Http requests with GSM shield
This example shows how to send http requests with a GSM shield. I''ve tested it on a shield with SIM900 module. This can be very interesting for outdoor IoT solutions where there is no local network.
@Erel · 2017-07-06
B4RTutorialFile handling
What is SPIFFS (SPI Flash File System)?
I didn''t really know what SPIFFS stood for. I knew the basics of what it was but still I should have known more about it, so here is some information about SPIFFS.
@Peter Simpson · 2017-06-29
B4RTutorialB4R WeMos
MQTT controlling 8 relays, WeMos D1 mini WiFi, Android 4G
MQTT controlling 8 relays, WeMos D1 mini WiFi, Android 4G
@Peter Simpson · 2017-06-26
B4RTutorialB4R sensor
Connecting an actual building\house alarm PIR sensor
This is a tutorial on how to connect an actual building\house alarm PIR sensor to an Arduino and how to interpret 5 alert states (the resistance results). The advantages of using the PIR sensor in the following way is that you only need 2 output terminal wires to monitor all the PIR sensor states, you don''t have to buy a new PIR sensor as basically almost any old building\house PIR sensor can be used, doing it this way also cuts down on the amount of source code that you have to write.
@Peter Simpson · 2017-05-20
B4RTutorialB4R other hardware
Solder ESP8266 ESP-12F to an adapter plate
So you have an ESP-12F and want to use it in a project, well I find that the best way for my home projects is to use an 12x adaptor plate. I have a number of ESP-12F projects running throughout my home and thought that I would share the boards that I use with the forum.
@Peter Simpson · 2017-05-05
B4RTutorialComms & Network
How I2C communications works - Video...
How I2C communications works - Video...
@Peter Simpson · 2017-05-02
B4RTutorialB4R keypad
Adafruit MPR121 capacitive Keypad
The attached zip files have the Arduino libraries and the B4R libraries together with a small B4R app showing how to use the Adafruit MPR121 capacitive touch 12 key keypad.
@atiaust · 2017-04-09
B4RTutorialB4R relay
Relays, don''t get caught out
Relays, don''t get caught out
@Peter Simpson · 2017-04-02
B4RTutorialB4R LED
Connect a 7 pin OLED display, (NOT 4 pin)...
Connect a 7 pin OLED display, (NOT 4 pin)...
@Peter Simpson · 2017-03-07
B4RTutorialSerial comm/USB
How to connect an Arduino Pro Mini to a PC via a USB to Serial module
So you are interested in using an Arduino Pro Mini or compatible board instead of one of the other larger boards to interact with your hardware devices. The Pro Mini does have some advantages over some of the other board on the market, and also some disadvantages too, one advantages is it''s small compact size. Some people class it as a development board which it isn''t, it''s an installation board, you can tuck it into a small project/hobby box or just place it behind a light switch, plug socket and other small places etc. There is one massive disadvantage it suffers from though, and that is the lack of a onboard serial chip like the CH340G etc, thus no USB connector.
@Peter Simpson · 2017-03-06
AsyncStreams Prefix Mode
rRandomAccessFile v1.80 adds support for AsyncStreams in prefix mode. In prefix mode a 4 bytes header is added to each message with the message length. The NewData event will only be raised when there is a complete message available. You no longer need to handle split or merged messages.
@Erel · 2017-02-26
B4RTutorialB4R WeMos
Arduino to WeMos pin mapping
Not exactly a tutorial, but informative nevertheless. This is how to map your Arduino projects to your WeMos. So for example in the blink demo, you just choose pin 2 for a WeMos instead of pin 13 for the Arduino.
@Peter Simpson · 2017-02-20
B4RTutorialB4R other hardware
Pull up resistors and buttons
Understanding why you might need a pull up resistor…
@Peter Simpson · 2017-02-14
Timers, Loopers and CallSubPlus
Timers, Loopers and CallSubPlus
@Erel · 2017-01-08
B4RTutorialB4R other hardware
Reed Switch Monitor Example
B4R & B4J experiment to monitor the state of a Reed switch connected to an ESP8266 - a NodeMCU is used.
@rwblinn · 2016-11-02
B4RTutorialB4R relay
ESP8266 + Relay = Let there be light
Relays are electronic switches that allow low power (voltage) devices to control high power circuits. In this example the ESP8266 board controls a regular 220v light bulb.
@Erel · 2016-10-09
Using Firebase to send notifications to iOS and Android devices
When the button is clicked, two http requests are sent to Firebase REST api. Any subscribed Android or iOS device will receive the push message. It is a very simple and powerful solution It is simple as you don''t need a server and it is powerful as the messages will arrive even when the apps are not running. The solution works over the internet, it is not limited to the local network.
@Erel · 2016-09-29
Using PROGMEM to save memory
The smaller Arduinos like the Arduino Uno have 2k of RAM. The subs stack and the global variables use this memory. If your program includes constant data then you can use PROGMEM to store the data in the program code and access it without loading the whole data into the the limited RAM.
@Erel · 2016-09-19
B4RTutorialB4R sensor
Ultrasonic Ranging module HC-SR04
Ultrasonic Ranging module HC-SR04
@inakigarm · 2016-09-06
Intel Arduino 101
The Arduino 101 is an Arduino board developed by Intel. It is mostly compatible with standard Ardunios. One of its advantages is built in BLE peripheral feature. This makes it easy to communicate with this board with an Android or iOS device.
@Erel · 2016-09-05
B4RTutorialB4R motor
Servo motor and Arduino
Servo motor and Arduino
@inakigarm · 2016-08-26
ESP8266 + UDP + BMP180 = Simple weather station
This is an example of how UDP can be used to broadcast the current temperature and pressure to one or more clients. The nice thing about it is that there is no server involved. The ESP8266 just sends the packets to the broadcast address.
@Erel · 2016-08-22
ESP8266 FTP Client
An FTP client in B4R
@Erel · 2016-08-21
@Erel · 2016-08-07
B4RTutorialOther [HINT]
10 methods to easily destroy your Arduino [Hint]
Some of us may already know how to do that :) http://www.rugged-circuits.com/10-ways-to-destroy-an-arduino/
@Beja · 2016-07-06
B4RTutorialB4R other hardware [HINT]
HC-05,06 Power supply [Hint]
The HC-x comes in two modules, a basic a basic chip and an assembled module.. please see the attached image. The power supply for the basic chip or PCB is 3.3 VDC, while the fully assembled module is powered by regular 5.0 VDC
@Beja · 2016-07-06
B4RTutorialComms & Network [ESP8266]
Requesting time from a server [ESP8266]
The example connects to a NIST server every minute to get the updated time. It then calculates the current time by comparing the current millis value to the previous one.
@Erel · 2016-07-05
B4RTutorialComms & Network
ESP8266 - WiFi Remote Configuration
A simpler and more powerful tool is available: https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/esp-configurator-based-on-b4rserializator.81452. Allows the user to configure the ESP8266 WiFi settings (SSID and password).
@Erel · 2016-07-03
Touch switch
This is the same as Erel''s "Button Example" modified by Klaus. All what I did is replacing the mechanical switch with a touch switch module.
@Beja · 2016-06-25
Control Servo Motor connected to Arduino via Browser
This experiment moves a Little Crane arm (used some Lego parts) up and down via browser connected to a B4J websocket server. When the arm moves, the Red LED is turned on else the Green LED is on (waiting for the servo to move).
@rwblinn · 2016-06-20