B4JLibraryImages [SOURCE CODE]
ImageScaler [Source code]
Library to resize image in B4J non-UI app
@aeric · 2023-02-24
B4JSnippethtml [WEBAPP]
A Markdown engine [WebApp]
Markdown is a great tool for easily making formatted text files that display across a variety of platforms. It’s popular with technical writers and bloggers for its ease of use and relatively short learning curve.
@teddybear · 2023-02-22
B4JServer QRCode Generator
B4JServer QRCode Generator
@aeric · 2023-02-21
B4JLibraryAudio/Video [DEMO]
SD_Streaming [DEMO]
This library is developed in JAVA and is a wrapper of the VLCj library. Is based on the code by @moster67 (see here). It has been reworked to obtain an h.264 streaming from the pc cam, streaming of an mp4 video and finally of the desktop and a portion of it. Demo only, streams max. 120 seconds.
@Star-Dust · 2023-02-20
B4JLibraryAudio/Video [DEMO]
SD_VideoStreaming [DEMO]
To the SD_Streaming library it adds a few functions to make some methods simple. In particular, it is not necessary to create an fxml file for the player in case you want to use it to receive a stream. Demo only, streams max. 120 seconds.
@Star-Dust · 2023-02-19
B4JLibraryFirebase [SERVER]
FirebaseServer - backend verification for signed in users [server]
Users can sign in to your B4A or B4i apps using Google or Facebook with the FirebaseAuth libraries. FirebaseServer completes the puzzle with server side verification of the user. This means that the signed in user gets a token id (long string) from Firebase services by calling FirebaseAuth.GetUserTokenId. The client sends the token id to the server. The server verifies the token using this library. Once verified we know for sure that the request was sent from our app and we know the identity of the signed in user.
@Erel · 2023-02-14
BBCode Parser
A simple BBCode parser that supports bold, italic, and color.
@xulihang · 2023-02-13
jAudioStreamer library
jAudioStreamer library
@yo3ggx · 2023-02-12
Integrated B4JPackager11 - The simple way to distribute standalone UI apps
B4JPackager11 is a utility written in B4J that uses the underlying Java tools to create a standalone package that doesn''t depend on any other software being installed. It works with OpenJDK 11 and OpenJDK 14. Starting from B4J v8.30 it is integrated in the IDE and available under Project - Build Standalone Package.
@Erel · 2023-02-06
B4JSnippethtml [WEBAPP]
A Simple Html Template Parser [WebApp]
This is a mini template engine which can generate HTML dynamically by parsing templates on server-side. It is a bit like Django.
@teddybear · 2023-02-02
How to send file using Telegram bot API with multipart/form-data
Sending files to Telegram bot without using curl
@Gandalf · 2023-02-01
Create a crypto trading bot using ccxt
Create a crypto trading bot using ccxt
@cyiwin · 2023-01-31
Tool - Hide string constants from decompilation
Tool - Hide string constants from decompilation
@tchart · 2023-01-31
B4JLibraryWebView [B4J]
jSelenium - A Test Automation for B4J [b4j]
jSelenium - A Test Automation for B4J [b4j]
@tummosoft · 2023-01-27
B4J Sudoku
B4J Sudoku
@Johan Schoeman · 2023-01-22
B4JSnippetFile handling
File Extension Swap
Whilst recently creating my first custom view as a b4xlib file, I got a bit bored with renaming zip files to b4xlib and vice versa every time I realised I''d forgotton to make a change that I''d intended :) So I created the attached File Extension Swap app.
@Chris2 · 2023-01-21
Split & merge image tool
Split an image into grids then merge them into a new image
@kimstudio · 2023-01-13
MongoDB - Documents database
MongoDB access
@Erel · 2023-01-10
Backup SQLite DB with VACUUM INTO
Backup SQLite DB with VACUUM INTO
@Chris2 · 2023-01-07
Embedding JSpice in B4J
JSpice is a SPICE-inspired (SIMULATION PROGRAM WITH INTEGRATED CIRCUIT EMPHASIS) analog circuit simulator made in Java with an emphasis on simulating memristors and analog circuits containing memristors.
@Johan Schoeman · 2023-01-07
Crypto Exchange API Browser
This is a simple and very basic app that demonstrates how to hit a crypto exchange public API. This could apply to any open API.
@cklester · 2023-01-02
B4JLibraryComms & Network
JDA - JAVA Discord Api - Create a Bot for Discord
JDA - JAVA Discord Api - Create a Bot for Discord
@DonManfred · 2023-01-02
Fxyz3d - samples
Fxyz3d - samples
@Johan Schoeman · 2022-12-30
@Johan Schoeman · 2022-12-27
B4JTutorialSithaso [SITHASODAISY]
How to create a Web Push Notification Server with PocketBase SSE [SithasoDaisy]
How to create a Web Push Notification Server with PocketBase SSE [SithasoDaisy]
@Mashiane · 2022-12-21
B4JTutorialPush notifications
Web Push Notifications using the Notifications API
Web Push Notifications using the Notifications API
@Mashiane · 2022-12-21
CallMeBot: A Free Personal Use Bot to send WhatsApp, Telegram, Messenger & Voice Calls
CallMeBot: A Free Personal Use Bot to send WhatsApp, Telegram, Messenger & Voice Calls
@Mashiane · 2022-12-19
B4JTutorialBAnano [BANANO]
TIP: Running a test server [BANano]
For some things in BANano, e.g. cookies, you will need to run it on a server as just opening the html file in your browser from disk does not support everything. A very easy way to do so is by installing the ''Web Server For Chrome'' plugin.
@alwaysbusy · 2022-12-19
SupaBase [FireBase Alternative] User SignUp & SignIn Process [BANano]
SupaBase [FireBase Alternative] User SignUp & SignIn Process [BANano]
@Mashiane · 2022-12-17
JavaFX 3D spinning Earth and Galaxy
JavaFX 3D spinning Earth and Galaxy
@Johan Schoeman · 2022-12-16