Sharing the goodness [BANano]
Thought I should create my own easy reference list of stuff I''ve posted here about BANano.
@Mashiane · 2019-10-31
Managing Hidden Jar Processes
I made this program mainly to view and kill Jar processes that are hidden (non - UI)
@Philip Chatzigeorgiadis · 2019-10-29
Playing with linear regression
Playing with linear regression
@Erel · 2019-10-23
Windows only - Find a pdf printer
Windows only - Find a pdf printer
@Erel · 2019-10-02
Global Temperature Anomalies - Heatmap Custom View
Global Temperature Anomalies - Heatmap Custom View
@jmon · 2019-09-05
Modbus TCP server - slave - restricted functionality
A small quick and dirty implementation of the modbus TCP protocol in B4J as a server / slave
@Coldrestart · 2019-08-26
running jar in jdk11
running jar in jdk11
@derez · 2019-08-10
Google Map with custom style
This method allows to set a custom style to the map. Step 1: Create the style with the wizard and save the json string in a file. Step 2: Set the style after the map is ready
@Erel · 2019-07-29
Locale aware Double to String conversion with minimum and maximum decimal control
Allows control over the minimum and maximum number of decimal places to display.
@OliverA · 2019-07-26
What you need to read the SEL file of SceneEditor
What you need to read the SEL file of SceneEditor
@Informatix · 2019-07-12
Tip - Forcing Excel Columns To Be Stored As Text
Use case: reading an Excel workbook where the column data is not consistent. Some of the cells are correctly stored as dates and some as text. Handling the various types is easy in B4J assuming that you can access the raw text value.
@Erel · 2019-07-08
Implementing Collaboration with TogetherJS [BANano]
Implementing Collaboration with TogetherJS [BANano]
@Mashiane · 2019-06-19
zip multiple files and folders using zip4j
As is stated here:, I need to zip multiple files and folders into one zip file. zip4j is an easy to use library. The code is very simple. I only implemented the zip part.
@xulihang · 2019-06-05
Creating a Random Dummy Data Generator
Creating a Random Dummy Data Generator
@Mashiane · 2019-05-23
Text File To List Variable
Text File To List Variable
@Mashiane · 2019-05-23
Initializing JavaObject
Initializing JavaObject
@Daestrum · 2019-05-21
Customlistview with multiple selection like DBgrid
Many years ago I bought a very good library for VB6: TrueDbGrid. The multiple rows selection method of this grid was very simple and intuitive, so I tried to replicate it with the xCustomlistview. It was based on use of SHIFT and CONTROL keys to select one ore more rows in sequence or not.This is a quick and dirty procedure but can be a starting point and certainly it can be improved.
@Nicola Ciaramellano · 2019-05-07
Executing code without using BANano.Eval [BANano]
Executing code without using BANano.Eval [BANano]
@Mashiane · 2019-05-01
Convert Exception Stack Trace To String
I want to give users a chance to send application crashes to be logged on a website so I need to capture the stack trace to a string. The ExceptionToString Sub does that.
@keirS · 2019-04-28
ScrollPane helper code module
ScrollPane helper code module
@knutf · 2019-04-22
Save changes before closing with a resumable sub
Save changes before closing with a resumable sub
@Erel · 2019-04-09
B4XDialog - Add keyboard handling
This code allows the user to close the dialog with ''escape'' or one of the following keys: Y, N or C.
@Erel · 2019-04-07
Sharing the goodness: Useful methods
Sharing the goodness: Useful methods
@Mashiane · 2019-03-11
Running JS expressions on the fly
In trying to solve another problem I stumbled into what might be useful to others. It seems to be the minimum required to run scripts on the fly. I have attached a project "CodeRunner" that uses this method. It extends this snippet to run B4X code on the fly. This is done in about 500 lines of code, without external libraries.
@William Lancee · 2019-03-04
Flip ImageView
Show mirrored/reflected images correctly (and in a readable way)
@moster67 · 2019-02-23
Cool zooming effect
Found some code ages ago when I was looking into how to zoom images. It uses a javafx.geometry.Rectangle2D object as a ViewPort and a method of the ImageView which sets the ViewPort (called setViewport). I haven''t seen this available in B4J so I adapted the code to work with B4J. This zooming effect can probably be made in other ways by just using native B4J skipping calling not exposed objects/methods with JavaObject.
@moster67 · 2019-02-17
ContextMenu on Nodes/Controls which do not support it
ContextMenu on Nodes/Controls which do not support it
@moster67 · 2019-02-14
Tweak the HTMLEditor toolbars AFTER loading a modal
I needed to edit some HTML text with a few basic commands (bold, underline etc) with the HTMLEditor in a modal window on top of the main form. I can simplify the HTMLEditor''s toolbar by hiding the top row and all the ComboBoxes in the lower one with custom routines (not shown below).
@Crock · 2019-01-31
Garbage collection
For those of you interested in GC here is a class I have in a B4J server
@Jmu5667 · 2019-01-30
Clock on Canvas [ABMaterial]
Clock on Canvas [ABMaterial]
@rwblinn · 2019-01-29