Consuming http streams
Standard http communication is made of a request being sent from the client to the server and the server response sent back to the client. As I''m sure you know you should use OkHttpUtils2 for such requests. There are other protocols such as WebSockets that allow bi-directional and long lasting communication between the client and server. There are some cases where the server keeps the connection open and streams data to the client. Assuming that WebSockets are not used then such cases require non-standard handling. The attached MJPEG class uses a custom OutputStream (implemented with inline Java) together with B4XBytesBuilder to read the data as it comes and keep the connection open.
@Erel · 2019-11-22
B4JTutorialBAnano - Designer [BANANOPDFDESIGN]
WYSIWYG PDF Documents Designer [BANanoPDFDesign]
WYSIWYG PDF Documents Designer [BANanoPDFDesign]
@Mashiane · 2019-11-18
B4JTutorialBAnano [BANANO]
Exploring BANanoObject.GetFunction & Execute [BANano]
Exploring BANanoObject.GetFunction & Execute [BANano]
@Mashiane · 2019-11-06
B4JTutorialBAnano [BANANO]
Debugging your SPA-PWA on an Actual Device: Android Phones [BANAno]
Debugging your SPA-PWA on an Actual Device: Android Phones [BANAno]
@Mashiane · 2019-10-29
My B4J Packager - an extended version
This "My B4J Packager" started as the B4Jpackager provided by Erel. I have added the text entry fields for the extra things like, Menu Group, JavaVM Options (to set memory requirements), System Property definition, and extended the Vendor text to set the Publisher/Company fields for the installed program in Windows. My B4J Packager also allows for multiple Projects. The settings for each project are stored individually. Changing the Project Name, (after 1 sec) the previously used settings for that project will be reloaded. Project settings are re-saved on a Build and program exit. Settings can be copied by simply entering a new project name. The Build button and Progress Bar have been stylised a little, just because I could. Also, added tool tips to help with text. Fixed the BROWSE button fault when a previously defined file path no longer points to a valid path (things were moved). This was causing a program crash.
@Starchild · 2019-10-02
BANanoJSONQuery to the rescue: The case of the survey app.
BANanoJSONQuery to the rescue: The case of the survey app.
@Mashiane · 2019-09-22
B4JTutorialOther [EXAMPLE]
Building a coalition [Example]
We had an elections yesterday and I saw a nice widget which can serve as a small example. There are several parties each one with a random number of chairs. The government is made of 61+ chairs out of a total of 120 chairs. BitmapCreatorEffects is used to create images with other colors based on the black image. The chairs are updated in a resumable loop. The target number and the current number are compared each time.
@Erel · 2019-09-18
B4JTutorialBAnano - Vue [BANANOVUE]
Building WebApps/Websites with VueJS [BANanoVue]
Building WebApps/Websites with VueJS [BANanoVue]
@Mashiane · 2019-09-15
B4JTutorialHome automation
Raspbee - RPi Zigbee home automation with B4X
Raspbee - RPi Zigbee home automation with B4X
@walt61 · 2019-09-11
jPOI Library - Automatic column width.
jPOI Library - Automatic column width.
@Mark Read · 2019-09-10
B4JTutorialLinux [B4J SERVER APPS]
Guide to run a Linux as a Windows 10 Subsystem [B4J server apps]
With the latest update for Windows 10 (version 1903), you can install a Linux distro as a Windows 10 Subsystem. This is very cool for us B4J developers as we can now very easily setup an environment for e.g. a jServer Web App without creating a VM. You can mimic a VPS, try out load balancing stuff with HAProxy, setting up an Apache or MySQL server etc...
@alwaysbusy · 2019-08-29
B4JTutorialABMaterial [ABMATERIAL]
How to run it on a Raspberry Pi [ABMaterial]
How to run it on a Raspberry Pi [ABMaterial]
@janderkan · 2019-08-21
BANano for Dummies by Example
BANano for Dummies by Example
@Mashiane · 2019-08-18
Testing jRDC2 start to end on a VM
I have wrote this just in case someone needs to implement the jRDC2 on a VM on cloud, I know a lot of members already know this and it is definitely not a new information, but for someone that have not tried this before I think it will be useful to have a start to end process.
@AymanA · 2019-08-14
B4JTutorialRaspberry Pi
Raspberry Pi with Java 11
Running UI apps on Raspberry Pi with Java 11 is relatively simple.
@Erel · 2019-08-08
Creating Multi-Page Apps - Part 1 [BANanoWebix]
Creating Multi-Page Apps - Part 1 [BANanoWebix]
@Mashiane · 2019-08-06
B4J How Tos - Front End Update
I went to use Rob''s B4J How To''s info (https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/b4j-howtos.36350) and found like a few others that it wouldn''t work in my web browser. So I wrote a plain HTML front end to replace the existing CSS driven menu.
@PenguinHero · 2019-08-05
B4JTutorialBAnano [BANANO3D]
Beginning 3D with Three.JS [BANano3D]
Beginning 3D with Three.JS [BANano3D]
@Mashiane · 2019-08-05
Beginning HTML5 games with CreateJS [BANanoCreateJS]
Beginning HTML5 games with CreateJS [BANanoCreateJS]
@Mashiane · 2019-08-04
Show a progressbar on long processes [BANanoWebix]
Show a progressbar on long processes [BANanoWebix]
@Mashiane · 2019-07-27
B4JTutorialBAnano - Designer [BANANOWEBIX]
Dragging N Dropping Things with the Form Designer [BANanoWebix]
Dragging N Dropping Things with the Form Designer [BANanoWebix]
@Mashiane · 2019-07-26
Creating Multi-Page Apps - Part 4 [BANanoWebix]
Creating Multi-Page Apps - Part 4 [BANanoWebix]
@Mashiane · 2019-07-24
Creating Multi-Page Apps - Part 5 [BANanoWebix]
Creating Multi-Page Apps - Part 5 [BANanoWebix]
@Mashiane · 2019-07-24
Creating Multi-Page Apps - Part 3 [BANanoWebix]
Creating Multi-Page Apps - Part 3 [BANanoWebix]
@Mashiane · 2019-07-23
App Creation Process: The UI [BANanoWebix]
App Creation Process: The UI [BANanoWebix]
@Mashiane · 2019-07-22
Creating Multi-Page Apps - Part 2 [BANanoWebix]
Creating Multi-Page Apps - Part 2 [BANanoWebix]
@Mashiane · 2019-07-22
B4JTutorialBAnano - Designer [BANANOWEBIX]
Form Builder / Designer [BANanoWebix]
Form Builder / Designer [BANanoWebix]
@Mashiane · 2019-07-22
B4JTutorialBAnano [WEBAPPS]
Using Laragon as your development web server [WebApps]
Using Laragon as your development web server [WebApps]
@Mashiane · 2019-07-22
Lesson 31 WixImage [BANanoWebix]
Lesson 31 WixImage [BANanoWebix]
@Mashiane · 2019-07-19
Lesson 30 WixHints [BANanoWebix]
Lesson 30 WixHints [BANanoWebix]
@Mashiane · 2019-07-16