B4JLibraryHome automation
This is a library that emulates a Philips Hue bridge v1 with Lights and allows you to control them (and therefore your App) from Alexa-powered devices like the Amazon Echo or the Dot.
@Blueforcer · 2020-04-19
This library contains three simple and stylish Dialog classes. They are intended to provide an App styled user interface to the B4J window/form environment. - A ToastMsg class to present a single or multi-line banner momentarily on top of the owner form. - A MsgBox class to present more complex information to the user with an icon, title and multi-line message body then requesting the user to acknowledge by clicking on one of the three button choices. This is a NON-BLOCKING dialog box that presents centrally on top of the owner form. - An InputBox class to firstly present the user with information but requesting user data entry (can use limited text types, lengths, multi-line, etc) then requesting the user to acknowledge by clicking on one of the three button choices. This is a NON-BLOCKING dialog box that presents centrally on top of the owner form.
@Starchild · 2020-04-12
B4JLibraryComms & Network
Telegram Bots API
I started wrapping this project https://github.com/pengrad/java-telegram-bot-api a while ago after failing to make a multipart post that Telegram needs to send a photo. The project seems to be huge so I wrapped only features I needed at the current time . I will try to keep this library updated with most requested features if any.
@somed3v3loper · 2020-04-08
B4JLibraryTheme [BMSTYLE]
CSS Themes [BMStyle]
A simple Module to set a css style for your proyect.
@Brian Michael · 2020-03-14
B4JLibraryPDF [BETA]
PDFBox [beta]. Editing PDF AcroForm Fieldvalues, creating PDFs with new AcroForm
This is a partial wrap for Apache PDFBox.
@DonManfred · 2020-03-04
BCColorPicker - nice color picker
This is a powerful color picker, based on XUI Views B4XColorTemplate. It is a B4J control, though it should be simple to port it to B4A and B4i.
@Erel · 2020-03-02
jOpenStreetMaps library
jOpenStreetMaps library
@Starchild · 2020-02-28
Dragula, drag & drop made easy [BANano Library]
This is a wrap of the Dragula js library (https://github.com/bevacqua/dragula) which makes it very easy to add drag & drop to almost everyone element.
@alwaysbusy · 2020-01-29
New sqlite-jdbc version 3.30.1 (2019.12.25)
New sqlite-jdbc version 3.30.1 (2019.12.25)
@Claudio Oliveira · 2020-01-10
Discord Bot API
An easy to use multithreaded library for creating Discord bots
@Lieutenant-AMD · 2019-12-11
It includes many types of gauges. The gauges are implemented as custom views.
@Erel · 2019-11-24
JQuery In-Browser PDF Viewer [BANanoPDFView]
JQuery In-Browser PDF Viewer [BANanoPDFView]
@Mashiane · 2019-11-13
Client Side PDF Document Generation [BANanoPDFMake]
Client Side PDF Document Generation [BANanoPDFMake]
@Mashiane · 2019-11-12
Client Side Excel Report Generation [BANanoOXML]
Client Side Excel Report Generation [BANanoOXML]
@Mashiane · 2019-11-03
jOkHttpUtils2 is a b4x lib included with B4J. The source code is inside the library (it is a zip file).
@Erel · 2019-10-20
15 Mockup Elements for your Prototypes [BANAnoWired]
15 Mockup Elements for your Prototypes [BANAnoWired]
@Mashiane · 2019-10-14
SQLite 2 JavaScript / JSON
I needed to embed a sqlite db as part of a web app i''m working on, but as JavaScript / JSON. This app helps with converting your sqlite db to javascript. This is useful when one wants to use the data for READ ONLY purposes, my case in point.
@Mashiane · 2019-09-29
B4JLibrarySocial [REST BASED][WIP]
Telegram Bot API [REST based] [WIP]
What I am sharing now is at the very beginning and still needs a lot of improvements and work BUT the most attempting point in here is that it should be easily used in any of our great B4X platforms (B4A,B4J and B4i )
@somed3v3loper · 2019-08-05
Animated GIF Encoder
This Library allows you to create your own GIFs from Images
@Blueforcer · 2019-07-19
This is a wrapper for the JavaFX AudioClip class.
@stevel05 · 2019-07-19
B4JLibraryB4J Server
jConnectionPool - ConnectionPool extracted from jServer
If you want to use ConnectionPool in a UI app then you should use this library instead of jServer. jServer is not compatible with B4J Packager 11. jConnectionPool library is a subset of jServer with only the ConnectionPool feature.
@Erel · 2019-07-18
jMqttBroker library is based on the moquette open source project: https://github.com/andsel/moquette It implements a MQTT broker.
@Erel · 2019-07-17
This library extends TableView and provides more control on the columns and cells.
@Informatix · 2019-07-14
This is a game framework for B4J that includes many features of advanced game frameworks like libGDX but is designed to be as simple to use as possible. It can be used for games of course, but also for animations, slideshows, paint program, etc. It is more complete than the Canvas library. This framework has been entirely written from scratch (except 20-30 lines taken from libGDX for the most technical parts of the tiled map reader). The Java source code is available against a donation of 10 euros or more. Don''t miss this game made with SGE (PacDroid, a Pacman clone): https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/pacdroid.78617/ Let me know if you are using this library for a real project. And, of course, feel free to post comments and suggestions.
@Informatix · 2019-07-14
A wrapper of javafx.scene.chart with additional functions and classes.
@Informatix · 2019-06-07
B4JLibraryBAnano [BANANO V3 RC2]
More optimizations [BANano v3 RC2]
More optimizations [BANano v3 RC2]
@alwaysbusy · 2019-06-07
B4JLibraryBAnano [BANANO V3 RC1]
The next iteration... [BANano v3 RC1]
The next iteration... [BANano v3 RC1]
@alwaysbusy · 2019-06-06
Observables are primitive types (boolean, byte, double, float, integer, long), strings, objects or collections (map, list) that trigger events when they are modified. They can also automatically update the views with which they are bound.
@Informatix · 2019-05-27
B4JLibraryBAnano [BANANO]
Got it! - Easy Hints [BANano]
Got it! - Easy Hints [BANano]
@Mashiane · 2019-05-21
B4JLibraryBAnano [BANANO]
A treeview you might use [BANano]
A treeview you might use [BANano]
@Mashiane · 2019-04-29