B4JTutorialMaths [AND WHERE]
See whether [and where] circles intersect
See whether [and where] circles intersect
@jkhazraji · 2024-10-17
Malaysian e-Invoice API Client
Malaysian e-Invoice API Client
@aeric · 2024-10-14
Change single view''s element style [CSS subclass] at runtime
Change single view''s element style [CSS subclass] at runtime
@Gandalf · 2024-10-10
B4JLibraryFile handling
Walk File Tree: Recursive file find
This library has one class which finds files that match the specified glob pattern in any selected path, then they are returned in a list.
@jkhazraji · 2024-10-09
A Rotating Globe
A Rotating Globe
@jkhazraji · 2024-10-07
jtokkit - Java Tokenizer Kit
JTokkit is a Java tokenizer library designed for use with OpenAI models.
@DonManfred · 2024-10-05
Check if Running on an Apple CPU Mac
Check whether running on a Mac with an Apple CPU or an Intel CPU
@xulihang · 2024-09-29
B4JTutorialSithaso [WEB][SITHASODAISY]
Mastering the TailwindCSS Grid [Web] [SithasoDaisy]
Mastering the TailwindCSS Grid [Web] [SithasoDaisy]
@Mashiane · 2024-09-26
B4JTutorialRaspberry Pi
Turn your Raspberry Pi into a print Server and use it with B4J
Turn your Raspberry Pi into a print Server and use it with B4J
@hatzisn · 2024-09-25
A flat version of Rubik''s Cube
A flat version of Rubik''s Cube
@Johan Schoeman · 2024-09-23
concave hull: a k-nearest neighbours approach
concave hull: a k-nearest neighbours approach
@MbedAndroid · 2024-09-22
This library allows you to print text and image to bluetooth thermal printers. Works with Bluetooth and USB. For USB thermal printers you need the driver.
@Star-Dust · 2024-09-21
Create and Read PKCS12 Keystore
Create and Read PKCS12 Keystore
@aeric · 2024-09-19
B4JTutorialBAnano [BANANO]
New tools for debugging remote devices in 9.05 [BANano]
New tools for debugging remote devices in 9.05 [BANano]
@alwaysbusy · 2024-09-18
Generate Members for SceneBuilder [workaround]
This is a workaround to kind of restore the old "Generate Members" behavior, for UI generated with JavaFX Scene Builder. I understand that using Scene Builder is not recommended anymore, but this will be useful for people like me who are still supporting programs created using SB.
@jmon · 2024-09-17
B4JLibraryComms & Network
My Serial Comms Class
My Serial Comms Class (as a library) is a wrapper for the standard serial comms (jSerail) and TCP networking (jNetwork) B4J libraries. I wrote it to more easily switch between physical RS232 (or RS485) serial comms and TCP network ports when controlling physical equipment.
@Starchild · 2024-09-14
B4JLibraryDate/time [TWO VERSION]
Solar calendar to lunar calendar conversion and perpetual calendar based on astronomical algorithms. [two version]
This is a packaging based on the open source project tyme4j for convenient use. It uses astronomical algorithms internally and mainly supports the conversion from Gregorian calendar to lunar calendar, Gregorian calendar to Ganzhi calendar, backtracking from Ganzhi calendar to Gregorian calendar, solar term calculation, and Na Yin calculation.
@icefairy333 · 2024-09-12
B4JTutorialSithaso [WEB]
SithasoDaisy - Pocketbase User Authentication [Web]
SithasoDaisy - Pocketbase User Authentication [Web]
@Mashiane · 2024-09-11
Generate UUID in B4J
Generate UUID in B4J
@jln2X1234% · 2024-09-07
jRDC2 server authentication + console client
Simple jRDC2 server authentication example with user name and password
@aeric · 2024-09-05
Send Emails using PHP [Without Attachments] [BANano]
Send Emails using PHP [Without Attachments] [BANano]
@Mashiane · 2024-09-04
SQLite - Make Read Only
SQLite - Make Read Only
@tchart · 2024-09-02
B4JTutorialBAnano [BANANO]
How to sign PDF Documents? [BANano]
How to sign PDF Documents? [BANano]
@Mashiane · 2024-08-31
Snap and Show Guides when Dragging Controls
Snap and Show Guides when Dragging Controls
@xulihang · 2024-08-31
B4JTutorialBAnano - database [WEB][BANANO]
Plug n Play PHP CRUD REST API for SQLite with Authentication [Web] [BANano]
Plug n Play PHP CRUD REST API for SQLite with Authentication [Web] [BANano]
@Mashiane · 2024-08-26
B4JTutorialSithaso [WEB][SITHASODAISY]
Awesome Bottom Navigation 5 Pages Example & Template [Web] [SithasoDaisy]
Awesome Bottom Navigation 5 Pages Example & Template [Web] [SithasoDaisy]
@Mashiane · 2024-08-19
Malaysian e-Invoice Sample Payload JSON Parser
Malaysian e-Invoice Sample Payload JSON Parser
@aeric · 2024-08-19
B4JTutorialSithaso [WEB][SITHASODAISY]
Mashy Teaches Mobile WebApp Development [Web] [SithasoDaisy]
Mashy Teaches Mobile WebApp Development [Web] [SithasoDaisy]
@Mashiane · 2024-08-17
Playing audio stream with audio effects using FFmpeg
Playing audio stream with audio effects using FFmpeg
@Vitor · 2024-08-17
B4JLibraryDatabase [WEB]
WebAPI Controller [Web]
This library is use to create basic controller class in Web API Server v2.04+ template.
@aeric · 2024-08-14