B4IClassList- and scrollview [CLASS]
B4i [class] CLVDragger - drag to reorder items in customlistview
B4i [class] CLVDragger - drag to reorder items in customlistview
@Binary01 · 2021-07-20
Verify receipts for Auto-renewable subscriptions
How to verify "Auto-renewable subscription" purchases in the Apple App Store.
@fredo · 2021-07-16
B4ILibraryComms & Network [ICMP]
iPing - Send and receive ping [ICMP] packets
iPing - Send and receive ping [ICMP] packets
@Erel · 2021-07-11
Sign in with Apple and Firebase
Sign in with Apple and Firebase
@Erel · 2021-06-11
CalcRelativeKeyboardHeight Example
CalcRelativeKeyboardHeight Example
@Erel · 2021-05-26
Keep Track of Pages [getCurrentPage] [e.g. Access Network Dialog workaround]
I had the need to know what was the page displayed when Application_Active sub is fired
@Mike1970 · 2021-05-24
iQBImagePicker - Multiple selection image picker
This is a wrapper for QBImagePicker https://github.com/questbeat/QBImagePicker, an image picker that provides for multiple image and video selection.
@CaptKronos · 2021-05-22
B4ISnippetAudio/Video [AND VIBRATION]
Play SystemSounds [and Vibration]
Play every sound you want from the systemsounds of iOS, by passing the ID
@Mike1970 · 2021-05-12
BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy)
This library allows you to connect and read data from BLE peripheral devices.
@Erel · 2021-05-06
In-App Screen Capture - ReplayKit
In-App Screen Capture - ReplayKit
@sfsameer · 2021-05-02
Erels B4I Oveview from Walt''s B4xGoodies - created with B4xgoodies Explorer using BVAD3
Erels B4I Oveview from Walt''s B4xGoodies - created with B4xgoodies Explorer using BVAD3
@Mashiane · 2021-04-27
B4ILibraryComms & Network
iUI9 - Safari Controller
1. SafariController is a full page controller. It is not a view. 2. You can only use it to show web content. You cannot extract anything or modify the content. 3. It is a full browser with most of Mobile Safari features. Another important feature of SafariController is that it can open non-https urls without disabling the ATS service. Apple will make it impossible (or difficult) to disable it in the future.
@Erel · 2021-04-08
B4ILibraryhttp [BETA]
SD: iHttpServer [beta]
I started developing a version of the HttpServer Library for iOs. It is still a beta version and not complete, but already functional. You can start using it to test it. Digest Auth will be added in the future. It is entirely written in B4i, it depends on the iNetwork library
@Star-Dust · 2021-03-29
B4ISnippetComms & Network
adding SFSafariViewController
adding SFSafariViewController
@Andrew (Digitwell) · 2021-03-24
FirebaseAuth - Authenticate your users (Google + Facebook)
FirebaseAuth allows your app to identify the user based on their Google or Facebook accounts.
@Erel · 2021-03-17
BLE Chat - Connecting Android and iOS
BLE Chat - Connecting Android and iOS
@Erel · 2021-03-14
Use Face ID Touch ID and Passcode
This is a short tutorial/code snippet on how to successfully implement Touch ID in your app.
@Alexander Stolte · 2021-03-04
Color Picker [class] [custom view]
Color Picker [class] [custom view]
@Erel · 2021-02-07
Zip / Unzip
@Erel · 2021-02-07
iEncryption library
This library supports: - Generating cryptographically secure random values. - Hash calculations (message digest) - Encryption and decryption
@Erel · 2021-02-07
Edit: the library is already included in the IDE. - A WebSocket client implementation
@Erel · 2021-02-07
Keyboard will hide notification
The KeyboardStatePage event is raised before the keyboard becomes visible and after the keyboard is hidden. There are cases where you want to do something right before the keyboard is closed. For example, to start moving a view.
@Erel · 2021-01-18
iRangeBar Library
iRangeBar Library
@walterf25 · 2021-01-07
iCropView - The Best option for Crop Images (Square, Circular, Retangular)
iCropView - The Best option for Crop Images (Square, Circular, Retangular)
@Alberto Iglesias · 2021-01-03
iHealth - Get the health information from HeathKit framework
iHealth - Get the health information from HeathKit framework
@Alberto Iglesias · 2021-01-03
B4ISnippetDialogs [MODAL]
Input Dialog [modal] - slightly modified from the Erel one
The original code: https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/inputdialog-function.52811/post-331242 I modified the code to be able to add two buttons, and receive the "Success" parameter to distinguish when the user tap on the positive button or cancel button.
@Mike1970 · 2020-12-30
Google App Open Ads B4I
Google App Open Ads
@Biswajit · 2020-12-29
iTabStrip library implements a controller similar to B4A TabStripViewPager.
@Erel · 2020-11-26
iTiled (for iSpritekit)
with iTiled you will be able to import Tiled .tmx files to your B4i (iSpritekit) project. it is much more simpler to create games with Tiled. you can even create menu scenes or shop scenes and not only the game scene itself.
@ilan · 2020-11-20
RichString B4I
The RichString class uses NativeObject to create attributed strings. Similar to B4A RichString library.
@Erel · 2020-10-22