iNES - NES Emulator for B4i - Create your own NES Console using NES ROMs
iNES - NES Emulator for B4i - Create your own NES Console using NES ROMs
@Alberto Iglesias · 2020-03-16
Publishing your app to the App Store
Publishing your app to the App Store
@Erel · 2020-03-11
Change marker image in the googlemap view
Change marker image in the googlemap view
@Modern_Digital · 2020-03-04
Clears all markers, polylines and ground overlays that has been added to the googlemap
Clears all markers, polylines and ground overlays that has been added to the googlemap
@Modern_Digital · 2020-03-04
Set the googlemap view minZoom and maxZoom values
Set the googlemap view minZoom and maxZoom values
@Modern_Digital · 2020-03-04
Swift libraries
B4i v3.60 adds support for libraries written in Swift and compiled as frameworks.
@Erel · 2020-03-02
GifView [FLAnimatedImage]
FLAnimatedImage is a performant animated GIF engine for iOS: Plays multiple GIFs simultaneously with a playback speed comparable to desktop browsers Honors variable frame delays Behaves gracefully under memory pressure Eliminates delays or blocking during the first playback loop Interprets the frame delays of fast GIFs the same way modern browsers do
@Semen Matusovskiy · 2020-02-22
B4ITutorialImages [COVER][CONTAIN]
ImageView Fill [cover] & Fit-Inside [contain] (B4I)
ImageView Fill [cover] & Fit-Inside [contain]
@Brandsum · 2020-02-12
Haptic Touch
Generate Haptic Touch feedback (vibration)
@Mike1970 · 2020-02-05
Exit application
Exit application
@Recep Cinet · 2020-01-21
iTopNotifications - Sliding notifications
This is a wrapper for LNRSimpleNotifications. It implements nice sliding notifications that slide from the top or bottom. The user can click on the notification to dismiss it or wait for the set duration.
@Erel · 2020-01-13
B4ITutorialIn-App Billing
In-App Purchase Receipt Validation
I needed a way to verify the transaction receipt from the In-app Purchases in an app i''m working on, below is what is needed in case anyone else needs to accomplish the same task. A secure server is needed in order for the receipt information to be verified with App Store. The PHP script simply takes the receipt data passed from your app and send that data over to the App Store to be verified.
@walterf25 · 2019-12-27
Chat Layout Example [some corrections needed]
Chat Layout Example [some corrections needed]
@Mike1970 · 2019-12-16
iAdMob and User Consent
iAdMob and User Consent
@Erel · 2019-12-11
B4IClassNotifications [CLASS]
Foreground Notifications [class]
For my personal need, i had to write a small class in order receive notification when the app is showing (foreground).
@Mike1970 · 2019-12-09
B4ISnippetTabStripViewPager [LIKE TABVIEW IN B4A]
Horizontal Panel Scroller [like TabView in B4A] with PageIndicator
A horizontal panel scroller, that correctly centers the loaded layout in the panels
@Mike1970 · 2019-12-03
B4IClassImages [CLASS]
XALAssets - an improved ALAssets wrapper for photo library management [Class]
XALAssets - an improved ALAssets wrapper for photo library management [Class]
@JackKirk · 2019-11-13
iOS - TouchID
This code will allow to use the TouchID (Fingerprint) in your app.
@narek adonts · 2019-11-05
Getting/saving photos with metadata
Small class (BitmapEx) for following tasks 1) Getting photos with metadata similar Camera app 2) Disable autorotate (not all external viewers understand "orientation")
@Semen Matusovskiy · 2019-10-31
Geofence - Monitoring a region
This example extends iLocation library to allow monitoring regions in the background.
@Erel · 2019-10-28
B4IToolImages [2]
B4i Screenshots resizer [2]
This is a new little tool (made in B4J) that can avoid the tedious job of resizing images in the Apple Store.
@MarcoRome · 2019-10-27
B4IClassImages [CLASS]
Photo management library based on PHAsset [CLASS]
Photo management library based on PHAsset [CLASS]
@JackKirk · 2019-10-26
@Star-Dust · 2019-10-15
iReleaseLogger combined with the desktop B4iLogger tool (written with B4J) allow you to monitor the app logs in release mode. This is useful when you encounter an error that you are unable to reproduce in debug mode.
@Erel · 2019-10-14
Uploading from a local Mac builder with XCode 11
Uploading from a local Mac builder with XCode 11
@nwhitfield · 2019-09-24
Markdown to Attributed String
As promised, here is the small code module and snippets that I use to turn markdown text stored on my server to attributed strings. This method splits the load between server and client app and is by no means a full Markdown / CommonMark implementation. But for basic headings, unnumbered lists, and emphasis, it does the job. Server side, this is how I prepare an item ( $newsitem[''storyText''] is a news item, with markdown formatting; Parsedown is the PHP library I use on the site. Link detection is set up only to work will fully marked up links, ie the [title here](url here) sort)
@nwhitfield · 2019-09-11
iWKWebView Library without Designer
Who needs to use WKWebView without the Designer, he can use the following library.
@Fabio Campanella · 2019-09-02
Load HTML to Label
Load HTML to Label
@Brandsum · 2019-06-09
B4ITutorialList- and scrollview
Add UIRefreshControl To CustomListView
You can use this class to add refresh control to any CLV of any page you want.
@Brandsum · 2019-05-31
Setting a button''s image/icon
Setting a button''s image/icon
@Marcus Araujo · 2019-04-27