jBH1750 - Ambient Light Sensor [Raspberry Pi]
Library for the BH1750 Ambient Light I2C sensor connected to a Raspberry Pi.
@rwblinn · 2017-03-06
jDHT - Digital-output relative humidity & temperature sensors [Raspberry Pi]
Library for the DHT11 & DHT22 digital-output relative humidity & temperature sensors connected to a Raspberry Pi.
@rwblinn · 2017-03-06
jBMP180 - Barometric Pressure/Temperature/Altitude Sensor [Raspberry Pi]
jBMP180 - Barometric Pressure/Temperature/Altitude Sensor [Raspberry Pi]
@rwblinn · 2017-03-02
jTM1637 - 4 digits display [Raspberry Pi]
Library for the TM1637 4 digits display connected to a Raspberry Pi. The library supports digits 0 - 9 and the clock point ":" and is based upon the jPi4J library.
@rwblinn · 2017-02-28
Programmatically set the Windows desktop background. Obviously, this is Windows-only. I''ve only tested it on Windows 7.
@Roycefer · 2017-02-10
SLRadioButton : - position radio button around text
This allows the radiobutton to be positioned to the left (standard), above, below or to the right of it''s label.
@stevel05 · 2017-01-29
Parse XML files from a web service
@tchart · 2017-01-24
B4J GitHub Repositories
Many of B4J libraries are open source. You can find the libraries source code here: https://github.com/AnywhereSoftware?utf8=â&tab=repositories&q=b4j
@Erel · 2017-01-18
jBox2D B4J
The popular physics engine.
@Informatix · 2017-01-12
Dockable windows
A fully featured docking library
@stevel05 · 2017-01-07
jCustomWindow allows you to customize completely the window container of your application and have a consistent style cross-platform.
@jmon · 2017-01-05
This library provides some proxy setting search strategies to read the proxy settings from the system config (Windows, KDE, Gnome, OSX), browser config (Firefox, IE) or environment variables and provides you a ready to use proxy selector. Automation scripts (PAC) and authentication are supported.
@Informatix · 2016-12-28
A Google-Calendar-style calendar that allows you to show your events in a fully customizable calendar.
@jmon · 2016-12-13
jdgADP - AnotherDatePicker revisited
I needed a way to highlight some "special" days on the calendar picker. They could be holidays or any other day reflecting a given condition. While I was at it, I preferred to differentiate between special days by their backgroud color. This last option let me, for example, show a day as "very busy" setting its background color to red, while a "not so critical day" could be yellow and so on.
@udg · 2016-12-12
TreeMap (A Sorted Map)
This is a wrapper for the Java TreeMap class. A TreeMap is a Red-Black tree based map. By default it is sorted according to the natural ordering of its keys but this can be overridden by using a custom comparator sub (see example code). Because it is tree based it is very easy to return portions of the Map based on the key values as shown in the example code.
@keirS · 2016-11-23
jElasticsearch - Search and Text Analytics [server]
Elasticsearch simplifies many tasks required to build a search engine and adds many features over Lucene. Elasticsearch is quite similar to MongoDB. It is also a document store. However the use cases and focus are different. Elasticsearch stores the data in a Lucene index and offers powerful text features. jElasticsearch is a wrapper for the REST client provided by Elasticsearch. It is expected to be used from a server solution.
@Erel · 2016-11-22
jHttpUtils2 is included as a library. However there are cases where the source code is required. For example if you want to use it with a non-UI app then you need to remove HttpJob.GetBitmap or it will not compile (this sub depends on jFX library).
@Erel · 2016-11-17
SQL: Simplyfying Calling Stored Procedures
A very small library which extends the functionality of calling stored procedures. ExecCall in the SQL library does not directly support returning parameters or returning multiple result sets. Though in theory it should be possible to do this via JavaObject.
@keirS · 2016-11-17
Transitions and Animations
This is a wrapper for the transitions of JavaFX.
@jmon · 2016-10-31
This is is "maybe working" wrap for the Firebase RealtimeDatabase.
@DonManfred · 2016-10-19
The easiest way to port your B4A LibGDX games to B4J
@wonder · 2016-10-13
This is a wrapper for the GregorianCalendar and TimeZone classes, with its Java source code.
@Informatix · 2016-08-29
90+ String Manipulation Methods
This is a partial wrap of the Apache StringUtils library. Which is part of the Apache Commons components. Since there is already a StringUtils library in B4J I have called it ApacheSU and the library JAR is ApacheStringUtilsB4J.
@keirS · 2016-08-28
jSystemTray - Add icons to the system tray (notifications)
@Erel · 2016-07-31
This lib allows you to add 1 or more CallSubs to be executed at a later time.
@janderkan · 2016-06-15
IOIO library for B4J
Here is a library that allows you to use the IOIO board with B4J! It''s about the easiest way you''ll find to access a microcontroller from your PC.
@kolbe · 2016-06-14
I found the autoCompleteText function from controlsFX library a bit too slow, so I wrote this class. This class can be attached to any control, is very fast, and is based on the Levenshtein Distance algorithm. You can use the UP/DOWN arrows to select the text, then press ENTER to validate. If the text doesn''t exist in the list, it will return the new text.
@jmon · 2016-05-27
AutoItX4Java uses JACOB to access AutoItX through COM and strives to provide a native Java interface while maintaining the simplicity of AutoIt.
@jmon · 2016-05-10
SSH client
@giga · 2016-04-21
If you design a multi user system you have to care about what the users may do or not. With this Lib you can - define user authorizations - save it to a RAF file (pw encrypted) from your B4J app - ask if the user/app is authorized to perform a function depending on parms
@KMatle · 2016-04-18