B4JLibraryCertificate [SERVER]
LetsEncrypt SSL certificates [server]
LetsEncrypt SSL certificates [server]
@Erel · 2024-03-03
Voice Commands for WebApps [Web] [SithasoKITT]
Voice Commands for WebApps [Web] [SithasoKITT]
@Mashiane · 2024-02-05
B4JLibraryCompression [BANANO][SITHASOJSZIP]
Compress & Download Files for your WebApps [BANano] [SithasoJsZIP]
Compress & Download Files for your WebApps [BANano] [SithasoJsZIP]
@Mashiane · 2024-02-04
B4JLibraryFirebase [FIREBASE]
jSupport - A utility library used for jServer system processing [Firebase]
jSupport - A utility library used for jServer system processing [Firebase]
@tummosoft · 2024-01-28
Date Time Utils library for B4X
Date Time Utils library for B4X
@tummosoft · 2024-01-20
Jakarta Websocket Server Library
Jakarta Websocket Server Library
@Addo · 2024-01-08
B4JLibraryBAnano - database [WITH SUBSCRIPTIONS][WEB]
SithasoGunDB - Offline First Peer to Peer Database using NodeJS and GunDB [with Subscriptions] [Web]
This is a BANano b4xlib to use GunDB (Peer to Peer Database) which is able to store data offline and sync to peers once connected.
@Mashiane · 2024-01-08
Example of setting sound system using a wrapper of svcl.exe
Example of setting sound system using a wrapper of svcl.exe
@Vitor · 2023-12-20
Freemarker Library
Apache FreeMarker™ is a template engine: a Java library to generate text output (HTML web pages, e-mails, configuration files, source code, etc.) based on templates and changing data.
@EnriqueGonzalez · 2023-12-13
My OpenStreetMap Extension Library
My OpenStreetMap Extension Library
@Starchild · 2023-11-22
B4J/ Lottie Animation
B4J/ Lottie Animation
@jkhazraji · 2023-10-31
B4JLibraryAudio/Video [B4J]
jAudioTrack2 [B4j]
This is a new version of the jAudioTrack library (but not a direct plugin replacement) provided as a b4xlib and uses current B4x practices and classes. It allows selecting the audio output. It also includes the Clip class which allows control over the playback position and looping.
@stevel05 · 2023-10-24
B4j Print JavaFX8
Here is a B4j library written in B4j to access the full Printer modules provided with JavaFX8. Full source code is available.
@stevel05 · 2023-10-19
Other Font icon [ than Fontawesome and Material]
Icon fonts other than FontAwesome and MaterialIcons
@jkhazraji · 2023-10-19
B4JLibraryAudio/Video [B4J]
jAudioRecord2 [B4j]
This is a new version of the jAudioRecord library (but not a direct plugin replacement) provided as a b4xlib and uses current B4x practices and classes. It allows selection of audio inputs and capturing directly to file or to a byte array so you can process the data further.
@stevel05 · 2023-10-16
B4JLibraryViews - additional
Replacement TitleBar
I''ve seen a few questions on the forums about changing the titlebar color. The answer is that you have to replace the title bar. This gives the problem of then losing all of the form controls, resizing minimising, maximising and close buttons. This is a customview, that does all of this. Just add the titlebarCV customview to the top of a layout and it will replace the existing titlebar with one defined int the titlebar layout.
@stevel05 · 2023-09-29
TreeTableView Helper Class
TreeTableView Helper Class
@Mashiane · 2023-09-24
B4JLibraryMap [BANANO]
BANanoOrderedMap [BANano]
BANanoOrderedMap [BANano]
@Mashiane · 2023-09-19
B4JLibraryEditText/Textview/TextArea/TextField [B4J]
TextArea and TextField commands. Keep Undo working. [B4j]
TextArea and TextField commands. Keep Undo working. [B4j]
@stevel05 · 2023-09-19
B4JLibraryMenu [B4J]
MenuButton [B4j]
I wanted to add a menu to a form that is to be used in a narrow portrait orientation. I have dealt with this before using a normal button and a popup menu. but as there is a MenuButton control in JavafX I thought I''d wrap it.
@stevel05 · 2023-09-17
TextField As Label
This one was born out of frustration that in Javafx, you can''t make a label''s text selectable. This is a Textfield, that is styled as a label. with the added bonus that you can click the label to edit the text (which can be disabled) and would be useful to use in a data table or list where you may want to edit the field.
@stevel05 · 2023-08-30
BANanoCSSUtils - Utility Helpers & Animations on any BANanoElement
BANanoCSSUtils - Utility Helpers & Animations on any BANanoElement
@Mashiane · 2023-08-24
Pseudo classes for JavaFX / B4j
If you are creating a Javafx / B4j project with multiple themes & stylesheets, then you need this. You can create your own Pseudo classes for use in the stylesheets.
@stevel05 · 2023-08-22
jKuromoji - Japanese morphological analyzer
Kuromoji is an easy to use and self-contained Japanese morphological analyzer that does - Word segmentation. Segmenting text into words (or morphemes) - Part-of-speech tagging. Assign word-categories (nouns, verbs, particles, adjectives, etc.) - Lemmatization. Get dictionary forms for inflected verbs and adjectives - Readings. Extract readings for kanji
@xulihang · 2023-08-19
Nitrite NoSQL embedded database library
I was interested to try Erel''s MongoBD example in a few projects but really didn''t want to use a server implementation so I looked for an alternative and found the Nitrite library. Think of it as a KeyValueStore on steroids. You can search and sort records with filters. You can add fields to a record without having to change a schema.
@stevel05 · 2023-08-19
NHCalculateHash - Calculate Hash for everything - It Cannot be Used In B4A
NHCalculateHash - Calculate Hash for everything - It Cannot be Used In B4A
@hatzisn · 2023-08-16
JSON Formatter and validator
I am working on an app that needs to be able to manipulate JSON strings. They are stored in a compact format then prettified for display and editing. The main problem I have found is that if the json is invalid, it can''t be prettified with the existing JSON lib. I found this project on github and ported the format class to B4j.
@stevel05 · 2023-08-07
This library contains a custom view called Starchild_B4J_SmartGraphView which can be added into a form layout using B4J Designer. It provides a simple and stylish way of presenting dynamic data as a graphed display. Spot, Line and Bars can be used to represent the plotted data values on the graph.
@Starchild · 2023-08-02
Basic Calendar custom view using designer script extension
Basic Calendar custom view using designer script extension
@stevel05 · 2023-07-24
Plug n Play PHP CRUD REST API [MySQL, SQLite, MSServer, PostGreSQL] for BANano [SithasoDaisy]
Plug n Play PHP CRUD REST API [MySQL, SQLite, MSServer, PostGreSQL] for BANano [SithasoDaisy]
@Mashiane · 2023-07-08