B4JLibraryBAnano [BANANO]
UOEGrid: An interesting grid that you might like [BANano]
UOEGrid: An interesting grid that you might like [BANano]
@Mashiane · 2019-04-29
B4JLibraryBAnano [BANANO]
ChartJS charts with 1 line of code using UOECharts [BANano]
ChartJS charts with 1 line of code using UOECharts [BANano]
@Mashiane · 2019-04-16
B4JLibraryBAnano [BANANO]
BANanoPostProcessor [BANano]
BANanoPostProcessor [BANano]
@Kiffi · 2019-04-12
This a library to calc (evaluate) expression. it supports string and number, operators with standard priority, parenthesis, user-defined functions and user-defined variables.
@spsp · 2019-03-27
B4JLibraryViews - events
This library make the "Full Press-Drag-Release Gesture" in javafx avaliable for B4J. It is not the same as jDragAndDrop or jDragAndDrop2, witch is perfect if you want to drag an object from one place to another.
@knutf · 2019-03-24
B4JLibraryBAnano [BANANO]
Kendo UI Core - Wrapper [BANano]
Kendo UI Core - Wrapper [BANano]
@Kiffi · 2019-03-14
B4J IDEViewer Client Library for B4XIDEViewer
A B4X Tool which can show bitmaps, images and saved pictures from your B4XIDE on your computer. You can also play video and audio files present on your device. You can show and search huge text files, show PDFs, GIF-images and more….
@moster67 · 2019-03-13
B4JLibraryUpdater [B4XLIB]
jAutoUpdate library [B4Xlib]
jAutoUpdate library [B4Xlib]
@Tayfur · 2019-03-05
jCrystalReports Library
jCrystalReports Library
@Juan Marrero · 2019-02-25
UOE - Create MaterializeCSS Websites
UOE is a B4J library that has been created to enable anyone to create multi-page materialize websites. The existence of this lib birthed the UOEBANano library, a conversion of this library to work with the BANano library.
@Mashiane · 2019-02-14
B4JLibraryBAnano [BANANO]
NW.js - Wrapper [BANano]
I want to show how easy it is to create desktop applications (Windows, Linux, MacOS) with BANano and NW.js.
@Kiffi · 2019-02-06
B4JLibraryMultiple items
This library started out as a simple wrapper for Oracle''s java.awt.Robot package but it evolved out of hand into a library of general utilities. Some of these functions appear to duplicate functionality already present in B4J however this library is designed to be used in both UI apps and non-UI apps. Consequently, B4J functionality that requires the use of a JFX object (fx.showExternalDocument(), for example) is duplicated here but without the use of any objects only found in UI apps. Things you can do with this library: •programmatically move the mouse and invoke system MouseButtonPressed events or KeyPressed events and much more •access the system clipboard •get a variety of general operating system, hardware and JVM info •get a variety of JVM, process and system performance info (memory usage, CPU load, etc...) •take screen shots of arbitrary rectangles on the system''s screens •run arbitrary commands on the command line •redirect Standard Error and Standard Out to file •open external files or URLs •improved Exception-related stuff •improved Thread-related stuff •restart your app The library is very heavily commented so you need only read them to see what is possible.
@Roycefer · 2019-01-15
B4JLibraryPush notifications
jAPNS - Send iOS Push Notifications
jAPNS allows you to access Apple''s Token-based Http/2 APNS API in order to send iOS Push Notifications
@JanPRO · 2019-01-12
B4JLibraryBAnano [BANANO]
Leaflet-Wrapper [BANano]
This is a wrapper that allows you to use the functionality of the JavaScript library Leaflet with B4J in conjunction with BANano.
@Kiffi · 2018-12-13
Here is another Zip iibrary for B4j. It wraps this zt-zip project from github : https://github.com/zeroturnaround/zt-zip. zt-zip licence is Apache License 2.0 The advantages of this one are that it can insert, replace and remove files without having to unpack and repack the zip file, and you can add and extract items from/to byte arrays.
@stevel05 · 2018-12-05
Here is a small library that allows use of javascript from B4J. Some functions are easier to perform in js as you have basically all the java functions at your disposal to use.
@Daestrum · 2018-12-04
This little library makes it possible to create Live plugins for you own apps. This means you can create plugins that can be added/removed while your app is running. Note it is a little experiment that shows the power of B4J. The ''compile to library'' feature of B4J is very handy to create plugins.
@alwaysbusy · 2018-11-23
Updated JSSC.Jar
I fixed and recompiled the Native DLL for JSSC which was causing Access Violation crashes when attempting to open a serial port on Windows 10 64 bit systems with newer Java versions.
@techknight · 2018-11-23
B4j ToggleSwitch
This is a simple start for a Toggleswitch for B4j. It is deliberately not a B4X customview as I wanted it to be styleable via CSS.
@stevel05 · 2018-11-07
B4JLibraryUI design
Quick Metro look for your b4j apps
Quick Metro look for your b4j apps
@vpires · 2018-11-04
TextArea with lined background - Custom View
TextArea with lined background - Custom View
@stevel05 · 2018-10-30
B4JLibraryViews - additional
jRLViews - Custom Views
This library contains a selection of Custom Views. SelectFileTextField: TextField with a file choose button. NumericTextField: TextField, with border indicator for accepting numeric input only. LinkLabel: Label with a clickable link (url). SliderX: Slider with additional property settings (tick labels, tick marks, block increment, major tick unit, minor tick count, snap to ticks, value changing,thumb and track settings). ColorList: List the standard JavaFX colors in a colored customized listview. Select color name and hex-value (0x.....). ListViewEdit: ListView with editable TextFields. ButtonToolbar: Toolbar with buttons (Text or Icon). SeparatorLine: Separator Line VERTICAL or HORIZONTAL.
@rwblinn · 2018-10-15
Scrolling Property Sheet
This is a property sheet on a ListView with CSS optimized for small views but scales pretty well.
@stevel05 · 2018-10-13
TensorFlow - an experimental machine/deep learning wrapper for B4J
After writing a TensorFlowLite library for Android, I was asked to do a similar one for B4J. My library wraps TensorFlow (v. r.1.10) and is based on some Java examples found in TensorFlow''s Github pages. I also added some functionality. Please note that this is not a complete wrapper of TensorFlow but a rather small one permitting you to test out some of the features although still very much usable. Since the Java APIs are available, one could probably make a complete wrapper but in this moment I don''t have the time. In addition, it seems like TensorFlow version 2.0 will be released later this year so it might be better to wait until then.
@moster67 · 2018-09-29
B4JLibraryFile handling
@PatrikCavina · 2018-09-14
B4JLibrarySystem Tray
jFXSystemTrayHandler - Display a javafx context menu
This is a code module that allows display of a JavaFX Context Menu when the system tray Icon is clicked. Used in conjunction with the MenuManager Library, it is possible to add checkbox items, images, Fontawesome and MaterialIcons and CustomItems to the contextmenu. You can compile it to a library of you prefer not to add the module to your project.
@stevel05 · 2018-09-05
B4JLibraryHome automation
This is a simple library that allows you to control the 15$ Xiaomi´s YeeLight WiFi RGB LED bulbs (real alternative to Phillips Hue) through your LAN. So far only tested with the RGB version (v1) but maybe it works also with the white bulb and strips.
@Blueforcer · 2018-08-30
PdfJet Rewrapped
I do like a lot this library and a lot of people uses it, but the awesome library wrapped by @warwound it is a bit outdated. so i decided to wrap mine, but i have never been able to compile a single line of java so this wrap was made in its entirety with JavaObject.
@Enrique Gonzalez R · 2018-08-28
Updates for sqlite-jdbc
Newest version (18.8.2018): sqlite-jdbc-3.23.1
@KMatle · 2018-08-18
MashMSWord: Beginning MS Word Tables
At some stage I will need to work with MS Word Tables, this is my attempt to do do using Inline Java.
@Mashiane · 2018-08-08