Tool - Hide string constants from decompilation
Tool - Hide string constants from decompilation
@tchart · 2023-01-31
File Extension Swap
Whilst recently creating my first custom view as a b4xlib file, I got a bit bored with renaming zip files to b4xlib and vice versa every time I realised I''d forgotton to make a change that I''d intended :) So I created the attached File Extension Swap app.
@Chris2 · 2023-01-21
Split & merge image tool
Split an image into grids then merge them into a new image
@kimstudio · 2023-01-13
Crypto Exchange API Browser
This is a simple and very basic app that demonstrates how to hit a crypto exchange public API. This could apply to any open API.
@cklester · 2023-01-02
SithasoDaisy TailwindCSS Pocketbase Chatroom using SSE
SithasoDaisy TailwindCSS Pocketbase Chatroom using SSE
@Mashiane · 2022-12-09
Homematic IP Thermostat Control
Homematic IP Thermostat Control
@rwblinn · 2022-12-08
Set default button
Allows you to set the button whose Click event will be executed when the Enter key is pressed.
@LucaMs · 2022-12-02
I needed for an application the ability to translate texts according to the selected language but it had to work offline and searching around I found LibreTranslate (free)
@micro · 2022-11-27
Dialog transparent
A new example for a clear dialog
@T201016 · 2022-11-20
Glassmorphism effect for B4J
BitmapCreator based Glassmorphism effect by drawing blurred part under pane
@kimstudio · 2022-11-19
Lettuce v2.0
Lettuce v2.0
@aeric · 2022-11-15 [working with Redis] [working with Redis]
@aeric · 2022-11-15
TailwindCSS User Onboarding Cycle with Glass Effect [with source code]
TailwindCSS User Onboarding Cycle with Glass Effect [with source code]
@Mashiane · 2022-11-13
TailwindCSS Xylophone [source code included]
TailwindCSS Xylophone [source code included]
@Mashiane · 2022-11-11
WebApp - Get the value of the checkbox
WebApp - Get the value of the checkbox
@hatzisn · 2022-11-10
B4J URL Shortener : Free Source Codes
B4J URL Shortener : Free Source Codes
@sfsameer · 2022-11-05
HASP Generator MD5 and more ... [SOURCE]
HASP Generator MD5 and more ... [SOURCE]
@T201016 · 2022-11-05
LZ4 Fast Compress and Decompress
LZ4 Fast Compress and Decompress
@Magma · 2022-11-04
SQL Server - Convert SQL Server Datetime Value to Unix Datetime and vice versa
SQL Server - Convert SQL Server Datetime Value to Unix Datetime and vice versa
@hatzisn · 2022-11-04
Get Host [Computer] Name - inline JAVA
Get Host [Computer] Name - inline JAVA
@jkhazraji · 2022-11-03
B4XTable - Last button. Now enabled when searching.
B4XTable - ''Last'' button: now enabled when searching
@LGS · 2022-11-02
OpenCV Image to JPEG byte array with resize/quality options
OpenCV Image to JPEG byte array with resize/quality options
@OliverA · 2022-10-28
Celebration Book for Greek Orthodox, Movable Feast Days, Special Days... eortologio
I am gonna share with all you "celebration book" for all known Greek names (Giorgos, Giannis, Christos, blah blah)... well in Greece we have many Names that celebrates, so a good calendar must inform for all these days (sometimes are moving because of Easter), also there are some special days. Into zip there is an sqlite database has into all known dates-celebrations-special days, you can also add yours... or create a new by scratch for example.
@Magma · 2022-10-25
MAGMA-KEY - Test your typing speed [game, source code included] [B4J]
MAGMA-KEY - Test your typing speed [game, source code included] [B4J]
@Magma · 2022-10-25
MYDATA [ - gsis] my Digital Accounting and Tax Application SendInvoices
MYDATA [ - gsis] my Digital Accounting and Tax Application SendInvoices (Greece)
@Magma · 2022-10-25
Random Hexcolor Generator
Random Hexcolor Generator
@Mashiane · 2022-10-18
BBCodeView - Scrolling the page to the word position. [SOLVED]
BBCodeView - Scrolling the page to the word position. [SOLVED]
@T201016 · 2022-10-16
Recursive Tree Parsing - simple example
The json tree source code inspires this example. 1. You have a map object with a "children" key. 2. This "children" key holds a list of items, which can also have other "children" keys. 3. This returns a list of all items where each child has an "attributes" key
@Mashiane · 2022-10-16
Pause execution in Console app
Pause execution in Console app
@aeric · 2022-09-29
B4j Print JavaFX8 Create custom paper
B4j Print JavaFX8 Create custom paper
@stevel05 · 2022-09-27