Signing and notarizing B4J jar file as macOS App bundles
Signing and notarizing B4J jar file as macOS App bundles
@David Meier · 2020-06-14
Exploring Components & Routers Basics [BANanoVueMaterial]
Exploring Components & Routers Basics [BANanoVueMaterial]
@Mashiane · 2020-06-12
Wind Compass - With Animation
I made this handy wind compass using (at Erels suggestion) two images one for the compass card (scale) which is fixed and one for the compass pointer which is the moving part.
@rgarnett1955 · 2020-06-12
Tic-Tac-Toe. Extremely simple XUI cross platform WiFi game example B4J vs B4A vs B4i - Newer developers
Tic-Tac-Toe. Extremely simple XUI cross platform WiFi game example B4J vs B4A vs B4i - Newer developers
@Peter Simpson · 2020-06-10
OpenJDK 11 issue with TLS 1.3 [Vodafone] [INFO FOR SERVER DEVELOPERS]
OpenJDK 11 issue with TLS 1.3 [Vodafone] [INFO FOR SERVER DEVELOPERS]
@nobbi59 · 2020-06-04
Run applications JAVA11 without using B4JPackager11
Run applications JAVA11 without using B4JPackager11
@TILogistic · 2020-06-01
UI apps packaging - self contained installers
UI apps packaging - self contained installers
@Erel · 2020-05-25
B4JTutorialBAnano - database [BANANO]
Distributing and accessing an existing SQLite Databases - Part 1 [BANano]
Distributing and accessing an existing SQLite Databases - Part 1 [BANano]
@Mashiane · 2020-05-23
B4JTutorialBAnano [BANANO]
Live Code Swapping in v5 preview [BANano]
Live Code Swapping in v5 preview [BANano]
@alwaysbusy · 2020-05-21
B4JTutorialBAnano - database [BANANO]
BANanoSQL CRUD-ing around with BANanoSQLUtils [BANano]
BANanoSQL CRUD-ing around with BANanoSQLUtils [BANano]
@Mashiane · 2020-05-19
Creating Expenses.Show - a CRUD expense tracker with MySQL backend: Part 2 [BANanoVueMaterial]
Creating Expenses.Show - a CRUD expense tracker with MySQL backend: Part 2 [BANanoVueMaterial]
@Mashiane · 2020-05-19
B4JTutorialBAnano - database [BANANO]
MySQL CRUD with PHP - Part 1 [BANano]
MySQL CRUD with PHP - Part 1 [BANano]
@Mashiane · 2020-05-19
B4JTutorialComms & Network
Ngrok and B4J Servers
ngrok is an application that gives you external (internet) access to your private systems that are hidden behind NAT or a firewall. It’s basically a super slick, encrypted TCP tunnel that provides an internet-accessible address that anyone can get to, and then links the other side of that tunnel to functionality running local.
@icakinser · 2020-05-10
B4JTutorialBAnano [BANANO]
A nifty way to read a file text contents without uploading to the server [BANano]
A nifty way to read a file text contents without uploading to the server [BANano]
@Mashiane · 2020-05-09
B4JTutorialABMaterial [ABMATERIAL]
ABMaterial For Dummies Tutorial [ABMaterial]
ABMaterial For Dummies Tutorial [ABMaterial]
@Harris · 2020-05-03
B4JTutorialList- and scrollview
Customized ListView
Customized ListView
@Erel · 2020-04-27
B4JTutorialSerial comm/USB
Caller ID - View incoming call details using your COM port modem
Caller ID - View incoming call details using your COM port modem
@Peter Simpson · 2020-04-06
Handling Events [BANanoVueMaterial]
Handling Events [BANanoVueMaterial]
@Mashiane · 2020-04-03
I am working on app where I need the B4XTable. With the help of this forum I learnt a lot already. The following functions are very handy to me, maybe you can use them too.
@Yafuhenk · 2020-04-02
B4JTutorialBAnano [BANANO]
Using an external Editor like WYSIWYG Web Builder with B4J/BANano [BANano]
Using an external Editor like WYSIWYG Web Builder with B4J/BANano [BANano]
@alwaysbusy · 2020-03-23
Sharing Jars as Mac OSX .app
I wanted to share some facts which was very fuzzy for me and perhaps it may help those who are new to the Mac publishing world. I will limit my focus on how to successfully share or sell Jar Apps produced using B4J outside of Mac Store
@Markos · 2020-03-21
B4JTutorialDatabase [CONNECTOR/J]
JDBCSQL [Connector/J] - Connect directly to MySQL, MS SQL, PostgreSQL and MariaDB database servers
I needed a simple way to connect to a particular database. Using the attached project you can use the simple to follow JDBCSQL B4J code to connect to either MySQL, MS SQL, PostgreSQL and MariaDB databases with ease.
@Peter Simpson · 2020-03-13
B4JTutorialBAnano [BANANO]
The Logic of Loading AutoComplete Input from API with BANanoFetch at runtime [BANano]
The Logic of Loading AutoComplete Input from API with BANanoFetch at runtime [BANano]
@Mashiane · 2020-03-04
smtp.gmail.com, working around error "java.lang.RuntimeException: Empty writer returned: 530-5.7.0 Authentication Required"
@Harris · 2020-03-03
B4XTable with inline editing
Example of making B4XTable an editable table. When a cell is clicked the editing control is added to that cell. You can use all kinds of controls.
@Erel · 2020-03-02
B4JPackager11 - as ui program
Using it as a non-ui program works well, but I prefer using it as a ui program. Therefore, I have now changed the application as ui program.
@Filippo · 2020-02-23
Let''s please build a Community Project [BANanoReact]
Let''s please build a Community Project [BANanoReact]
@Mashiane · 2020-02-17
The easy way to install your B4J application on Linux
This is meant to be a tutorial for you to easily distribute your applications developed in linux. Through B4JPackager11 and B4JPackager v1.50 the excellent tool developed by Erel gives us the possibility of obtaining a convenient installation file using install Inno Setup. This is for the Windows world. Unfortunately, there is not much for Linux as installers. By sending two files to the customer, even the person who has no experience with Linux will be able to install your program easily and without any problems.
@MarcoRome · 2019-12-31
Ubuntu 18.04 OpenJDK 11 & OpenJFX 11 B4J UI Sample
Ubuntu 18.04 OpenJDK 11 & OpenJFX 11 B4J UI Sample
@rwblinn · 2019-12-09
B4JTutorialB4J Server
Running a B4J Server on Amazon EC2 Linux
This procedure starts from a freshly installed AWS EC2 Linux instance and installs a B4J server, named B4J.jar, configured as a daemon. This tutorial assumes a basic knowledge of a Linux environment, expecially the vi editor.
@Alessandro71 · 2019-11-24