A material style progress wheel for iOS
@User242424 · 2020-10-21
Example CubeExample [ GPUImage ]
Example CubeExample [ GPUImage ]
@naifnas · 2020-10-17
Firebase Crashlytics
This is a wrapper of Firebase Crashlytics library for B4i. I made this for @Jack Cole and he gave me permission to post this in forum to help other users.
@Biswajit · 2020-10-15
HttpJob Clear Cookies
HttpJob Clear Cookies
@lucasheer · 2020-10-15
Example Image Face Detection
Example Image Face Detection
@naifnas · 2020-10-14
NFC - Reading Ndef tags
iOS 11 adds support for reading Ndef tags. This feature is supported by iPhone 7 and newer devices. It requires Xcode 9. For now the hosted builders are running Xcode 8 (they will be upgraded in a month or two) so you must use a local builder.
@Erel · 2020-10-07
B4XLib - NHSocialShare library
This is a library to share text in all social apps and not only... I compiled the code into a library and made it a lot easier for me and for everyone to use it.
@hatzisn · 2020-09-06
Easy way to run threads
Easy way to run threads
@Semen Matusovskiy · 2020-09-06
New way to upload ipa to App Store
I just found out that Application Loader is no longer exist or missing from the latest XCode 11.5 or 11.6 so to upload our B4i app, we need to download Transporter from the App Store.
@aeric · 2020-08-25
Show an image in remote/push notification
Show an image in remote/push notification
@Biswajit · 2020-08-22
ActivityViewController in B4XPages
Passing a Page as a parameter
@Nicolás Cieri · 2020-08-20
Remove touch listener and cancel action
While building the Pleroma client (https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/b4x-b4xpages-pleroma-mastodon-client-step-1.119426/), I''ve encountered several cases where the touch events had some unwanted behavior. The reason for this, is that there are multiple stacked views that listen for the touch events: B4XDrawer, xCustomListView (= ScrollView) and panels that hold the modified BBCodeViews. Here are two things that help improve the touch events behavior.
@Erel · 2020-08-04
FilePicker for iOS [CLASS]
FilePicker for iOS [CLASS]
@ilan · 2020-07-17
Gif Maker for B4i
Gif Maker for B4i
@ilan · 2020-06-23
ActivityClass: A cross-platform development class and strategy for b4i/b4a
ActivityClass: A cross-platform development class and strategy for b4i/b4a
@Jack Cole · 2020-06-16
Match the flags. Extremely basic game tutorial for new B4X B4i developers - Newer developers
Match the flags. Extremely basic game tutorial for new B4X B4i developers - Newer developers
@Peter Simpson · 2020-06-11
Tic-Tac-Toe. Extremely basic XUI cross platform WiFi game example B4i vs B4A - Newer developers
Tic-Tac-Toe. Extremely basic XUI cross platform WiFi game example B4i vs B4A - Newer developers
@Peter Simpson · 2020-06-10
Interface orientations for separate pages
Interface orientations for separate pages
@Semen Matusovskiy · 2020-05-31
UserNotificationCenter class
A class that creates local notifications based on the newer iOS 10+ API. The notifications are configured to show even when the app is in the foreground. You can also add actions to the notification.
@Erel · 2020-05-18
Background playback
Background playback
@Erel · 2020-05-17
With this library, you can fully customise how your line chart looks. Itâs easy to setup and use in any iOS project. It supports chart settings directly from interface builder with live preview. Automatic redrawing on orientation change will make it easy for an application that has portrait and landscape layout.
@alimanam3386 · 2020-05-16
iPopupDialog - A fully customizable popup dialog
This is a fully customizable popup dialog which supports Image, Video, Custom View, Simple text, Long Scrollable text and many more.
@Biswajit · 2020-05-11
Local Notification with image
Local Notification with image
@Biswajit · 2020-05-11
Lottie [Render After Effects Animations Natively]
An iOS library to natively render After Effects vector animations
@Biswajit · 2020-05-11
UITableView LongClick Trigger
UITableView is a very powerful Listview. It loads items very fast and scrolling is very smooth. thanx to b4i it is also very customizable.
@ilan · 2020-05-04
Creating long lists using xCustomListView with Lazy Loading - Newer developers
Creating long lists using xCustomListView with Lazy Loading - Newer developers
@Peter Simpson · 2020-05-01
Retrieving cookies from a WKWebView
Retrieving cookies from a WKWebView
@CaptKronos · 2020-04-24
Retrieving 2 JSON data feeds from an online server - Shared module with B4A
Here is a simple to follow B4i tutorial on how to retrieve JSON data from an online server, in this case I''m using a well known Coronavirus COVID-19 data feed. The project layout file can easily be copied and pasted into a B4A layout file, you can also place the code module into a shared folder as B4i and B4A both use the exact same shared code module.
@Peter Simpson · 2020-04-14
Additional properties for existing classes
Tag property holds an object and allows to keep many parameters (for example, as Map). But to use separate fields is more comfortable. An attached sample (based on stackoverflow''s ideas) shows how to add properties myProperty1, myProperty2 to any view. Main part - OBJC code.
@Semen Matusovskiy · 2020-04-02
Video corso Preparazione ambiente di sviluppo B4i
Free course "Preparing development environment for B4 IOS".
@arenaluigi · 2020-03-24