Printer Example - Print text with the jFX8 Printer library
This is an example of printing text using the jFX8 Print library with TextFlow and Text class objects.
@stevel05 · 2023-05-16
Upload a File at GoogleDrive [and re-upload] - works for 2023 - 0$ [B4J]
Upload a File at GoogleDrive [and re-upload] - works for 2023 - 0$ [B4J]
@Magma · 2023-05-15
MysqlConn : Mysql connection library
MysqlConn : Mysql connection library
@Justcooldev · 2023-05-12
CreateHTMLPage easy logging of data
This library will create an html page and display it in your default browser from one or more lists or arrays or csv.
@stevel05 · 2023-05-05
Web3X - Develop Web3 solutions with B4X
An open source Java library for integration of Ethereum clients
@Erel · 2023-05-02
Windows Registry - jRegistry
Grants you read and write access to the Windows registry
@tchart · 2023-04-27
PaneLayout [DSE]
I''ve been working a lot in MySQL lately and got fed up creating layouts that were very similar to show audit reports. I came up with this which is a designer script extension that loads however many labels you specify into a pane. You can define the widths, left margin and EventNames for the labels so they can respond to being clicked.
@stevel05 · 2023-04-26
SithasoDaisy: Click Events and event.PreventDefault
SithasoDaisy: Click Events and event.PreventDefault
@Mashiane · 2023-04-26
Several ABMaterial servers on one IP [ABMaterial]
Several ABMaterial servers on one IP [ABMaterial]
@MichalK73 · 2023-04-24
Improving the speed of reading multiple sheets from an Excel workbook with jPOI5/XLUtils
Improving the speed of reading multiple sheets from an Excel workbook with jPOI5/XLUtils
@walt61 · 2023-04-15
XChart is a light-weight and convenient library for plotting data designed to go from data to chart in the least amount of time possible and to take the guess-work out of customizing the chart style.
@Johan Schoeman · 2023-04-09
Model of the Solar System
@Johan Schoeman · 2023-04-07
B4XAttibute - Allows you to set attributes for directories and files. [LIB]
A simple library that will allow you to set/remove attributes (+H,+R,+S,+A/-H,-R-S-A) for directory(s) and/or file(s) including on request of all subfolders.
@T201016 · 2023-04-05
Navmenu for Desktop, Navdraw for mobile [SithasoDaisy TailwindCSS]
Navmenu for Desktop, Navdraw for mobile [SithasoDaisy TailwindCSS]
@MichalK73 · 2023-03-30
Anyone for Another game of Chess....[lol]
Anyone for Another game of Chess....[lol]
@Johan Schoeman · 2023-03-29
Clone SQLite Database to SQLite Memory Database
Clone SQLite Database to SQLite Memory Database
@tchart · 2023-03-29
Anyone for a game of Chess...
Anyone for a game of Chess...
@Johan Schoeman · 2023-03-28
OkapiBarcode [ZINT]
Okapi Barcode is an open-source barcode generator written entirely in Java, supporting over 50 encoding standards, including all ISO standards. Okapi Barcode is based on Zint, an open-source barcode encoding library developed in C, and builds on the years of work that have been invested in that project.
@Johan Schoeman · 2023-03-18
Using EmailJS rest api to send emails [SithasoDaisy]
Using EmailJS rest api to send emails [SithasoDaisy]
@Mashiane · 2023-03-18
Running Jar with double click [in Java OpenJDK 11]
As shared in multiple places in this forum Java 11 OpenJDK does not allow to run jar files directly. Here is an easy workaround.
@mohsyn · 2023-03-16
B4Xsources: a B4X source code viewer using command line tools to extract and decompile the files.
B4Xsources: a B4X source code viewer using command line tools to extract and decompile the files.
@PaulMeuris · 2023-03-15
Generate Hierarchical Table with Multilevel Numbering
Generate Hierarchical Table with Multilevel Numbering
@epiCode · 2023-03-15
Using Background Workers in your WebApps [introduction] [BANano]
Using Background Workers in your WebApps [introduction] [BANano]
@alwaysbusy · 2023-03-03
Brcode Image to Text
Barcode Image to Text
@micro · 2023-03-02
Simple Layout Designer [SLD] B4J application.
Simple Layout Designer [SLD] B4J application.
@PaulMeuris · 2023-03-02
Native Linker [Java 19 Only]
I have been trying out the replacement for JNA in Java 19. The code needed to call a library function is far cleaner now, and requires less coding.
@Daestrum · 2023-03-01
Set windows file attribute to hidden
Set windows file attribute to hidden
@aeric · 2023-03-01
B4JPackager11 - the simplest way to distribute UI apps
B4JPackager11 is a B4J non-ui program that builds a package with your app jar and an embedded modularized Java runtime. It works with OpenJDK 11 and B4J v6.8+.
@Erel · 2023-02-28
Caffeine Cache
Caches can be critical for servers and other apps where you cannot store all data in memory and still need good performance.
@Erel · 2023-02-28
ColorPicker view to integer Color [SelectedColor, scene.paint.paint]
Convert xui.color or scene.paint.paint to xui.color
@MrKim · 2023-02-24