MashButtons [ABMaterial]
MashButtons [ABMaterial]
@Mashiane · 2017-12-10
MashGallery [ABMaterial]
MashGallery [ABMaterial]
@Mashiane · 2017-12-08
B4A - Sockets and AsyncStreams
This involves connecting an android device to an AP and getting data that a scale controller is publishing to it via a RS232 to Ethernet device (every second). If nothing is listening, the data simple vanishes into byte ether...
@Harris · 2017-12-07
MashRangeSlider [ABMaterial]
MashRangeSlider [ABMaterial]
@Mashiane · 2017-12-07
MashDateDropper [ABMaterial]
MashDateDropper [ABMaterial]
@Mashiane · 2017-12-03
MashTimeDropper [ABMaterial]
MashTimeDropper [ABMaterial]
@Mashiane · 2017-12-03
Blur mainform on opening another form
Just like on the web, when a popup pops up and the background page is blurred.
@Daestrum · 2017-12-01
MashSubWay [ABMaterial]
MashSubWay [ABMaterial]
@Mashiane · 2017-11-17
This might be useful to someone - and perhaps there''s a better way?? I knocked this out a while back because I needed to calculate a reliable CRC32. I got the algorithm from somewhere online but I''ve since lost the link :( I wrote it as a class (but it can easily be converted to a code module). Just initialize the class and then call Calc() - passing in the byte array. It will return an INT which is the CRC32. Note: the code is quick when run in Release but in Debug it can run quite slow (depending on the size of the array that the CRC32 is being calculated for) I should also mention that this works equally as well with B4A - not sure about B4i/R as yet. Maybe someone could comment if it works ok for those two IDEs ;)
@Ed Brown · 2017-11-08
FileUpload Multipart to original filename [ABMaterial]
FileUpload Multipart to original filename [ABMaterial]
@MichalK73 · 2017-11-08
MashChips [ABMaterial]
MashChips [ABMaterial]
@Mashiane · 2017-10-26
WindCompass on Canvas Method [ABMaterial]
WindCompass on Canvas Method [ABMaterial]
@MbedAndroid · 2017-10-26
RainBucket on Canvas Method
RainBucket on Canvas Method
@MbedAndroid · 2017-10-24
BarChart [ABMaterial]
BarChart [ABMaterial]
@MbedAndroid · 2017-10-22
Canvas based charts [ABMaterial]
Canvas based charts [ABMaterial]
@MbedAndroid · 2017-10-21
Thermometer Canvas Method [ABMaterial]
Thermometer Canvas Method [ABMaterial]
@MbedAndroid · 2017-10-21
JavaScript Replace with RegEx pattern
Just a bit of language mixing Basic, Java, JavaScript = Example JavaScript Replace with RegEx pattern (Tested with JDK9, B4J v5.9).
@rwblinn · 2017-10-11
Wrap tooltip text
Wrap tooltip text
@stevel05 · 2017-10-06
Excel Spreadsheet Example
THINGS THIS DOES: Scaling of pages is set, Headings, Header columns, autoresized columns, auto-wrap column, sorting of spreadsheets in excel file
@Robert Valentino · 2017-09-21
predefined gimp colors
In B4J unfortunately only a few colors are predefined,for all the people who often work with colors,I have the work done to define the gimp colors for different purposes.
@Knoppi · 2017-09-21
Get all MAC Addresses on Windows
I need for an app to set a unique database index and computer hardware based. I''ve searched for this info in the Forum and I found the jGetMAC library from @giga and this post from @Erel The jGetMAC library only returns one MAC Address (and I''ve 5 MAC Addresses/interfaces on my windows system) and the returned MAC doesn''t correspond to the Eth interface/nor Wifi interface. So I''ve adapted the @Erel code to display only the interfaces which have MAC Addresses (independently if the interfaces are up/down or have IP address assigned to it).
@inakigarm · 2017-09-18
Synology Surveillance API
A simple example of working with Synology Surveillance API
@Molchyn · 2017-09-16
Measure the password strength
Measure the password strength
@Knoppi · 2017-09-07
update translator [ABMaterial]
update translator [ABMaterial]
@MichalK73 · 2017-09-07
isLetters - check if string are letters
isLetters - check if string are letters
@Knoppi · 2017-09-04
AlphaCountUp - Counts up serialnumbers
This function counts up alphanumeric values. This is necessary, for example, for serial-number generation. You can change the order and chars in your choice with the ''Values'' variable.
@Knoppi · 2017-09-03
Next Reports DateTime Handling
When datetimes are UTC on the server (as they should be), and in the Long type, trying to get the users local time report output was a problem.
@Harris · 2017-08-30
Grab Windows 10''s pretty lock screen images for your desktop background.
Grab Windows 10''s pretty lock screen images for your desktop background. The Images saved in your local temp Folder
@Knoppi · 2017-08-28
Splash Screen B4J
Simple sub to create a splash screen.
@Erel · 2017-08-07
Dark theme - base color
Dark theme - base color
@Erel · 2017-07-25