JSON Formatter and validator
I am working on an app that needs to be able to manipulate JSON strings. They are stored in a compact format then prettified for display and editing. The main problem I have found is that if the json is invalid, it can''t be prettified with the existing JSON lib. I found this project on github and ported the format class to B4j.
@stevel05 · 2023-08-07
This library contains a custom view called Starchild_B4J_SmartGraphView which can be added into a form layout using B4J Designer. It provides a simple and stylish way of presenting dynamic data as a graphed display. Spot, Line and Bars can be used to represent the plotted data values on the graph.
@Starchild · 2023-08-02
Basic Calendar custom view using designer script extension
Basic Calendar custom view using designer script extension
@stevel05 · 2023-07-24
Plug n Play PHP CRUD REST API [MySQL, SQLite, MSServer, PostGreSQL] for BANano [SithasoDaisy]
Plug n Play PHP CRUD REST API [MySQL, SQLite, MSServer, PostGreSQL] for BANano [SithasoDaisy]
@Mashiane · 2023-07-08
B4JLibraryRaspberry Pi [IOT]
jPi4J - Raspberry Pi GPIO controller [IoT]
Raspberry Pi GPIO controller
@Erel · 2023-06-26
B4JLibraryRaspberry Pi
Pi4J2 - Raspberry Pi I/O library
A new version of Pi4J which is now being actively developed and it works with all recent versions of Raspberry Pi.
@Erel · 2023-06-26
The current jXmlSax library lacks the character event as discussed here: https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/t...ements-and-text-are-mixed.121134/#post-757245 I modified the jXmlSax library to add the characters event and renamed it as jXmlSaxEnhanced.
@xulihang · 2023-06-22
B4JLibraryDate/time [CUSTOM VIEW]
Year Planner View [Custom View]
It displays every day in the selected year and returns the clicked day(s).
@Chris2 · 2023-06-04
Printer Example - Print text with the jFX8 Printer library
This is an example of printing text using the jFX8 Print library with TextFlow and Text class objects.
@stevel05 · 2023-05-16
MysqlConn : Mysql connection library
MysqlConn : Mysql connection library
@Justcooldev · 2023-05-12
CreateHTMLPage easy logging of data
This library will create an html page and display it in your default browser from one or more lists or arrays or csv.
@stevel05 · 2023-05-05
Web3X - Develop Web3 solutions with B4X
An open source Java library for integration of Ethereum clients
@Erel · 2023-05-02
Windows Registry - jRegistry
Grants you read and write access to the Windows registry
@tchart · 2023-04-27
B4JLibraryDesigner [DSE]
PaneLayout [DSE]
I''ve been working a lot in MySQL lately and got fed up creating layouts that were very similar to show audit reports. I came up with this which is a designer script extension that loads however many labels you specify into a pane. You can define the widths, left margin and EventNames for the labels so they can respond to being clicked.
@stevel05 · 2023-04-26
B4JLibraryFile handling [LIB]
B4XAttibute - Allows you to set attributes for directories and files. [LIB]
A simple library that will allow you to set/remove attributes (+H,+R,+S,+A/-H,-R-S-A) for directory(s) and/or file(s) including on request of all subfolders.
@T201016 · 2023-04-05
Caffeine Cache
Caches can be critical for servers and other apps where you cannot store all data in memory and still need good performance.
@Erel · 2023-02-28
B4JLibraryImages [SOURCE CODE]
ImageScaler [Source code]
Library to resize image in B4J non-UI app
@aeric · 2023-02-24
B4JServer QRCode Generator
B4JServer QRCode Generator
@aeric · 2023-02-21
B4JLibraryAudio/Video [DEMO]
SD_Streaming [DEMO]
This library is developed in JAVA and is a wrapper of the VLCj library. Is based on the code by @moster67 (see here). It has been reworked to obtain an h.264 streaming from the pc cam, streaming of an mp4 video and finally of the desktop and a portion of it. Demo only, streams max. 120 seconds.
@Star-Dust · 2023-02-20
B4JLibraryAudio/Video [DEMO]
SD_VideoStreaming [DEMO]
To the SD_Streaming library it adds a few functions to make some methods simple. In particular, it is not necessary to create an fxml file for the player in case you want to use it to receive a stream. Demo only, streams max. 120 seconds.
@Star-Dust · 2023-02-19
B4JLibraryFirebase [SERVER]
FirebaseServer - backend verification for signed in users [server]
Users can sign in to your B4A or B4i apps using Google or Facebook with the FirebaseAuth libraries. FirebaseServer completes the puzzle with server side verification of the user. This means that the signed in user gets a token id (long string) from Firebase services by calling FirebaseAuth.GetUserTokenId. The client sends the token id to the server. The server verifies the token using this library. Once verified we know for sure that the request was sent from our app and we know the identity of the signed in user.
@Erel · 2023-02-14
jAudioStreamer library
jAudioStreamer library
@yo3ggx · 2023-02-12
B4JLibraryWebView [B4J]
jSelenium - A Test Automation for B4J [b4j]
jSelenium - A Test Automation for B4J [b4j]
@tummosoft · 2023-01-27
MongoDB - Documents database
MongoDB access
@Erel · 2023-01-10
B4JLibraryComms & Network
JDA - JAVA Discord Api - Create a Bot for Discord
JDA - JAVA Discord Api - Create a Bot for Discord
@DonManfred · 2023-01-02
Windows Notifications Library
Windows Notifications Library
@hatzisn · 2022-12-14
With this library you can implement WebSocket clients.
@Erel · 2022-12-04
B4j WebSocket Client
A barebones WebSocket server and client implementation not based on Jetty
@Addo · 2022-12-01
B4JLibraryRaspberry Pi
pigpio for b4j
pigpio is a library for the Raspberry which allows control of the General Purpose Input Outputs (GPIO). pigpio works on all versions of the Pi.
@jinyistudio · 2022-11-25
Dialogs Libary based on JavaFX 8
@rwblinn · 2022-11-22