WebCam class: how to choose a second camera
WebCam class: how to choose a second camera
@peacemaker · 2025-01-30
jRDC2 - B4J implementation of RDC (Remote Database Connector)
@Erel · 2024-03-13
wmSQLiteSelectBuilder - a more or less graphical builder for SQLite SELECT statements [Class] [B4J] [SQLite]
wmSQLiteSelectBuilder - a more or less graphical builder for SQLite SELECT statements [Class] [B4J] [SQLite]
@walt61 · 2023-08-19
This is the BackgroundWorker but without all the bells and whistles of Jserver.
@XbNnX_507 · 2023-08-06
B4j TextFlow and Text class
This is a supporting library for my printer example post so there are no images here. It is a simple wrapper for the two javafx classes so you can use them independently of the printer example if you wish.
@stevel05 · 2022-10-22
CLVDragger Mod v8 [B4J] [Class]
CustomListView with Drag and Drop Support for items based on Erel''s Class CLVDragger. Modifications: v8: 1. Added Callback Support 2. Added Event: OrderChanged ( ItemIndex as int , NewIndex as Int)
@mohsyn · 2022-05-26
EmojiesMap - Colorful emojies [class]
The JavaFX text rendering engine doesn''t support glyphs with multiple colors. Emojies are rendered in quite an ugly way. EmojiesMap workarounds this limitation using a large set of images.
@Erel · 2022-03-10
A jMongo class helper for everything MongoDB CRUD [SithasoMongoDB]
A jMongo class helper for everything MongoDB CRUD [SithasoMongoDB]
@Mashiane · 2022-03-05
A helper class for everything MongoDB PHP CRUD. [BANanoMongoDB]
A helper class for everything MongoDB PHP CRUD. [BANanoMongoDB]
@Mashiane · 2022-02-28
ResultCursor: cursor-like SQLite database object for compatibility with Android Cursor [Class]
ResultCursor: cursor-like SQLite database object for compatibility with Android Cursor [Class]
@peacemaker · 2021-11-10
PHP File Management for BANano [BANanoPhpFileAPI]
PHP File Management for BANano [BANanoPhpFileAPI]
@Mashiane · 2021-10-23
1. Perform CRUD Offline, 2. Sync to Cloud and 3. Relax [BANanoRelax]
1. Perform CRUD Offline, 2. Sync to Cloud and 3. Relax [BANanoRelax]
@Mashiane · 2021-10-03
CustomListView multiselections for desktop
CustomListView multiselections for desktop
@Chris2 · 2021-09-23
A CRUD Cloud FireStoreDB Wrap for BANano [BANanoFireStoreDB] [BETA]
A CRUD Cloud FireStoreDB Wrap for BANano [BANanoFireStoreDB] [BETA]
@Mashiane · 2020-10-28
File Entry Class
This is a custom view designed for B4J for opening files and maintaining a recent files list capable of being serched, filtered and exported to an sqLiteDB or csv
@rgarnett1955 · 2020-09-14
PDF Creator and viewer
Here are 3 classes : - PdfCreator : create PDF - PDFViewer : render PDF - clsFormPDF : form to preview PDF (Page navigation, Zoom, Print, Save)
@spsp · 2020-07-03
A BANanoSQL helper class for CRUD functionality [BANanoSQLUtils]
A BANanoSQL helper class for CRUD functionality [BANanoSQLUtils]
@Mashiane · 2020-06-29
A collection of some inline PHP functions [BANanoPHP]
A collection of some inline PHP functions [BANanoPHP]
@Mashiane · 2020-06-12
@Mashiane · 2020-05-23
SQLiteDB PHP CRUD Class for BANano [BANanoSQLite]
SQLiteDB PHP CRUD Class for BANano [BANanoSQLite]
@Mashiane · 2020-05-19
Read Excel file and return JSON array [BANanoExcelReader]
Read Excel file and return JSON array [BANanoExcelReader]
@Mashiane · 2020-05-09
INI files windows style class
I''ve written this class to manage INI-likes files.
@FabioAlbaneseTv · 2020-04-13
List of local IP addresses
Easy way to list all local IP addresses
@npsonic · 2020-01-13
An inline PHP class for your MySQLI CRUD functionality [BANanoMySQL]
An inline PHP class for your MySQLI CRUD functionality [BANanoMySQL]
@Mashiane · 2019-12-17
MyConsoleClass - Simple PRINT, INPUT for Non-UI programs
I wanted to write myself a simple console (non-UI) program asking the user to enter some information, like an old DOS program. I realised that I needed some quick and dirty PRINT and INPUT functions like QBASIC had. So I wrote this MyConsoleClass which contains functions: Print, Input, PrintString, GetKey, LineFeed, ClearScreen
@Starchild · 2019-09-04
Create reactive, state based components & UI [BANanoReef]
Create reactive, state based components & UI [BANanoReef]
@Mashiane · 2019-08-04
Input Dialog Class
Input Dialog Class
@ilan · 2019-07-22
Recent Files Manager [class]
A simple class that manages the list of recent files. You can set the maximum number of recent files. The default is 5.
@Erel · 2019-04-09
CLVDragger - drag to reorder items [class]
CLVDragger - drag to reorder items [class]
@Erel · 2019-03-28
Copy class - Multiple methods to copy a file
Copy class - Multiple methods to copy a file
@npsonic · 2019-01-17