Raspberry Pi B4J UI Applications with Liberica JDK
Objective: to build B4J UI applications, using the Liberica JDK10, running on the Raspberry Pi. This tutorial covers setup of the Raspberry Pi, Liberica, development hints and few sample applications.
@rwblinn · 2019-04-09
MySQL CRUD with PHP - Part 2 [BANano]
MySQL CRUD with PHP - Part 2 [BANano]
@Mashiane · 2019-04-08
Capture webcam, microphone, screen [BANano]
Capture webcam, microphone, screen [BANano]
@alwaysbusy · 2019-04-04
Xampp + Bluestacks on IP Address
Seems with as IP address on bluestacks, one can experience their localhost xamp websites etc. For B4A, enabling ADB on settings enables one after installing B4A bridge to debug apps on it. So I wanted to see if my xampp published apps on localhost can work as per above.
@Mashiane · 2019-03-28
Creating a CRUD app with LocalStorage Backend [BANano]
Creating a CRUD app with LocalStorage Backend [BANano]
@Mashiane · 2019-03-26
jPOI to the rescue
- Reads each line of the Excel workbook. - Creates a Map with the replacement strings as keys and the values from the Excel file as values. - Loads the input document. - Replaces the replacements strings based on the map. The code is based on: https://stackoverflow.com/a/22269035/971547 Note that there is an assumption here that the text is not split into multiple "runs". This can happen with more complex documents. - Saves the new document.
@Erel · 2019-03-24
Create a Login page with UOENow+BANano [Websites]
Create a Login page with UOENow+BANano [Websites]
@Mashiane · 2019-03-22
Create a profile page for your website using UOE+BANano [Websites]
Create a profile page for your website using UOE+BANano [Websites]
@Mashiane · 2019-03-22
Create a Landing Page for your website using UOENow [Websites]
Create a Landing Page for your website using UOENow [Websites]
@Mashiane · 2019-03-19
B4J Code Execution FlowChart with UOEProcess.Show
B4J Code Execution FlowChart with UOEProcess.Show
@Mashiane · 2019-03-09
Run a Server on Azure as an App Service [server]
Since Azure supports Jetty, a B4J server app can also run on azure.
@xulihang · 2019-03-06
Install OpenJRE8 with OpenJFX on Ubuntu [Linux]
I had some trouble with OpenJRE8 and this was the solution.
@Alexander Stolte · 2019-02-26
Creating the PhotoNinja Website with UOE [Websites]
Creating the PhotoNinja Website with UOE [Websites]
@Mashiane · 2019-02-25
Bidirectional communication between B4J and BANano [BANano]
Bidirectional communication between B4J and BANano [BANano]
@Kiffi · 2019-02-20
Publish your App to the Windows Store
In this tutorial, I want to show you, how you can upload your Java Application to Windows Store.
@JanPRO · 2019-02-07
Working with promises [BANano]
BANano 2.19+ has a new object: BANanoPromise. It allows you to easily use Javascript Promises.
@alwaysbusy · 2019-02-07
Resumeable Sub [sort of][BANano]
Javascript acts differently compared to java when doing some async stuff and is rather complex. However, I''ve tried to make it as comfortable as possible for you, the programmer. All you have to do is follow some very simple rules.
@alwaysbusy · 2019-02-05
Creating a hotel reservation app with BANanoJQM
Creating a hotel reservation app with BANanoJQM
@Mashiane · 2019-02-02
Exploring BANanoEvents [BANano]
Exploring BANanoEvents [BANano]
@Mashiane · 2019-01-31
v2: [2] B4J Abstract Designer [BANano]
v2: [2] B4J Abstract Designer [BANano]
@alwaysbusy · 2019-01-31
Working with BANanoSQL [BANano]
BANanoSQL makes it possible to use ''normal'' SQL queries on the IndexedDB database located in the browser.
@alwaysbusy · 2019-01-27
Creating libraries [BANano]
Creating libraries [BANano]
@alwaysbusy · 2019-01-16
Here comes the Designer! [BANano]
Here comes the Designer! [BANano]
@alwaysbusy · 2019-01-16
v2: [1] B4J Abstract Designer [BANano]
v2: [1] B4J Abstract Designer [BANano]
@alwaysbusy · 2019-01-16
inline php -> server code [BANano]
inline php -> server code [BANano]
@alwaysbusy · 2019-01-07
B4J-Bridge dockerimage
A friend of mine created a docker image for me to debug apps on my server quickly and easily. I am happy to share this with you. https://hub.docker.com/r/o0shojo0o/b4jbridge
@Blueforcer · 2018-12-18
BANanoObject talks with Javascript [BANano]
BANanoObject talks with Javascript [BANano]
@alwaysbusy · 2018-12-16
Ajax calls [BANano]
Ajax calls [BANano]
@alwaysbusy · 2018-12-06
B4J and Raspberry Pi boards
B4J and Raspberry Pi boards
@Erel · 2018-12-05
Events [BANano]
Events [BANano]
@alwaysbusy · 2018-12-04