B4JSnippetFile handling
Copy And Delete Folders
Copy And Delete Folders
@PatrikCavina · 2018-07-20
B4JSnippetABMaterial [ABMATERIAL]
Custom Component Linear Gauge [ABMaterial]
Custom Component Linear Gauge [ABMaterial]
@rwblinn · 2018-07-13
B4JSnippetABMaterial [ABMATERIAL]
Trying to wrap a multi-select [ABMaterial]
Trying to wrap a multi-select [ABMaterial]
@Mashiane · 2018-06-25
B4JSnippetABMaterial [ABMATERIAL]
Googling around with Google''s Gantt Chart [ABMaterial]
Googling around with Google''s Gantt Chart [ABMaterial]
@Mashiane · 2018-05-04
Hebrew calendar
Hebrew calendar
@BeneBarros · 2018-05-02
String Contains a Valid Number
SubName: ValidNumber. Description: A multi purpose number validator
@stevel05 · 2018-04-26
TabPane Closing Policy TabPages
Have been looking to handle closure and showing of TabPages added to a TabPane. This snippet shows a solution using the TabPane Closing Policy. The JavaObject library is used to access API methods for the TabPane.
@rwblinn · 2018-04-16
Image to JPEG byte array with resize/quality options
Image to JPEG byte array with resize/quality options
@OliverA · 2018-04-11
MenuBar Create Dynamically FontAwesome Icon
Example creating dynamically FontAwesome icons for a MenuBar. This solution, see Sub TextToImage, uses a label which font is set to FontAwesome, add to a pane, followed by a screenshot which creates the image and then make the label invisible. The image is added to the menu items via a list. Their might be other ways to create an image from text, but this solution is working fine.
@rwblinn · 2018-04-10
export Tableview to excel with jPOI
export Tableview to excel with jPOI
@iordanis lazoudis · 2018-04-09
Get Image Pixels
Get Image Pixels
@Erel · 2018-04-09
Move rows between two TableViews via doubleclick
With this two subs you can move rows very easy between to TableViews by doubleclicking a row. So if you doubleclick a row it is added to the second TV and deleted from the first (and vice versa). The doubleclick is checked by the ClickCount event (= 2 = two clicks = doubleclick).
@KMatle · 2018-04-04
B4JSnippetABMaterial [ABMATERIAL]
Sneak Peek B4JS support for JQuery [ABMaterial]
Sneak Peek B4JS support for JQuery [ABMaterial]
@alwaysbusy · 2018-03-27
Make Tab Pane Tabs (Almost) Fit The Width Of The Tab Pane
Make Tab Pane Tabs (Almost) Fit The Width Of The Tab Pane
@keirS · 2018-03-25
This creates a radiogroup from a list of options you specify side by side. One is able to set and also return the text of the selected item.
@Mashiane · 2018-03-18
Other Captcha Option
Other Captcha Option
@BeneBarros · 2018-03-15
Disable virtual keyboard on embedded devices
In my application I am running on Raspberry Pi the javafx virtual keyboard pop ups as soon as I get the focus on some TextFields as expected, but I dont want it because I want to use my own made numeric keyboard, much smaller, that not covers my 7" tft touch display as the javafx default one does. So after trying some solutions I have found one solution that works perfect so the javafx keyboard never appears.
@Jose M. Tasende · 2018-02-28
B4JSnippetRaspberry Pi
MCP9808 reading temperature
Here an example for using the MCP9808 sensor on a raspberry pi. This is only a code snippet, as it only read''s the temperature. Not all the registers are implemented. Negative values aren''t yet tested. This is a console application.
@Coldrestart · 2018-02-25
B4JSnippetABMaterial [ABMATERIAL]
MashColorPicker [ABMaterial]
MashColorPicker [ABMaterial]
@Mashiane · 2017-12-30
B4JSnippetABMaterial [ABMATERIAL]
MashAccordion [ABMaterial]
MashAccordion [ABMaterial]
@Mashiane · 2017-12-28
B4JSnippetABMaterial [ABMATERIAL]
MashApplePanel [ABMaterial]
MashApplePanel [ABMaterial]
@Mashiane · 2017-12-28
get col type exactly with dbutils(ResultSetMetaData)
get col type exactly with dbutils(ResultSetMetaData)
@icefairy333 · 2017-12-23
TGA - Viewer
Supports compress and Uncompress images, 16, 24 and 32 bpp.
@BeneBarros · 2017-12-23
B4JSnippetABMaterial [ABMATERIAL]
MashCardPanel [ABMaterial]
MashCardPanel [ABMaterial]
@Mashiane · 2017-12-21
B4JSnippetABMaterial [ABMATERIAL]
MashInfoBox [ABMaterial]
MashInfoBox [ABMaterial]
@Mashiane · 2017-12-21
B4JSnippetABMaterial [ABMATERIAL]
MashListView [ABMaterial]
MashListView [ABMaterial]
@Mashiane · 2017-12-17
B4JSnippetABMaterial [ABMATERIAL]
MashProgress [ABMaterial]
MashProgress [ABMaterial]
@Mashiane · 2017-12-15
B4JSnippetABMaterial [ABMATERIAL]
MashRibbon [ABMaterial]
MashRibbon [ABMaterial]
@Mashiane · 2017-12-15
B4JSnippetABMaterial [ABMATERIAL]
MashBadges [ABMaterial]
MashBadges [ABMaterial]
@Mashiane · 2017-12-14
B4JSnippetABMaterial [ABMATERIAL]
MashUserStatus [ABMaterial]
MashUserStatus [ABMaterial]
@Mashiane · 2017-12-14