B4RTutorialB4R other hardware
Circuit analysis to the maximum
This is a very detailed analysis on circuit analysis comprising of two videos. They are huge videos (1,5 hours almost each) but believe me it worth it seeing them. I faced all these subjects in Electronics I class of Physics department of University of Athens but the professor was either too lazy or always in a hurry to go into such great detailed analysis and I was really bagged back then not understanding easily these subjects. This guy is a great teacher and the new technologies (when I finished in 2005 there was not YouTube) are a learner''s paradise.
@hatzisn · 2019-07-19
B4RTutorialB4R LED
OLED display showing data from a USB to Serial com port using B4R and VB.Net
So you are wondering about sending data through a computer or laptop com port and receiving the data on your Arduino based microcontroller board. Well I decided to put together a short tutorial (one of many on here about this AsyncStreams) on how to receive data, but in this case directly from a computer or laptop. In this particular tutorial I quickly developed a program using VB.Net to monitor my laptop''s CPU utilisation, the program sends the CPU utilisation data directly to the microcontrollers connected com port via your computer or laptop, the CPU utilisation data is then displayed on an OLED display. As you can tell from the VB.Net source code, reading the data is done using PerformanceCounter and sending the data is done using a serial port, both just draged and dropped onto the design screen. I''ve attached the Windows executable in the attached zip file, the target Framwark is .NET Framework 4.5. I''ve also posted the VB.Net source code below the Arduino source code, just looking at the source code and the design screen shot, you should easily be able to recreate the Windows program.
@Peter Simpson · 2019-07-06
B4RTutorialB4R LED
SevSeg with inline C
This B4R project uses the SevSeg library via inline C to display characters on a 4 digit x 7 segment LED display (I am using a SMA420364L) - hard wired.
@Johan Schoeman · 2019-06-21
B4RTutorialHome automation
IR Control for DSTV Explora Model 2A
This is a sample project for the IR control of the DSTV Explora Model 2A decoder (Digital Satellite TV).
@Johan Schoeman · 2019-06-15
B4RTutorialB4R LCD/TFT [LCD1602]
Big/Large Alphanumeric Characters[LCD1602]
Big/Large Alphanumeric Characters[LCD1602]
@Johan Schoeman · 2019-06-08
B4RTutorialB4R LCD/TFT
LCD Bar Graph
LCD Bar Graph
@Johan Schoeman · 2019-06-01
B4RTutorialB4R clock
Digital Clock and Alarm without using a RTC
Digital Clock and Alarm without using a RTC
@Johan Schoeman · 2019-05-19
B4RTutorialB4R LED
8x8 LED Matrix with 788BS
8x8 LED Matrix with 788BS
@Johan Schoeman · 2019-05-11
HC 05 Classic Bluetooth
HC 05 Classic Bluetooth
@Erel · 2019-04-08
Using RSA on a ESP32 via Inline C
Here''s another example how to use RSA on a ESP32 based on this documentation: https://tls.mbed.org/kb/how-to/encrypt-and-decrypt-with-rsa
@KMatle · 2019-03-30
B4RTutorialEncryption [CBC, PKCSNOPADDING]
ESP32: AES-256 with IV [CBC, PKCSNoPadding] example via Inline C
ESP32: AES-256 with IV [CBC, PKCSNoPadding] example via Inline C
@KMatle · 2019-03-25
GPS data parsing from raw NMEA format
How to parse the Latitude and Longitude from raw nmea data.
@pokhraj_d · 2018-10-31
B4R Experiments
While learning and exploring (as a hobbyist) B4R, started to build these experiments
@rwblinn · 2018-09-27
B4RTutorialB4R other hardware
HX711 code module
This code module is for using HX711 load cell amplifier board with Arduino, I used it with UNO and MEGA without any problems, only 4 pins are required for voltage supply and communication (+5V, GND, CLK and DT). the code is very easy to use (thanks @rwblinn for help) code module includes most of original C++ library functions.
@Mostez · 2018-09-19
B4RTutorialB4R sensor
Internal Thermometer and Hall Effect Sensor of ESP32
Some examples of how to use the thermometer and the Hall effect sensor in an ESP32.
@Johan Hormaza · 2018-07-27
Getting local date & time (easy and free)
I saw a post or two about how to get the local date & time with no easy answers. I need this myself for my first Arduino project so I had a look around and found a free API that does just this! Although they also have a premium API, their free one is generous, allowing 1 request per second. I intend to only check it once or twice a day, myself. I should add that I found this through a 2-year-old post online where one person said it isn''t reliable. I''ve only tested it a few times but so far, so good. Info and how to sign up: https://timezonedb.com/
@Kevin · 2018-06-02
EEPROM Utility
one of the main problems is to save information, one of this is in the EEPROM memory, I made this little code that simplifies the way to save or read the information in the native data of B4R Since the EEPROM memory has a lifetime of writings (100,000 times, I''m not sure), so this code validates if the stored data is the same, and avoids writing, otherwise write the new data. this works like arrays accesed by index, This needs rEEPROM and rRandomAccess libraries.
@Bangdido · 2018-04-25
B4RTutorialB4R WeMos
Using a Wemos D1 R2 and stepper motor - control over wifi
This may be of interest to someone. I am using a Wemos D1 R2 in AP mode to serve a webpage to a client. The Wemos creates a server called "Wemos_Server" using the IP When the browser opens this IP, a page is generated with three button: Start, Stop and Reverse. This controls a stepper motor. The speed can be controlled using the timer.
@Mark Read · 2018-04-11
B4RTutorialComms & Network
Connecting two ESP8266 boards
In this example one of the boards acts as an access point and a server and the other board connects to the server wifi network and to the server socket. Note that for the client to be able to connect to the server socket it, its own access point must be disabled.
@Erel · 2018-02-19
B4RTutorialComms & Network
Arduino + Raspberry Pi
Arduino + Raspberry Pi
@Erel · 2018-02-12
B4RTutorialComms & Network
Programming an ESP8266 (ESP-12x) via a USB to Serial adaptor
Programming an ESP-12x module directly is not too difficult. If you purchase an ESP8266 with a built-in USB port like a WeMos D1 Mini or a NodeMCU etc, then you do not need to do this as the aforementioned boards already has USB to Serial port built into them. If like me you enjoy making projects as small as possible, then this solution is perfect for you as the ESP-12x boards DO NOT include an CH340G chip which supports serial interfacing communications via USB, but connecting to and programming an ESP-12x is simple to do via a USB to Serial module.
@Peter Simpson · 2018-01-31
B4RTutorialB4R other hardware
Using an incremental rotary encoder
This is a quick tutorial on what an incremental rotary encoder (or rotary encoder for short) is and what it can be used for.
@Peter Simpson · 2018-01-18
Connecting to Arduino with BLE
Connecting to Arduino with BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy)
@Erel · 2018-01-17
Downloading a Web page with ESP8266
As a general rule, I recommend to use Raspberry Pi with B4J to interact with web servers or http clients. It is much more powerful and simpler to develop. The Arduino and ESP8266 strengths are in other domains. This small example sends a http request with WiFiSocket and reads the response with AsyncStreams.
@Erel · 2017-12-21
Strings and Bytes
Strings and Bytes
@Erel · 2017-11-26
B4RTutorialComms & Network
GSM - GPRS - Control the Arduino with SMS messages
GSM / GPRS - Control the Arduino with SMS messages
@Erel · 2017-10-08
B4RTutorialComms & Network
Simple example of how to have a TCP Server and make HTTP Client calls in same project
Simple example of how to have a TCP Server and make HTTP Client calls in same project
@miker2069 · 2017-09-24
ESP8266 OTA updates
ESP8266 OTA updates
@BaGRoS · 2017-09-03
B4RTutorialB4R LCD/TFT
Control servo and relays using Nextion lcd display
Control servo and relays using Nextion lcd display
@ilias · 2017-08-30
Some code to write into and read from EEPROM on ESP8266
Some code to write into and read from EEPROM on ESP8266
@JMB · 2017-08-05