With this library you can - encrypt a file - decrypt a file - get the content of a file as a Base64 encoded string (to store it in a database) - save the content of a Base64 string to a file
@KMatle · 2016-04-18
Detect character-encoding formats
@moster67 · 2016-04-15
This will add a control that has 34 of the popular social type websites
@Daestrum · 2016-01-29
I found that the default ImageView class was not flexible enough, so I wrote my own ImageView class, based on webView.
@jmon · 2016-01-28
jToggleSwitch V1.0.0
@DonManfred · 2016-01-25
Java Image Processing with JH LABS
I have compiled the JH LABS java code into a library (jImageFilters.jar) that can be used in B4J.
@Johan Schoeman · 2016-01-17
Allows to create shortcuts and menu items on Windows.
@DonManfred · 2016-01-16
Verbal Expressions (regex helper) B4J
VerbalExpressions is a Java library that helps to construct difficult regular expressions
@DonManfred · 2016-01-11
@stevel05 · 2015-12-31
ControlsFX is a large open source library that extends JavaFX. The following controls are supported: BreadCrumbBar, CheckComboBox, ColorPicker, HyperlinkLabel, InfoOverlay, ListSelectionView, SegmentedButton, Separator and StatusBar.
@Erel · 2015-12-06
Get all Permutations of a String
@DonManfred · 2015-12-06
Bar code generation lib
@udg · 2015-12-01
jMRAA - Intel Edison [IoT]
This library is based on Intel mraa library: http://iotdk.intel.com/docs/master/mraa/ It supports devices such as Intel Edison. Note that the attached library will not work on ARM devices such as Raspberry Pi or BeagleBone.
@Erel · 2015-11-23
@maXim · 2015-10-02
jShellQueue is a queue system for jShell.
@jmon · 2015-09-15
MQTT - MQ Telemetry Transport for B4J
MQ Telemetry Transport for B4J
@Alberto Iglesias · 2015-09-07
Was playing around with JNA and ended up writing a library for joystick/joypads. This currently only works on Windows OS.
@Daestrum · 2015-08-29
Bass for Windows B4J - Help
Excelent audio library see here... http://www.un4seen.com/
@lindomar · 2015-08-21
This is a library that allows you to get information about single comics, or all of the XKCD comics. It allows you to get the first comic, latest comic, specified comic, get a list of all comics, get a list of comics that match a given query and get the URL of the comic.
@sonicmayne · 2015-07-09
Encryption library and .NET
Encryption library and .NET
@Juanet · 2015-07-08
This library wraps the JNativeHook library, allowing you to intercept global keyboard events and mouse events. That is, your B4J application can now recieve these events even if they occur outside your application or your application is not in focus or has no GUI.
@Roycefer · 2015-07-06
db2000.B4J.INI is a small and simple library for creating and managing the INI files with the ability to handle the values type of the individual keys for each section.
@maXim · 2015-06-24
There is already a javafx 8 datepicker library on the forum, but I needed more functionalities, so I wrote my own datepicker library based on javafx 8 datepicker and localdate.
@jmon · 2015-06-13
I needed a simple MessageBox for a non-UI B4J application. This is a wrapper of JOptionPane.
@tchart · 2015-06-12
This library was sparked from a question in the forums, on how to drag items in a TreeView. After a bit of reading , a few tweaks ( the original code snippet '' lost'' items if you moved them to the end of the TreeView) here it is.
@Daestrum · 2015-05-26
HTTPUlils 2 and SSL
HTTPUlils 2 and SSL
@swissmade · 2015-05-15
DNSLookup (results to a file), GetServerName (returns local computer name), NSLookup (returns the registered name servers), Ping Command (ping stats results to a file), TCP Port Tester ( checks an individual port local or remote )
@giga · 2015-04-09
Best protocol to IM for B4J
@Alberto Iglesias · 2015-03-21
Get Drive Names and Drive Serial
Get Drive Names and Drive Serial to protect your creation
@swissmade · 2015-03-02
MX Lookups
@giga · 2015-02-05