B4JLibraryComms & Network
Cuppify - build Modern REST API''s with ease
A Professional B4J framework that allows you to build Modern REST API''s with ease.
@FrostCodes · 2020-10-26
An Object Oriented UX library for BANano [BANanoWebix]
An Object Oriented UX library for BANano [BANanoWebix]
@Mashiane · 2020-10-25
B4JLibraryEditText/Textview/TextArea/TextField [B4J ONLY]
NumberFormatInput B4xLib [B4j Only]
This is a B4xlib customview that uses a textfield, label and the textformatter lib to provide formatting of a numeric text field with NumberFormat2.
@stevel05 · 2020-10-15
Vertical Text Engine
Words in Chinese, Japanese and Korean (CJK) can be arranged vertically and I didn''t find a good vertical text engine for B4X. In the previous thread I posted, Erel gave a workground solution but it cannot display multiline text and punctuations correctly, The BCTextEngine does not have this support yet, too. So I decided to make one.
@xulihang · 2020-10-15
Alpha/Beta testing of jRDC2 server with stored procedures support
Alpha/Beta testing of jRDC2 server with stored procedures support
@OliverA · 2020-10-09
Here are some formutilities that I find useful pretty often. So I put them all in one static class And I thought I''d share it. The most important one, I just found (GetIcons in the lib) allows you to add an icon to display it in the taskbar when the form is minimized, I''ve been looking for that for a while. It has the bonus of also adding the Icon to the form.
@stevel05 · 2020-10-02
A HTML5 Canvas Library [BANanoCanvas]
A HTML5 Canvas Library [BANanoCanvas]
@Mashiane · 2020-09-27
B4JLibraryComms & Network
Asynchronous modbus TCP master
A modbus TCP master library, fully programmed in b4j. This library is asynchronous, by use of the asyncstreams and Callback method. The response is an event, a separate sub, different then your sub where you did the request. This has the advantage that an unresponsive server will not slow down your application.
@Coldrestart · 2020-09-22
B4JLibraryBAnano - Designer [BANANOMJML]
A Responsive Email Framework using the Abstract Designer [BANanoMJML]
A Responsive Email Framework using the Abstract Designer [BANanoMJML]
@Mashiane · 2020-09-06
B4JLibraryViews - additional
SD: XUI_Design
A single CustomView that allows you to insert a design B4XView allowing you to associate it with any view
@Star-Dust · 2020-08-22
@Star-Dust · 2020-08-20
GIFdecoder Library - Released
I needed to access the frames in a GIF file by their frame index so I could extract and display each frame in any order, as I required, not just play the GIF animation itself.
@Starchild · 2020-08-07
This library allows you to discover and connect to Bluetooth devices. It is similar to B4A Serial library.
@Erel · 2020-08-02
B4JLibraryDatabase [2020.07.28]
New sqlite-jdbc version [2020.07.28]
New sqlite-jdbc version [2020.07.28]
@Claudio Oliveira · 2020-07-30
B4JLibraryBAnano [BANANOZUI]
Creating Zoomable User Interfaces with ZircleUI [BANanoZUI]
Creating Zoomable User Interfaces with ZircleUI [BANanoZUI]
@Mashiane · 2020-07-27
This library uses Java OpenCV to identify the contours in the photo and provide you with the coordinates of the points of each contour.
@OGmac · 2020-07-15
jWebP WebP Images
Simple Java webp image format encoder and decoder. WebP images are claimed to be 25-34% smaller than comparable JPEG images at equivalent SSIM quality index.
@Erel · 2020-07-09
GoogleCalendar - GCal4J
GoogleCalendar - GCal4J
@DonManfred · 2020-07-06
B4JLibraryRaspberry Pi
Rasberry pi4 wiringpi Gpio
Rasberry pi4 wiringpi Gpio
@roberto64 · 2020-06-12
Rasberry pi4 library
SystemInfo, PlatformManager, NetworkInfo
@roberto64 · 2020-06-11
B4JLibraryRaspberry Pi
Rasberry pi4 LCD1620
Rasberry pi4 LCD1620
@roberto64 · 2020-06-10
Show a Preloader [loading indicator] for your app as soon as the page fires [BANanoPreloader]
Show a Preloader [loading indicator] for your app as soon as the page fires [BANanoPreloader]
@Mashiane · 2020-06-02
In Javafx Version 8u40 a TextFormatter was introduced. This allows access to text input before any of the keypressed events are fired. Pasted text is also captured. This makes it a lot easier to validate and format text input.
@stevel05 · 2020-05-25
B4JLibraryBAnano - database [BANANOCONNECT]
BANanoSQL+SQLite+MySQL+MSSQL Library [BANanoConnect]
BANanoSQL+SQLite+MySQL+MSSQL Library [BANanoConnect]
@Mashiane · 2020-05-23
B4JLibraryBAnano - database
BANanoSQLiteR - Distributing and accessing an existing SQLite Databases - Part 2
BANanoSQLiteR - Distributing and accessing an existing SQLite Databases - Part 2
@Mashiane · 2020-05-23
PDF Viewer with PDFBox
This is a class ''clsPDFViewer'' which use PDFBOX to render a pdf file.
@spsp · 2020-05-13
MIAEvent library [calendar event] [BETA]
MIAEvent is a simple view that allows you to view the appointments of the day, in this case the week, I deleted most of the calendar as I just need to see the records from a database and manage them visually. The problem was how I could see multiple appointments at once without creating a mess, how to retrieve the record data without having to make a query and finally make the same library fast.
@ivanomonti · 2020-05-09
B4JLibraryDatabase [2020.05.05]
New sqlite-jdbc version 3.31.1 [2020.05.05]
New sqlite-jdbc version 3.31.1 [2020.05.05]
@Claudio Oliveira · 2020-05-06
AutoKeyGenerator: create Jetty compatible certificates using LEt''s Encrypt and CloudFlare
Attached the source code and some description on a tool I wrote to generate SSL certificates to be used in B4J http server applications. It generates and renews certificates (even wildcard ones) on Let''s Encrypt and communicates with the CloudFlare API to do DNS challenging. The code has been tested on Windows as well as Ubuntu.
@wl · 2020-05-04
B4JLibraryFile handling
Watch system file events
@Roycefer · 2020-04-24