Show and record screen taps
Whilst iOS has a nice built-in screen recorder it doesn''t show screen taps. If you are using a local mac, this is an easy way (though a bit of a hack) to show the taps which are then recordable.
@CaptKronos · 2019-04-27
Monitor http requests progress
Monitor http requests progress
@Erel · 2019-04-16
B4IClassImages [CLASS]
FaceDetector [Class]
FaceDetector is a class that uses Apple''s Vision framework which was introduced with iOS11. The class basically returns a list of detected faces, and each face consists of a list of floats which represent the x and y coordinates of various face landmarks. The class explicitly exposes the left and right eye pupils, because those were the landmarks I''m interested in. To interpret the rest of the points you can refer here: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/45298639/ios11-vision-framework-mapping-all-face-landmarks.
@CaptKronos · 2019-03-22
A bit dirty way to give orientation rotation to certain pages in an essentially portrait-only app
A bit dirty way to give orientation rotation to certain pages in an essentially portrait-only app
@JackKirk · 2019-03-21
B4i IDEViewer Client Library for B4XIDEViewer
A B4X Tool which can show bitmaps, images and saved pictures from your B4XIDE on your computer. You can also play video and audio files present on your device. You can show and search huge text files, show PDFs, GIF-images and more….
@moster67 · 2019-03-13
B4ITutorialFile handling
Files and Folders
Files and Folders
@Erel · 2019-02-11
Add QuickActions to your App
Add QuickActions to your App
@JanPRO · 2019-02-07
DeviceCheck - uniquely identify iOS device
In this tutorial (intended for advanced B4i user) I want to demonstrate how you can use the DeviceCheck framework (introduced with iOS 11) in order to uniquely identify an iOS device.
@JanPRO · 2019-01-06
B4ISnippetViews - effects
Set horizontal gradient to view
Set horizontal gradient to view
@hatzisn · 2018-12-30
B4ITutorialPush notifications
Silent Push Notifications
Silent Push Notifications
@Erel · 2018-12-28
Convert dates between several formats
@alimanam3386 · 2018-12-07
@alimanam3386 · 2018-12-07
Glide is an image loading and caching library for iOS focused on smooth scrolling.
@alimanam3386 · 2018-12-03
iARKit - Augmented Reality - Recognizing Images in an AR Experience
iARKit - Augmented Reality - Recognizing Images in an AR Experience
@Alberto Iglesias · 2018-12-02
Custom Dialogs with iCustomDialog library
B4i v4.30 includes a new library named iCustomDialog. It is based on SCLAlertView open source project (https://github.com/dogo/SCLAlertView). It makes it simple to create custom dialogs. It is quite similar to B4A CustomLayoutDialog from the Dialogs library (https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/t...stom-dialogs-and-async-methods.80204/#content).
@Erel · 2018-11-26
B4ITutorialFile handling
Picking external documents with DocumentPickerViewController
iUI8 v1.60 adds a new type named DocumentPickerViewController. This picker allows the user to choose an external document. The document will be imported (copied) to your app file system.
@Erel · 2018-11-15
SD: RollMenu
SD: RollMenu
@Star-Dust · 2018-10-29
Play Beep Sound
Play Beep Sound
@aeric · 2018-10-24
Open Source - PDFjet for Swift / iOS
Open Source - PDFjet for Swift / iOS
@EDragoev · 2018-10-19
B4ISnippetSlider [NO WRAP][B4I]
FluidSlider [No Wrap] [B4I]
(B4i) FluidSlider [No Wrap]
@Star-Dust · 2018-10-10
@Star-Dust · 2018-10-08
SD: DragBoard B4I
SD: DragBoard
@Star-Dust · 2018-10-07
SD: ImageCrop
This new library will allow you to make cuts on images in a square (rectangular), circle and ellipse. Moreover, the image can be enlarged by the user, and rotated to obtain different cuts. I have used XUI libraries, if I have time I convert it to Android. The full version will be distributed to those making a donation. You can contact me in private.
@Star-Dust · 2018-10-06
TableView: Draggable Items
Allows you to have draggable items in a tableview.
@JanPRO · 2018-10-05
B4i JavascriptInterface
B4i JavascriptInterface
@tucano2000 · 2018-09-22
Simple and customizable button in Swift.
@Erel · 2018-09-20
Textchanged difference between B4a and B4i
I found an interesting difference between the textchanged event in B4a and B4i. In B4a, EditText1_TextChanged will fire whenever the text is changed whether by User or in code. In B4i, TextField1_TextChanged will fire when User changes the field but does not fire in code.
@gregchao · 2018-09-11
Background location tracking
Background location tracking
@Erel · 2018-09-09
Disable scroll Textview
Disable scroll Textview
@Pooya1 · 2018-09-04
iHockeyCrash - crash reports
iHockeyCrash is a wrapper of the HockeySDK (only the crash part) and allows you to receive crash reports directly to your Hockey dashboard, where they are symbolicated automatically (no mac required, you just need to upload the dsym symbols).
@JanPRO · 2018-08-23