This Library wraps the 2Dgraphic elements of JavaFX2
@stevel05 · 2022-10-31
Javax print wrapper for UI and non-UI apps. [B4j]
This is a wrap of the Javax print API. It is more complex to use than the Javafx print API but does have a few benefits such as being usable in non-UI apps and access to java Swing printable interface which makes it easy to print the content of swing nodes.
@stevel05 · 2022-10-31
PerfectMoney is an alternative method of payment on the Internet for services.
@MichalK73 · 2022-10-24
Palantech Framework
It''s with great pleasure that i am releasing the first ever ORM MVC B4J Framework: ORM: Object Relational Mapping, This framework allows you to pull from and push data to a database without writing SQL, this is done using the awesome Type system that we all love in B4x MVC: Stands for Model View Controller. you can read about it here:âviewâcontroller B4J: The IDE that we all love! (please check footnotes)
@EnriqueGonzalez · 2022-10-21
CSSStyleClass Designer Script Extension [B4j] [DSE]
CSSStyleClass Designer Script Extension [B4j] [DSE]
@stevel05 · 2022-10-13
MaterialTool - Creating a window with JSON [ABMaterial]
This was created as a result of the need to create data entry forms in the current project he is writing. The project contains a large number of data entry forms. The data is often dynamically changed, tailored to a particular client. It was impossible to enter all the forms in a simple way, which translates into the size of the code and design time. The big plus of this method that you do not need to restart, recompile the server. Everything works on a working web server. From here the window files can be edited from another editor on the network, locally, etc. They can be sent via API, downloaded from a database, etc.
@MichalK73 · 2022-10-01
Shapes - Shape Nodes [DSE]
This class contains designer extension script methods based on the snippets I previously posted with some enhancements that make it too complex to post as snippets.
@stevel05 · 2022-09-26
SD: Bluetooth Printer B4J
BT_Printer library allows you to print text (and soon image) to a bluetooth thermal printers. It is similar to the BT_Printer library for Android, and implementations, events and methods are almost identical. We are working to have the same library for all platforms. On iOS it will be different because it uses BLE, but we will try to standardize the use.
@Star-Dust · 2022-09-14
Mind Your Own Business [Max]
Mapping ip addresses to locations and networks
@drgottjr · 2022-09-12
jAsioHost Asio sound drivers for windows.
JAsioHost (JAH) is a Java interface to Steinberg''s Audio Stream Input/Output (ASIO) API. It provides low-latecy (< 10ms) input and output access to the available audio hardware on Windows, replacing the need to use the outdated and slow Java Sound API.
@stevel05 · 2022-09-08
Jave2 FFMPeg Library [B4j]
A java wrapper for FFMpeg. Useful to integrate FFMpeg into your app without having to use jShell.
@stevel05 · 2022-09-03
jCanvasExt Extends Canvas methods
This library, with the Class source code, extends the Canvas functionalities. Some time ago I was playing with B4J Canvas with methods not exposed directly to B4J. There was a question in the forum for a routine to draw rectangles with round corners. So, I think it may be useful for others.
@klaus · 2022-08-27
Menu Manager
Create menu''s in code for menubar and context menus. This library supports Text Menu Items, Checkbox Menu items, Custom menu items and menu dividers. Features: Add Icons to menu items. Image, Fontawesome and MaterialIcons Add Shortcut keys to menu items Default and assignable style classes to style via css Set tags Set alternate eventnames for individual menu items Create sub menus Create Simple menus from a String array Add tooltips to custom menus content Nodes Change attributes for menuitems Most set methods return it''s own class so they can be chained
@stevel05 · 2022-08-24
AudioSpectrumVisualizer [B4j]
Display an audio spectrum using a Javafx AreaChart and the MediaPlayer AudioSpectrumListener
@stevel05 · 2022-08-17
Code Module FFMPeg_Utils for jAudioTrack2 and jAudioRecord2
Using FFMPeg Command Line and jShell, it is possible to convert most file formats to and from a wav file that jAudioRecord2 writes and a jAudioTrack2 plays.
@stevel05 · 2022-08-17
Here is the opposite number to jAudioRecord, again based on javax.sound.sampled it''s setup is very similar.
@stevel05 · 2022-08-14
CmdTwain Wrapper [B4j]
This is a B4xlib to control the free command line Twain Scanning app CmdTwain. (Windows Only)
@stevel05 · 2022-08-12
SQLite JDBC - Library version updates
SQLite JDBC - Library version updates
@Claudio Oliveira · 2022-08-08
This is an Audio Recording Library based on javax.sound.sampled that I have tried to make as simple to use as possible. It will record from the default device as selected in the Control Panel or Mixer (on Windows Machines).
@stevel05 · 2022-08-04
BANanoVuetifyAD3 Core Library
BANanoVuetifyAD3 Core Library
@Mashiane · 2022-07-30
A KeyValue Store for BANano on top of IndexedDB [BANanoKeyStore]
A KeyValue Store for BANano on top of IndexedDB [BANanoKeyStore]
@Mashiane · 2022-07-16
Simple Guitar Chord Chart with Midi
Simple Guitar Chord Chart with Midi
@stevel05 · 2022-07-12
B4x DDD_SL SetTextSizeAndIcon
An additional class for the new designer script feature. It allows replacing the smallest (last) string in the list with an Icon and utilizes code from the original DDD class.
@stevel05 · 2022-06-24
jServer v4.0 - Based on Jetty 11
This is a new version of jServer. It is based on Jetty 11.0.9. Previous versions were based on an early version of Jetty 9.
@Erel · 2022-06-21
jServer3 library is the previous version of jServer library. It is the library that was included with B4J up until B4J v9.80. This post contains the link to where jServer3 can still be found.
@Erel · 2022-06-21
Selenium Browser Automation - Create any Robot with Browser
Selenium is an open source automated testing suite for web applications across different browsers and platforms. It is quite similar to HP Quick Test Professional (QTP) only that Selenium focuses on automating web-based applications. Selenium is not just a single tool but a suite of software''s, each catering to different testing needs of an organization. Based on Selenium WebDrivers, this new Library for B4J can automate browsers and create any robot and get any information from websites.
@Alberto Iglesias · 2022-06-12
Zip4J - Library update - Version 2.10.0
Zip4J - Library update - Version 2.10.0
@Claudio Oliveira · 2022-05-13
bcprov-jdk18on-171 [BouncyCastle] update [encryption]
bcprov-jdk18on-171 [BouncyCastle] update [encryption]
@KMatle · 2022-05-09
AwesomeMaterial : search FontAwesome and Material icons [Tool]
Search FontAwesome and Material icons and copy ''Chr(â¦)'' to the Clipboard
@walt61 · 2022-05-04
JsonTree - Tool to help with JSON parsing [Updated as 23/4/2022]
JsonTree - Tool to help with JSON parsing [Updated as 23/4/2022]; I changed the generated code to avoid naming conflict with B4XPages projects, root changed to jroot
@Hamied Abou Hulaikah · 2022-04-23