B4JLibraryViews - additional
Wrapper for TilesFX
A JavaFX library containing tiles for Dashboards.
@Blueforcer · 2018-07-26
TwitterZapier Library
As I wanted to post messages to Twitter within my B4J app I couldn''t find any Twitter library''s (or code) to use with B4J, so I created this small library to allow me to tweet messages to Twitter.
@aaronk · 2018-07-25
Syslog Library 0.69
Hi, this is a syslog library with RFC_3164, is an working project. have send udp, send tcp with static severity and facility. this is because only needed for a unique client. if someone have some interest I can finish it.
@victormedranop · 2018-07-21
This generates the HTML bootstrap grid from a single class, just a basic grid using original source code. This could be adopted for other grid generating frameworks. One could use JQuery to put components using the ids of the RCs, if one explores this further.
@Mashiane · 2018-07-19
B4JLibrarySerial comm/USB
jSerial for AArch64
I wanted to open a serial interface on my pine64 Board with ARM-64bit. Unfortunately, the official jSSC Lib does not support 64bit architecture. I have built a new one which supports 64bit as well as the officially supported platforms.
@Blueforcer · 2018-07-17
B4JLibraryABMaterial [ABMATERIAL]
Mapping with Leaflet.js? [ABMaterial]
Mapping with Leaflet.js? [ABMaterial]
@Mashiane · 2018-06-29
Updates to internal libaries
Updates to internal libaries
@Erel · 2018-06-19
Dropbox SDK V2
This is a begin of a wrap for the Dropbox JAVA SDK The Library is based on my v0.4 from the B4A Library. I´ve made an B4J Version out of it now. The Library is beta.
@DonManfred · 2018-05-27
jColorLogger allows you to control the text color and background color and column alignment of statements logged to Standard Out in the Windows console and Linux or Mac terminal emulators. The color functionality doesn''t work in the B4J IDE but the logging still does, it just appears as boring monochromatic text.
@Roycefer · 2018-05-12
B4JLibraryB4J [XUI]
SD: TouchViewEvent B4J [XUI]
Using the XUI views I realized the need to follow the events of Touch, Drag, Click and Release in a unique way. I wanted to create an XUI class that manages things in a standard way, so if we write apps using XUI views we can also have a standard when we write code related to events, without having to use #IF B4A, #IF B4J
@Star-Dust · 2018-04-30
B4JLibraryFile handling
File Chooser Utils
I had thought there was something unusual about the FileChooser for a while, last night it dawned on me that it is not possible to select a specific file type from the list. I have created a Utils module to allow this. There are 4 options (only to save typing when setting it up) that allow entering individual file extensions that then are individually selectable, you have to enter a description for each file extension, you can also add a merged filter (with a separate name) this is what we have now, and a further option to add an all files filter, and an option for both. There is also a method to set the initially selected filer. It''s a static module, so you need to pass a FileChooser object to each call. You can compile it to a library if you don''t want to add the module to a project.
@stevel05 · 2018-04-20
jSensors_B4J - load, fan and temps
View the temperatures, loads and fan speeds of the various components in your computer (like cpu, gpu, motherboard, disk)
@Roycefer · 2018-04-20
Simple Image Info - Image Size and MIME type
Here is a port of a class found here: http://blog.jaimon.co.uk/simpleimageinfo/SimpleImageInfo.java.html that reads the size info from a file for GIF, JPG, PNG, BMP and TIFF files. Useful so you can determine whether to load the file or a Sampled version without having to load it fully first.
@stevel05 · 2018-04-09
MashXML seeks to be an extension of Erel''s XML2Map module with special attention to Library XMLs. I did this to help me parse library xml''s for other tasks I needed.
@Mashiane · 2018-04-04
HikariCP - High Performance Connection Pool
Fast, simple, reliable. HikariCP is a "zero-overhead" production ready JDBC connection pool. At roughly 130Kb, the library is very light.
@mindful · 2018-04-03
jPCT3d (partial wrap)
A bit old ,non complete ,not tested and unsupported (sorry for that ) wrap for jPCT3d library
@somed3v3loper · 2018-04-03
MashPOI is a collection of some jPOI related methods that I have found from the forum and created a library. As much as there are a couple of functions in the modules, I also want to add functionality to easily add worksheets, add rows and style the various columns in Excel documents.
@Mashiane · 2018-04-02
Master Details Using EditableTableView with CRUD
I''m designing forms with master detail functionality using a ListView and a TableView with CRUD functionality. I realized that I will have multiple controls in the screen and this will make my code a little hard to maintain with the many Create, Update and Delete functionality. Thus this is a customview that is made with another customview. So with this all I need to use are the events and the resulting output and nothing else.
@Mashiane · 2018-04-02
SD: SqliteExtra
This new library is used to add some functions to the already precious SQLite library. Insertion, updating and reading of images in fields of type BLOB. Functions to add a table, a field. Update a field. Delete a row or table. List of tables, fields and typos of the fields contained in the database Commands to populate List and ListView also with images.
@Star-Dust · 2018-03-23
B4JLibraryComms & Network
LDAP server
LDAP server
@fransvlaarhoven · 2018-03-06
jRDC Hikari mix
When using the jRDC server project in the project, I had to use another server to handle other things. I wrote a different version of jRDC under myself. Now everyone can use it and modify it under themselves.
@MichalK73 · 2018-02-27
SimplePGP - Encrypt, Decrypt, Sign, Verify B4J
A wrapper library making the implementation of PGP in Java applications easy. It also strives to provide sane defaults for secure PGP to ensure easy and secure PGP implementations in Java.
@DonManfred · 2018-02-13
BCrypt - implementation of OpenBSD''s Blowfish password hashing code
BCrypt - implementation of OpenBSD''s Blowfish password hashing code. This is a wrapper for https://www.mindrot.org/projects/jBCrypt/
@mindful · 2018-01-22
jHTMLeditor library
The jHTMLeditor for B4j fixes the issue with setting focus to the webview in the HTMLeditor control.
@ThRuST · 2018-01-18
LOGBack - Logging Framework
Generic, Reliable, Fast & Flexible Logging Framework
@mindful · 2018-01-17
B4JMosquittoPBKDF2 library
If you are using the original Mosquitto broker, you may be aware (or not) that there is a plugin called "mosquitto-auth-plug" which is an authentication plugin for the Mosquitto broker with multiple back-ends (MySQL, Redis, CDB, SQLite3). You need to compile it and set it up to work with Mosquitto but it is well worth the effort if you want more flexibility to handle users and topics in real time. When using this plugin and adding users to the backend database, we need to create a hashed password using the SecretKeyFactory algorithm called PBKDF2WithHmacSHA256. To help me with this in my B4J-client, I compiled a small library based on code found in the Contrib-folder in the original github-project.
@moster67 · 2018-01-01
This lib provides easy access to Bitcoin prices and blockchain info.
@wonder · 2017-12-30
MashPlugIns [ABMaterial]
ABMaterial plugins, views, …
@Mashiane · 2017-12-30
B4JLibraryViews - additional [CUSTOM VIEW]
Tabbed Bar (B4J only) [Custom View]
Its been a while since I shared something here, so here goes my Tabbed Bar. I created this for my own needs, and the objective is to be able to have a wider tab pane than the panes it point to...Plus, it very easily and very highly customizable, as shown in the demo.
@Cableguy · 2017-11-16
@Mashiane · 2017-11-12