TIP: ... and wait for [ABMaterial]
TIP: ... and wait for [ABMaterial]
@alwaysbusy · 2018-12-02
Printing on A4 and Letter sized paper
A quick tutorial on how to print on A4 or Letter sized paper using the follow information provided by Steve Laming (better known as @stevel05).
@Peter Simpson · 2018-11-17
How create a Chat using B4J and Server Composer [ Socket ]
Tool for creating websocket & socket servers, it was developed using C ++ [libwebsocket, enet, winsock, lua_wrapper, scintilla and others]. Today I will do a tutorial on how to use B4J with ServerComposer.
@Waldemar Lima · 2018-10-26
Beginning Firebase in JavaScript: CRUD-ing around
Beginning Firebase in JavaScript: CRUD-ing around
@Mashiane · 2018-10-24
Using Cloudinary as CDN for your assets (v4.35) [ABMaterial]
Using Cloudinary as CDN for your assets (v4.35) [ABMaterial]
@alwaysbusy · 2018-09-12
Updated MySQL & PHP example
This is an updated example of how to - communicate with a apache server via OKHttpUtils calling a php script - doing MySQL data requests (Insert, Update and Delete) using prepared sql statements - working with the data like list''s & maps (= arrays in php) in both direction (I use this contellation combined with encryption and Base64 a lot in my apps) - using resumable subs with parameters
@KMatle · 2018-09-02
Let''s glow some birds [ABMaterial]
Let''s glow some birds
@Mashiane · 2018-08-24
Text2Speech [ABMaterial]
Text2Speech [ABMaterial]
@Mashiane · 2018-08-24
Use Google Drive as a backup solution
This more a suggestion/idea than a real snippet or other code.
@KMatle · 2018-08-18
SQLite Triggers: Creating Audit Trails For Dummies
This tutorial is a step by step process of how one can implement audit trails for changes in their tables, whether INSERT,UPDATE,DELETE statements as explained below. I will attempt to use TRIGGERS to achieve this.
@Mashiane · 2018-08-16
Get EXIF GPS information and show images in google maps
Extract the gps information from all images in a directory and generate a html file to view in a browser showing all images in google maps at the coordinates they were taken.
@Mark Read · 2018-08-05
Easier SQL Inserts
Easier SQL Inserts
@keirS · 2018-07-24
TwitterZapier Library Tutorial
As I wanted to post messages to Twitter within my B4J app I couldn''t find any Twitter library''s (or code) to use with B4J, so I created this small library to allow me to tweet messages to Twitter.
@aaronk · 2018-07-21
Package your WebApp with InnoSetup [ABMaterial]
Package your WebApp with InnoSetup [ABMaterial]
@Mashiane · 2018-07-14
Conscrypt and Http/2 [server]
Http/2 is a newer version of the Http protocol. It provides better performance over Http 1.1 with lower overhead. If the browser doesn''t support Http/2 then it will switch automatically to Http 1.1. Conscrypt is an open source project developed by Google that provides an alternative SSL provider. 1. It provides better performance than the default SSL provider. 2. It supports Http/2, including with Java 8. The default provider supports Http/2 starting from Java 9. This means that you have two options to enable Http/2: 1. With Java 9+ and the default provider. 2. With Java 8+ and Conscrypt. Conscrypt is the recommended provider. Note that you can use Conscrypt without Http/2.
@Erel · 2018-07-01
Me like Donuts [ABMaterial]
Me like Donuts [ABMaterial] - Morris chart
@Mashiane · 2018-06-12
Custom Component CustomChartJS [ABMaterial]
Custom Component CustomChartJS [ABMaterial]
@rwblinn · 2018-06-08
B4J HowTo''s
B4J HowTo''s
@rwblinn · 2018-06-07
How to fit ABMGoogleMap to RC with SetFixedHeightFromBottom? [ABMaterial]
How to fit ABMGoogleMap to RC with SetFixedHeightFromBottom? [ABMaterial]
@Mashiane · 2018-05-31
Creating a color grid container [ABMaterial]
Creating a color grid container [ABMaterial]
@Mashiane · 2018-05-29
Valid SSL certificate for localhost for your development machine [SERVER]
Valid SSL certificate for localhost for your development machine [SERVER]
@mindful · 2018-05-16
Http/2 Configuration [server]
B4J v4.00 adds support for Http/2. This is the new version of the Http protocol.
@Erel · 2018-05-15
jRDC2 - B4J implementation of RDC using JDBC microsoft
I used the example that Erel published to create my application and connect it to a server database microsft sql server 2008, in principle I used the odbc open source of JTDS but I had the problem that it only reads the first instance installed on the server, being a problem because I have more than one instance, and only read the first intancia that has been installed. later I found the odbc of microsoft and this worked me without problem
@Vania Contreras · 2018-05-04
LogServer sending complex data
Data from classes, types or any other object can be sent as a message to LogServer by writing a Sub to format the data in an easily readable manner.
@stevel05 · 2018-04-30
Logserver using in multiple modules / classes.
LogServer can only accept one connection at a time, therefore we should not initialize the LogServerClient multiple times to access it from different classes / modules. Instead, declare it as a Public Process_Global and initialize the LogServerClient in your Main module, then access it from Main in other modules you want to use it from.
@stevel05 · 2018-04-30
Fix trails when moving Nodes
If youre creating apps that work with moving nodes (in my case D''n''D), you may als have seen that moving nodes sometimes results in ugly trails on the Parent Pane. Heres how to fix that: We tell JFX to cache the nodes style, that results in a way faster redrawing.
@nobbi59 · 2018-04-27
Opening your app inside B4A WebView [ABMaterial]
Opening your app inside B4A WebView [ABMaterial]
@Mashiane · 2018-04-23
Creating the diagram.. [ABMaterial]
Creating the diagram.. [ABMaterial]
@Mashiane · 2018-04-17
How to set a default date to be blank? [ABMaterial] [SOLVED]
How to set a default date to be blank? [ABMaterial] [SOLVED]
@Mashiane · 2018-04-10
Understanding Events with Helper Classes [ABMaterial]
Understanding Events with Helper Classes [ABMaterial]
@Mashiane · 2018-04-05