HTMLEditorWrapper - Edit HTML
I got fed up looking for a simple solution to be able to add tables to the HTML editor, so in the vein of keeping it simple I decided just to make it super easy and edit the HTML source from the Editor instead.
@stevel05 · 2022-04-07
jBasiclib editor
I have been playing with Andrew Grahams excellent jBasiclib and created an editor for an app I have been working on.
@stevel05 · 2022-03-30
CodeMirror wrapper and example
A wrapper for the CodeMirror javascript libarary which runs quite happily in a Webview. Current functionality: - Highlighting Mode for B4x (and 100+ other languages) - Minimal wrapper implementation in library, see the attached CodeEditor for an example of a fuller implementation - Implemented the available visual themes
@stevel05 · 2022-03-25
HikariCP 5.x
This is a wrapper for HikariCP which is a database connection pool manager (https://github.com/brettwooldridge/HikariCP)
@tchart · 2022-03-21
jBasicLib embedded Basic interpreter library
Nearly six years ago I posted the original B4A version of this library that was in fact a port to Java from the original Basic4ppc .Net C# version that I wrote even earlier. Shortly after that I gave up Android development out of disgust with Google and returned to playing with Basic4ppc and C# under Windows. I now find myself back having to use Android for mobile work and have already posted an updated, polished and reasonably documented version for B4A. I now post here a version that will work with B4J.
@agraham · 2022-03-14
Windows Registry Access - Add a compiled [with built in B4JPackager] B4J executable to Windows Startup
I needed a way to start an application in windows startup so I created this library. The compiled library is contained in NHRegistry.zip and a sample project with examples on how to use it (also containing the code of the library) is contained in MyRegistry.zip. It requires jShell library and works only with windows not breaking the code in other OSs.
@hatzisn · 2022-02-07
B4JLibraryComms & Network [BETA]
jTelegramBot - Create your own Telegram Bot [BETA]
JTelegramBot is a Java library that wraps Telegram Bot API with a simpler API using Builder design pattern.
@DonManfred · 2022-01-09
B4JLibraryViews - additional [CUSTOM VIEW]
RichViewfx CodeArea [Custom View]
This is a custom view and very light wrapper for the RichTextFX Codearea from Thomas Mikula on github. There is enough in here to display code, useful for a snippets manager or similar.
@stevel05 · 2021-12-24
Use SVG files like any other image : JavafxSVG
Use SVG files like any other image : JavafxSVG
@stevel05 · 2021-12-19
JsonTree - Tool to help with JSON parsing - UPDATED
I updated the JsonTree tool that Erel created in 2013 to work with https and the newer libraries in B4J.
@aminoacid · 2021-11-26
B4J_Button_extra [Add images and enhance your buttons]
B4J_Button_extra [Add images and enhance your buttons]
@fernando1987 · 2021-11-21
A library to generate XML documents using a template and optionally validate it using an xsd file
A library to generate XML documents using a template and optionally validate it using an xsd file.
@andrewmp · 2021-11-18
4 Types 4 Algorithm Plus 1 [BANanoHashes]
4 Types 4 Algorithm Plus 1 [BANanoHashes]
@Mashiane · 2021-11-16
B4JLibrarySithaso [SITHASOFAKER]
Generate massive amounts of fake data for your BANano projects [SithasoFaker]
Generate massive amounts of fake data for your BANano projects [SithasoFaker]
@Mashiane · 2021-11-15
B4JLibraryRaspberry Pi [B]
Waveshare POE Hat [B] with contrallable fan and OLED display
Waveshare POE Hat [B] with contrallable fan and OLED display
@sorex · 2021-11-15
Synchronous HTTP Request Library
A simple convenience library for using a HttpURLConnection to make requests and access the response.
@tchart · 2021-11-14
Advanced List/Array Manipulation [BANanoCollectJS]
Advanced List/Array Manipulation [BANanoCollectJS]
@Mashiane · 2021-10-23
Zip4J - Library version updates
Zip4J - Library version updates
@Claudio Oliveira · 2021-10-09
Library science
The library at the moment has: 1. constants - physical, chemical constants, etc. - 48 element 2. EnergyConvert - energy converter between J,Hz,K,eV,u - 37 patterns 3. Math - mathematical formulas - 38 patterns 4. Physics - formulas related to physics divided into subcategories by prefix. - 75 patterns - DYN_ - dynamics - ELE_ - electricity - KIN_ - kinetics - MAG_ - magnetism - WAV_ - waves and vibrations - TER_ - thermodynamitics
@MichalK73 · 2021-10-06
B4JLibraryB4J [B4A][XUI]
SD: XUI_DragView [B4A] [XUI]
This library handles drag and drop of XUI views. It is a simple library with few methods but it only serves to drag the space already indicated.
@Star-Dust · 2021-09-14
ABBackgroundWorkers [extracted from jServer]
This library is just an extraction of the Background Worker functionality in the jServer library. I needed this functionality but did not want to include the whole Jetty part.
@alwaysbusy · 2021-09-06
B4JLibraryAI/ML [NLP]
OpenNLP - Text analysis [NLP]
OpenNLP - Text analysis [NLP]
@Erel · 2021-08-30
B4JLibraryDatabase [2021.08.25]
New sqlite-jdbc version [2021.08.25]
New sqlite-jdbc version [2021.08.25]
@Claudio Oliveira · 2021-08-26
B4JLibraryAI/ML [NLP]
Apache Tika - Parse everything [NLP]
Apache Tika is an open source project that allows extracting text and meta data from many formats: https://tika.apache.org/1.27/formats.html
@Erel · 2021-08-22
Wrapper Steamworks4J to B4J [ SteamWorks4B4J ]
The steamworks4j library allows Java applications to access the Steamworks C++ API. It can be easily integrated with other frameworks, such as libGDX, LWJGL or Slick2D.
@Waldemar Lima · 2021-07-18
jJasperReports Library
jJasperReports Library
@Juan Marrero · 2021-07-09
B4JLibraryDatabase [2021.06.30]
New sqlite-jdbc version [2021.06.30]
New sqlite-jdbc version [2021.06.30]
@Claudio Oliveira · 2021-07-08
SCTE-35 parsing library
Parser for ''Digital Program Insertion Cueing Messages for cable''
@madru · 2021-06-24
The Ultimate Drag n Drop PDF Document Creation Engine [BANanoJsPDFCore]
The Ultimate Drag n Drop PDF Document Creation Engine [BANanoJsPDFCore]
@Mashiane · 2021-06-18
Supports Microsoft Excel xls and xlsx Workbooks
@Erel · 2021-05-25