B4ITutorialWidget [TOOL]
iWidget - add a today widget to your App [Tool]
iWidget - add a today widget to your App [Tool]
@JanPRO · 2022-09-18
StoreKit2 - Server to Server communication with Apple servers - Clear purchases history for sandbox tester
StoreKit2 - Server to Server communication with Apple servers - Clear purchases history for sandbox tester
@hatzisn · 2022-08-27
Third party antivirus interferes with b4i
Third party antivirus interferes with b4i
@bobbruns · 2022-08-10
Time converter
My own routines for time conversion. All these routines can be inserted into a library or a code module.
@Filippo · 2022-07-31
B4ISnippetFile handling
File.Exists on Special folder
File.Exists on Special folder
@Star-Dust · 2022-07-30
TextView - Set Padding
TextView - Set Padding
@Alexander Stolte · 2022-07-19
B4ITutorialPush notifications
Push notifications
Push notifications
@Erel · 2022-06-21
iPopView - A Pop View based on UIPopover pop with a lot of possibilities
iPopView - A Pop View based on UIPopover pop with a lot of possibilities
@Alberto Iglesias · 2022-06-12
Bundle Configuration
This is a list where you can extract some application information
@alfaiz678 · 2022-05-30
B4ILibraryComms & Network
Socket.IO Client Library B4I
Socket.IO Client Library
@Brandsum · 2022-05-14
This class extends GoogleMaps library.
@Erel · 2022-05-01
HUD Toast message multiple lines
HUD Toast message multiple lines
@Robert Valentino · 2022-04-23
CheckBoxes / RadioButtons - **Warning** this code may smell
CheckBoxes and RadioButtons for B4I
@Robert Valentino · 2022-04-22
VideoPlayer - Replaces VideoView
iUI8 library v1.50 includes a new VideoPlayer view. It replaces VideoView from iMedia library.
@Erel · 2022-03-27
Location & GPS
Location & GPS
@Erel · 2022-02-16
B4ISnippetPicker [IOS 14.0+]
PHPickerViewController [IOS 14.0+]
PHPickerViewController [IOS 14.0+]
@Semen Matusovskiy · 2022-02-01
GoogleMaps Tutorial
The iGoogleMaps library allows you to show a map inside your app
@Erel · 2022-01-30
Google Analytics
Google Analytics
@Erel · 2022-01-25
This is a wrapper of Firebase RemoteConfig library for B4i. I made this for @Jack Cole and he gave me permission to post this in forum to help other users.
@Biswajit · 2022-01-12
Apple: Account deletion within apps required starting January 31
Apple: Account deletion within apps required starting January 31
@Sandman · 2021-10-06
SSL Certificate Pinning
Certificate pinning is a security feature. When set, the app will only accept the listed, per-domain, certificates. This is usually not needed as certificates must have a valid certificate chain up to the trusted root.
@Erel · 2021-09-29
B4ISnippetImages [CUSTOM VIEW]
Zoomable ImageView [custom view]
Zoomable ImageView [custom view]
@Semen Matusovskiy · 2021-09-14
Barbutton events
Barbutton events
@bobbruns · 2021-09-08
Share data from your app with ActivityViewController
ActivityViewController allows the user to share data from your app using the standard share dialog. It was added in iPhone library v2.00.
@Erel · 2021-08-26
Detect QR code from an image
Detect QR code from an image
@yiankos1 · 2021-08-20
Dummies Guide to Getting Started with B4i
Dummies Guide to Getting Started with B4i
@Falcon · 2021-08-11
User Authentication with Apple ID
Starting from iOS 13 there is integral support for letting the user sign in with the user Apple ID.
@Erel · 2021-08-05
Reading the app logs directly on the device
Reading the app logs directly on the device
@Erel · 2021-07-29
CustomView i have created for my new B4i App. It is an AudioPlayer with a nice UI and lot of functions like playing Songs in background, Playlist, FileDialog and much more. It is still in the testing phase but i think it is already ready for use in real applications. The player is also very customizable since you have all layouts and icons included and you can enter them and edit them if you like (dont remove any views or add new views just edit colors if you want).
@ilan · 2021-07-26
Retrieve Apple Device UDID Code from Windows Registry
Retrieve Apple Device UDID Code from Windows Registry
@Star-Dust · 2021-07-23