jMagicImage - Read exif and metadata data, convert, compress image, also some basic image filters
jMagicImage - Read exif and metadata data, convert, compress image, also some basic image filters
@Pendrush · 2021-05-21
B4JLibraryBAnano [BANANO]
Dynamsoft Barcode Reader [BANano]
Dynamsoft Barcode Reader [BANano]
@xulihang · 2021-05-18
B4JLibraryBAnano [BANANO]
BANanoFontLibraries - FontAwesome, Roboto, MaterialDesignIcons etc for LocalHosting [BANano]
BANanoFontLibraries - FontAwesome, Roboto, MaterialDesignIcons etc for LocalHosting [BANano]
@Mashiane · 2021-05-16
The jShell library allows you to start other programs.
@Erel · 2021-05-12
This is an update to the SimpleXMl library I posted here; https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/simplexml.75571/#post-748743. This update now allows reading and writing of XML files. The node traversal is now done via the XmlNodes so this is a new library.
@tchart · 2021-05-05
Official MQTT client
@Erel · 2021-04-22
jOpenCV library - Computer Vision with B4J
OpenCV (Open Source Computer Vision Library - http://opencv.org/) is a library of programming functions mainly aimed at real-time computer vision. jOpenCV is a B4J library that wraps a customized OpenCV 3.x build for Windows x64, with additional FFmpeg support and some other add-ons, trying to keep the OpenCV Java syntax, adapted to B4J in order to ease the learning process.
@JordiCP · 2021-03-21
B4JLibraryStrings [CHARSET][B4A/B4J]
UniversalDetector - Encoding [charset] detector [B4A/B4J]
Detect encoding (charset) of any kind of text based file or string.
@Pendrush · 2021-03-14
jNxtReportsB4J Library allows B4J programs to handle report files generated by NextReports.
@Philip Chatzigeorgiadis · 2021-03-11
B4JLibraryBAnano [BANANO]
BANanoPeer library for video/audio/chat/screen sharing [BANano]
BANanoPeer library for video/audio/chat/screen sharing [BANano]
@alwaysbusy · 2021-03-04
Heavily modified jRDC2 testing server code dump
This is the source code dump of a heavily modified jRDC2 server used for testing different databases, different connection pools, JDBC driver properties, etc. This server should not be used in production environments! This server is based on jRDC2 2.21 (yeah a little old) and may contain additional bugs (SQLite closing when using /test URL is one of them).
@OliverA · 2021-03-03
This library is an extended version of jMQTTBroker2. It includes additional features (events, authentication, permissions, log backup, internal publishing) and fixes stability issues.
@Informatix · 2021-03-02
B4JLibraryComms & Network
This method accepts a Map with configuration parameters that affect the way the server serves static files.
@Erel · 2021-03-01
A library for making http requests. [BANanoAxios]
A library for making http requests. [BANanoAxios]
@Mashiane · 2021-02-27
JavaFX BorderImage - similar to android 9 Patch.
JavaFX BorderImage - similar to android 9 Patch.
@stevel05 · 2021-02-18
Text similarity with SIMHASH
To find similarities between documents (search for plagiarism, duplicate similar documents, ...) one of the algorithms widely used for large collections of documents is SIMHASH.
@Quandalle · 2021-01-28
Testing if jRDC2 with returning auto-generated key values after INSERT
In order to retrieve the auto generated key values for an INSERT statement, I''ve added the ExecuteInsert method to the DBRequestManager shared module.
@OliverA · 2021-01-11
A more powerful library is now available: http://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/jpoi-supports-microsoft-excel-xls-and-xlsx-workbooks.57392/ This library allows you to read and write XLS files. It is similar to B4A Excel library
@Erel · 2021-01-01
Chilkat-Bundle B4J
Chilkat is a cross-language, cross-platform API providing 90+ classes for many Internet protocols, formats, and algorithms.
@DonManfred · 2020-12-25
CodeMirror Javascript Code editor - proof of concept.
This is a proof of concept test for the javascript library CodeMirror. I still like RichtextFX, but it is limited to Java 8, so I went in search of an alternative. Code Mirror seems very comprehensive and will do the simple task I want it for admirably. It is a huge project. If you want to use it I suggest you prepare yourself to do some reading.
@stevel05 · 2020-12-22
B4JLibrarySMB / CIFS [SMB2]
jcifs-ng SMB-Client B4J [SMB2]
jcifs-ng SMB-Client [SMB2]
@DonManfred · 2020-12-19
B4JLibraryDatabase [2020.12.10]
New sqlite-jdbc version 3.34.0 [2020.12.10]
New sqlite-jdbc version 3.34.0 [2020.12.10]
@Claudio Oliveira · 2020-12-13
This is a QR code generator for B4J projects. It doesnt require jShell so it will work on B4J server projects.
QR Code Generator [for Server]
@tchart · 2020-12-13
B4JLibraryDatabase [2020.12.08]
New sqlite-jdbc version [2020.12.08]
New sqlite-jdbc version [2020.12.08]
@Claudio Oliveira · 2020-12-09
B4JLibraryBAnano - database [BANANOLOCALBASE]
Learning & Understanding the BANanoPromise [BANanoLocalBase]
Learning & Understanding the BANanoPromise [BANanoLocalBase]
@Mashiane · 2020-12-05
This is a wrapper of this KMeans implementation: https://github.com/eugenp/tutorials...va/com/baeldung/algorithms/kmeans/KMeans.java KMeans is an unsupervised machine learning algorithm.
@xulihang · 2020-12-01
A framework-less library for the adventurous BANanoNinjas [BANanoHTML]
A framework-less library for the adventurous BANanoNinjas [BANanoHTML]
@Mashiane · 2020-11-24
OWASP Java HTML Sanitizer
A fast and easy to configure HTML Sanitizer written in Java which lets you include HTML authored by third-parties in your web application while protecting against XSS.
@tchart · 2020-11-12
Create Desktop Apps with Electron [BANanoElectron]
Create Desktop Apps with Electron [BANanoElectron]
@Mashiane · 2020-10-30
GitHub API Library
This is a work in progress library that wraps the GitHub API for Java library
@tchart · 2020-10-27