jMapList - combining a Map and a List
A MapList is a combination of a Map and a List and implements most of the attributes and methods of both types. Why would you want to use as MapList? To have fast lookup (by Key) and to have control over the order of Values held in the MapList.
@Misterbates · 2017-11-08
MultiRow TabPane
Here''s something I needed and thought I''d share. Based on a FlowPane and A StackPane (minimal wraps for these and ToggleGroup are included in the source code). Implemented as a customview, buttons can be at the Top or Bottom.
@stevel05 · 2017-10-29
MashPricingTable [ABMaterial]
MashPricingTable [ABMaterial]
@Mashiane · 2017-10-26
MashAlerts [ABMaterial]
MashAlerts [ABMaterial]
@Mashiane · 2017-10-25
MashBlog [ABMaterial]
MashBlog [ABMaterial]
@Mashiane · 2017-10-25
MashProduct [ABMaterial]
MashProduct [ABMaterial]
@Mashiane · 2017-10-25
MashProfile [ABMaterial]
MashProfile [ABMaterial]
@Mashiane · 2017-10-25
MashProjects [ABMaterial]
MashProjects [ABMaterial]
@Mashiane · 2017-10-25
MashTasks [ABMaterial]
MashTasks [ABMaterial]
@Mashiane · 2017-10-25
MFRC522 Library For RaspberryPi
This is MFRC522 Library For Raspberry Pi On B4J ( RC522 Library From GPIO)
@sahand_123 · 2017-10-11
SahandJPEG - JPEG Compression Library
This is a tiny Library that compresses your jpeg images
@sahand_123 · 2017-10-11
MarkRG - Dynamic RadioGroup CustomControl
MarkRG - Dynamic RadioGroup CustomControl
@Mashiane · 2017-10-01
jControlsFX9 - ControlsFX for Java 9
jControlsFX (included in the IDE) - Java 8; jControlsFX9 - Java 9. Note that there is an issue with RangeSlider: Library is attached.You should also download this jar and copy it to the additional libraries folder:
@Erel · 2017-09-28
HUE4j - Philips SDK - Control your HUE System
HUE4j - Philips SDK - Control your HUE System
@DonManfred · 2017-08-26
JFXExtended: Shapes, Effects, Borders And Gradient Fills [Beta]
JFXExtend allows you to apply shapes, effects, borders and gradient fills to Nodes. The library does not use CSS. It wraps the underlying packages used by JavaFX to implement the CSS . Mixing the two together can cause conflicts. An example of this is if you add a border to a button using this library and there is a border defined in the inline style for the button then the border will only temporarily replace the border defined in the inline style. This means if the button is redrawn the original border in the inline style will be used and the border you added will be lost. You will need to remove the original border from the inline style. The example code shows you how to remove entries from the inline style.
@keirS · 2017-08-18
Skeleton (CSS + Library)
While ABMaterial is fantastic, I find it onerous for simple websites. A while back I came across the Skeleton CSS framework; Skeleton is a grid based mobile responsive CSS boiler plate. It worked fine for a couple of projects but I still had to hand craft HTML. So I decided to create a B4J library to automate the creation of HTML pages using the Skeleton CSS. I''ve tried to keep it as generic as possible and I have not introduced any direct changes to the Skeleton CSS but have extended it using additional CSS like Fontawesome and a 3rd part notification CSS for Skeleton. I take no credit for any of the CSS libraries. The B4J library can actually be used to generate generic HTML code as it has a helper class which is used to generate the Skeleton specific markup. The Skelton CSS can also be replaced by other CSS. The examples below show server handlers but as the Render method simply returns a string (of HTML) you can use it to write out HTML files (I use this for a reporting product I wrote).
@tchart · 2017-08-04
SearchView [custom view]
A custom view similar to B4A and B4i SearchView
@Erel · 2017-07-24
json-simple2(keep the json order)
usage same as JSONGenerator
@icefairy333 · 2017-07-12
This library will load jar files at run time without having to use #AdditionalJar
@tchart · 2017-07-07
ImageEnter v0.10
Allows easy interaction with mouseenter/mouseleave event functionality for images in B4J.
@ThRuST · 2017-06-21
DBUtils [module] [Universal]
In both the demo and DBUtils.bas, the modifications were minor in order to accommodate MySQL. Summary of DBUtils changes: 1) Added the public variables DB_VARCHAR and DB_BIGINT. MySQL cannot index TEXT fields, thus I had change the Student''s Id to DB_VARCHAR. Also, MySQL''s INTEGER field could not hold DateTime''s long values and thus I added DB_BIGINT. 2) Added a couple of private variables and a new public function (SetEscapeChars) that lets you set the DB''s escape character. I also modified EscapeField to use these new variables and made the method Public (since it seemed useful for modifying some code in the demo). 3) InsertMaps had an SQL statement that hard coded the escape characters and I changed it to use the EscapeField method
@OliverA · 2017-06-12
Html Color Picker [custom view]
HtmlColorPicker is a custom view class that implements a color picker. The colors are set in the Colors field as a list of html colors separated with ''|''.
@Erel · 2017-06-08
Jfoenix Wrap
JavaFX Material Design library
@Enrique Gonzalez R · 2017-05-21
GridManager [custom view]
A simple custom view which creates a grid of panes. You can set the number of columns and rows. The panes are resized automatically when the GridManager is resized, make sure to use anchors in your layouts.
@Erel · 2017-05-04
webplus framework
Web page template engine
@IceFairy333 · 2017-04-24
This library is similar to my nashorn and python libs, but allows you to use ruby from b4j. The library has the same format as the other two it needs #AdditionJars: path/to/your/jRuby.jar
@Daestrum · 2017-04-22
This library allows you to use python in B4J (based on jython)
@Daestrum · 2017-04-17
B4JVlcj (embed VLC MediaPlayer in your program/app)
I am pleased to publish a B4J-wrapper/library of Vlcj (version 3.10.1) which in turn is a Java-wrapper of VLC (VideoLAN). With this wrapper, we can use VLC as a MediaPlayer in B4J.
@Moster67 · 2017-03-21
This library extends TreeView. It allows to display a text different from the stored value, select an item, edit the item text, scroll to a given item, expand all parent nodes, change the item heightâ¦
@Informatix · 2017-03-20
B4JDragToMe - drag and drop (only label)
Unless I am mistaken, there is neither a library nor built-in functionality available for B4J which lets you drag and drop a file from Explorer to a Receiver-object in your B4J app. I needed this functionality for a project I am working on and came up with a small library. I only needed the possibility to drag and drop an object onto a Label to get the filepath of the object dropped so this library only handles Labels as a Receiver-object. Updated the library so it supports most controls/views. Limitation: The purpose of this library when I wrote it was so I could get the filepath or Url of the object dropped. Thus, no actions are taken when the object is dropped - only an event will be fired with filepath/Url. However, in this latest version of the library, I have included an object that will load an imageview with the image you drop onto it. Java-code is included so if anyone who wants to expand the library can do it.
@Moster67 · 2017-03-10