Button Shapes [DSE]
Button Shapes [DSE]
@stevel05 · 2022-09-25
Detect/unhide hidden rows and columns in a worksheet [XLUtils] [jPOI5]
Detect/unhide hidden rows and columns in a worksheet [XLUtils] [jPOI5]
@walt61 · 2022-09-24
Log CSS Styleclass from Node
Log CSS Styleclass from Node
@stevel05 · 2022-09-24
How to add an Elevated Priveleges Application to Start-UP at Windows [add an app at windows tasks]
How to add an Elevated Priveleges Application to Start-UP at Windows [add an app at windows tasks]
@Magma · 2022-09-22
SetLabelTextOverrun behaviour. [DSE]
SetLabelTextOverrun behaviour. [DSE]
@stevel05 · 2022-09-22
SetToggleGroup [RadioButton / ToggleButton] [DSE]
SetToggleGroup [RadioButton / ToggleButton] [DSE]
@stevel05 · 2022-09-22
Draw arc line with round cap
Draw arc line with round cap
@kimstudio · 2022-09-21
jAsio audio. Simple mixer [Windows only]
This is a demonstration of using ASIO audio drivers with B4j.
@stevel05 · 2022-09-07
Dynamic plain HTML form web-page
Dynamic plain HTML form web-page
@peacemaker · 2022-08-31
Robofish - Genetic Algorithm [SOURCE CODE]
A genetic algorithm (GA) is a metaheuristic inspired by the process of natural selection that belongs to the larger class of evolutionary algorithms (EA).
@ilan · 2022-08-30
jAudioTrack2 - SimpleMixer
A simple audio mixer based on WavRandomAccessFile from the jAudioTrack2 library.
@stevel05 · 2022-08-23
VFlexDialog Builder [BVAD3]
The VFlexDialog Builder helps you the developer to easily generate the VFlexDialog source code needed to create your forms using the VFlexDialog.
@Mashiane · 2022-08-18
JSON Web Token [auth0/java-jwt]
You can use this class to generate JSON Web Token (JWT) for use in Web API B4J Server.
@aeric · 2022-08-05
Handy Median Filter With Side Salads
I am making a Shortt Free Pendulum clock and record the time error. When making changes to the tuning of the pendulum you must stop it from moving. This creates artifacts in the time data which are a nuisance when plotting trends. To get rid of these artifacts I made a median filter class with a variable window. I use a list as the window as this makes sorting a breeze. However a median filter is a blunt instrument so I added a couple of side salads.
@rgarnett1955 · 2022-08-04
WhatsApp CRM [BANanoVuetifyAD3]
WhatsApp CRM [BANanoVuetifyAD3]
@Mashiane · 2022-08-01
How to change default Audio Input and Record everything you Hear ! [Tip]
How to change default Audio Input and Record everything you Hear ! [Tip]
@Magma · 2022-07-21
Household Survey using VFlexDialog & BANanoKeyStore [BANanoVuetifyAD3]
Household Survey using VFlexDialog & BANanoKeyStore [BANanoVuetifyAD3]
@Mashiane · 2022-07-16
TodoTxtEr is a minimalistic application (B4A+B4J, no B4i) to manage todo.txt files according to the todo.txt rules. Inspired by todo.txt and the B4X new Designer Script Extensions. The application is based on B4XPages with DesignerUtils Toolbars, B4XDialogs for editing tasks (including date dialog) and messaging and several XUI Views (incl CustomListView for the tasks). It is more of an experimental try-out in using DSE & B4XDialogs & CustomListView.
@rwblinn · 2022-07-10
B4XTable Column Resizing... [not fully working, for the moment]
B4XTable Column Resizing
@Magma · 2022-07-08
DBUTILS.executememorytable return a map
If, like me, don''t remember the position of the table fields in the array of string when use executememorytable , put the array strings into a map with table fields names.
@moore_it · 2022-07-05
Detect mobile device
Detect mobile device
@tummosoft · 2022-06-28
Draw text with outline
Draw text with outline
@kimstudio · 2022-06-10
B4xTableView - userfriendly config
B4xTableView - userfriendly config
@DarkoT · 2022-06-06
Get Boot Up time of a Windows PC...
Get Boot Up time of a Windows PC...
@Magma · 2022-06-06
Project Management WebApp [Free Source Code] [BANanoVuetifyAD3]
Project Management WebApp [Free Source Code] [BANanoVuetifyAD3]
@Mashiane · 2022-06-06
Check if current Windows user is Administrator
Check if current Windows user is Administrator
@Magma · 2022-06-02
Check if your app runs as Admin [Windows]
Check if your app runs as Admin [Windows]
@Magma · 2022-06-02
Get all usable Network Interfaces and all usable settings of them [Windows]
Get all usable Network Interfaces and all usable settings of them [Windows]
@Magma · 2022-06-02
@aeric · 2022-05-23
Bingo with source code
A simple Bingo caller with two screens to be used as I did, connected to a TV from the PC, the called screen is dragged onto the TV so players can see what has been called.
@Colin Evans · 2022-05-17