Find user documents folder
Find user documents folder. Tested on Windows and Mac only.
@Erel · 2019-01-03
jPOI clear a work sheet
I needed a way to re-use an Excel worksheet. The existing B4J library has no methods for this, and I couldn''t find anything related on this forum. So I used the Java object to implement what I needed. The solution is based on StackOverflow suggestions.
@William Lancee · 2018-12-27
Autoupdate APP
I needed a auto-update system for jar application. Because my last project work alot of PC in my company. Eaxh time; I must update with manually; Therefore ; I prepared small NON-UI app.
@Tayfur · 2018-12-26
Something to do instead off StartMessageLoop in UI Application [No consola].
Something to do instead off StartMessageLoop in UI Application [No consola].
@netsistemas · 2018-12-25
ListView scroll changed event for lazyload
This is useful to lazy load a listview, as customlistview costs more memory. This is the reference webpage:
@xulihang · 2018-12-21
B4J Spinner - Simple
This is a simple spinner for B4j (though it would easily port to B4a) based on a canvas object. I ''looks'' more like the spinners used in B4A than the combobox offering in B4J. The Spinner continuously rotates around the string array data provided and outputs the center value as an ''answer'' on each mouse click. The background image size needs to be scaled to match the cvs size you use.
@rodmcm · 2018-12-20
Consistent Tooltips
Something which has been bugging me recently and finally got round to looking at it. I think the tooltip inherits it''s font settings from the control. They can look very inconsistent if using FontAwesome or Material Icons. This snippet makes them consistent.
@keirS · 2018-12-15
Moving Cursor to end of text in TextField
Normally, moving the cursor to the end of a TextField is a one-liner. But when you tab from TextField to TextField, inserting this into the _FocusChanged event doesn''t work, and the field is left with all the text selected and the cursor blinking at the start of it. I believe this has something to do with the exact state of the textbox when the event execution has not yet been completed. I was surprised at how many people had questioned how to do this, and the convoluted solutions offered -but very few for B4J. Here is some simple code I have found that works for me. Tested in B4J, haven''t tested it in B4A.
@GuyBooth · 2018-12-09
Gamma and Beta functions for computing Cumulative Distribution Functions
Gamma and Beta functions for computing Cumulative Distribution There are numerous implementations of Gamma and Beta functions in many computer languages. This is my implementation for B4X as applied to statistics.
@William Lancee · 2018-12-03
Deciding on a Christmas gifts using Mermaid [ABMaterial]
Deciding on a Christmas gifts using Mermaid [ABMaterial]
@Mashiane · 2018-12-02
jPOI Get A Cells Text Property [Display Value]
The code is the equivalent of the VBA .Text property of a cell. It''s the value displayed to the user including formatting such as thousands separators,decimal places and currency. It requires the latest version the jPOI library that wraps Apache POI 4.00.
@keirS · 2018-11-30
Windows, Mac or Linux?
Detect the OS on which the program runs
@Erel · 2018-11-28
Get the FileIcon from a file
Get the FileIcon from a file
@DonManfred · 2018-11-26
Star Ratings custom component [ABMaterial]
Star Ratings custom component [ABMaterial]
@springer kow · 2018-11-08
Adding working days to date
Adding working days to date
@Knoppi · 2018-10-27
GeoIp ip block [ABM Material]
GeoIp ip block [ABM Material]
@MbedAndroid · 2018-10-26
CustomBuildAction & Launch4j
Small snippet. You can use the command line version of Launch4J (launch4jc) to build your wrapped Jar file using a CustomBuildAction. Use the actual Launch4J UI to create the XML config file first and test that it works.
@tchart · 2018-10-16
SplitPane PositionChanged_Event
My splitpane contains a customlistview with textareas which have to measure height baesd on text length. So I have to turn off the handle resize event in layout designer. To add a SplitPane PositionChanged_Event, we can first get its dividers and then add a change listener to its positionProperty.
@xulihang · 2018-10-11
TextField Numeric Input only
Here is how I handle numbers only input for a text field.
@Jmu5667 · 2018-10-11
Simple lens (Fish eye)
Simple lens (Fish eye)
@BeneBarros · 2018-10-10
Scrollbar Size
Sometimes the scrollbar is too wide, especially for small listviews, this code allows changing the width (for Vertical scrollbars) or height (for Horizontal scrollbars). If you call this from a sub in which you load the layout - i.e. AppStart, DesignerCreateView etc., put it at the end of the sub and add a Sleep(0) command before it.
@stevel05 · 2018-10-02
Canbus code
Canbus is a industrial protocol, mainly known in automotive industry. All lights, windows etc are Canbus driven in a modern car. Therefore each car has a OBD connector for readout/programming car''s computer. For these reason a lot of chips are on the market, easy to find on ebay. I use the CAN for Homeautomation. It''s fast speed and reliability and proven stability is much better for alarms etc. Included the code for interfacing the can pcb which can be bought on ebay to the raspberry. For the hardware side please follow this link For reading the OBD message a higher layer has to be written. In fact this code is Layer2, the interface to get the bytes out of the MCP2515 into the pi. The code has been checked for some time now and is stable.
@MbedAndroid · 2018-09-17
Simple Stop Watch Modul
Simple Stop Watch Modul
@MarkusR · 2018-09-05
It just convert a Colortemperature Value (Kelvin) into a RGB Value.
@Blueforcer · 2018-08-31
setMouseTransparent, enable mouse events in underlying nodes
Routine to enable mouse events to be transmitted to undelying nodes.
@klaus · 2018-08-23
TableView: Adding tooltips to column headers
TableView: Adding tooltips to column headers
@Mashiane · 2018-08-20
Metro Style with JMetro
Metro Style with JMetro
@Erel · 2018-08-09
Custom Component noUISlider [ABMaterial]
Custom Component noUISlider [ABMaterial]
@rwblinn · 2018-08-06
Making an ABMCombo MultiSelect with ABMCheckboxes [ABMaterial]
Making an ABMCombo MultiSelect with ABMCheckboxes [ABMaterial]
@Mashiane · 2018-08-05
Multiline Labels Text Alignment
The standard Alignment property does not work properly with multiline labels. It aligns the content based on the first line. You can use this code instead.
@Erel · 2018-07-26