settings App (see
@Misterbates · 2017-10-10
Icons and Launch Images
App Icons and Launch Images
@Erel · 2017-10-03
iAlertView - the beautiful MsgBox alternative
Allows you to add AlertViews to your app''s layout
@JanPRO · 2017-09-25
A wrapper for the Chartboost framework, which allows you to show ads and earn money
@JanPRO · 2017-09-25