B4RTutorialB4R keypad
Adafruit MPR121 capacitive Keypad
The attached zip files have the Arduino libraries and the B4R libraries together with a small B4R app showing how to use the Adafruit MPR121 capacitive touch 12 key keypad.
@atiaust · 2017-04-09
B4RLibraryB4R motor
Stepper motors
Stepper motor library based on Arduino Stepper API.
@Erel · 2017-04-04
B4RTutorialB4R relay
Relays, don''t get caught out
Relays, don''t get caught out
@Peter Simpson · 2017-04-02
B4RSnippetB4R sensor
Reading temperature sensor DS18B20 via inline C/C++, again
You can use this basic code to read the temperature readings from a DS18B20 temperature module, this can easily be done using inline C/C++. I''m reading °C but you can easily change it to °C by replacing ''sensors.getTempCByIndex(0)'' with ''sensors.getTempFByIndex(0)''.
@Peter Simpson · 2017-04-01
B4RSnippetB4R sensor
Temperature sensors comparison - DS18B20 vs DHT11
Comparing the DS18B20 and the DHT11 temperature sensors at the exact same time This is just a quick comparison between the two above named temperature sensors, nothing special really. I was looking through my Arduino parts toolbox when I suddenly realised that I had two types of temperature sensors, I had not even opened the anti-static bag with the DHT11 inside it, so I decided to place them both on a mini breadboard with a 4 pin OLED display to compare and display their temperature readings.
@Peter Simpson · 2017-04-01
Long press short press one button
This is just one solution on how to tell if a button is being long pressed or short pressed. There are plenty of other solution to do this, this is my take on it, it''s simple but effective.
@Peter Simpson · 2017-03-30
B4RLibraryB4R keypad [CODE MODULES]
Keyboard, Mouse, etc... [code modules]
In the attached .zip is a project that includes and demonstrates the use of three code modules. Keyboard.bas and Mouse.bas wrap the Arduino Keyboard and Mouse libraries using their own syntax.
@Roycefer · 2017-03-17
B4RCode moduleOS [CODE MODULE]
ArduinoBoardManager [code module]
With this module you can retrieve some info on your board such as board type, cpu type, speed, various memory sizes and some miscellaneous features.
@Roycefer · 2017-03-12
Example of GFX.drawLine (Adafruit GFX library)
Use this code to draw and rotate lines onto an OLED display. You will need the rAdafruitSSD1306 and rAdafruitGFX libraries loaded into your libraries tab. The code is simple enough to follow once you get your head around it, this is good for learning GFX.drawLine.
@Peter Simpson · 2017-03-10
B4RTutorialB4R LED
Connect a 7 pin OLED display, (NOT 4 pin)...
Connect a 7 pin OLED display, (NOT 4 pin)...
@Peter Simpson · 2017-03-07
B4RSnippetB4R WeMos
HMC5883L interfacing with Wemos...
Interface HMC5883L (Triple-axis Magnetometer (Compass)) with Wemos (ESP8266) with inline C
@rbghongade · 2017-03-07
B4RTutorialSerial comm/USB
How to connect an Arduino Pro Mini to a PC via a USB to Serial module
So you are interested in using an Arduino Pro Mini or compatible board instead of one of the other larger boards to interact with your hardware devices. The Pro Mini does have some advantages over some of the other board on the market, and also some disadvantages too, one advantages is it''s small compact size. Some people class it as a development board which it isn''t, it''s an installation board, you can tuck it into a small project/hobby box or just place it behind a light switch, plug socket and other small places etc. There is one massive disadvantage it suffers from though, and that is the lack of a onboard serial chip like the CH340G etc, thus no USB connector.
@Peter Simpson · 2017-03-06
Modulo Operator (Inline C)
Modulo Operator (Inline C)
@inakigarm · 2017-03-06
B4RSnippetComms & Network
Set IP address static/fixed for ESP8266
Set IP address static/fixed for ESP8266
@ilpesce · 2017-03-06
B4RCode moduleSerial comm/USB [CODE MODULE]
SPI [code module]
This should tide us over until we get an official SPI library. Included in the code module are two methods demonstrating the use of the module with an MCP3008 SPI ADC and an MCP4131 SPI DAC.
@Roycefer · 2017-03-05
B4RSnippetB4R sensor
measuring low frequenzy with ADXL335
measuring low frequenzy with ADXL335
@Hans- Joachim Krahe · 2017-03-04
B4RSnippetB4R clock
Display the current time via DS1302 RTC
Displaying the current time on a 4 Bit 7 segment display from a battery backed up DS1302 RTC (Real Time Clock).
@Peter Simpson · 2017-03-03
This example illustrates how to set of all of the bytes to zero (0), initialising them to hold new information, using the EEPROM.WriteBytes function.
@Peter Simpson · 2017-03-01
AsyncStreams Prefix Mode
rRandomAccessFile v1.80 adds support for AsyncStreams in prefix mode. In prefix mode a 4 bytes header is added to each message with the message length. The NewData event will only be raised when there is a complete message available. You no longer need to handle split or merged messages.
@Erel · 2017-02-26
B4RSnippetSerial comm/USB
Arduino Serial Command Framework
This framework simplifies serial interfacing via a command / response infrastructure. My Arduino projects are usually purely gadget interfaces linked to a higher functioning PC/ORDROID/Android device to actually do the orchestration. There is a built in method to identify the board via an ID and physically by blinking an on board led (pin 13).
@mrred128 · 2017-02-25
B4RSnippetB4R sensor
Switch a relay (to On) when it gets dark via an LDR and PIR
Switch a relay (to On) when it gets dark via an LDR and PIR
@Peter Simpson · 2017-02-23
B4RTutorialB4R WeMos
Arduino to WeMos pin mapping
Not exactly a tutorial, but informative nevertheless. This is how to map your Arduino projects to your WeMos. So for example in the blink demo, you just choose pin 2 for a WeMos instead of pin 13 for the Arduino.
@Peter Simpson · 2017-02-20
B4RSnippetB4R sensor
Reading two sensors by A0 pin
Reading two sensors by A0 pin
@derez · 2017-02-20
B4RSnippetB4R LED
Control LED brightness via 1838 IR receiver
You can use this basic code to control an LED (or anything else for that matter) that you want with a standard IR receiver. I was using a single off board VS1838B/TL1838 38KHz IR receiver with a Samsung TV remote control. Using the PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) pins is essential for controlling the brightness.
@Peter Simpson · 2017-02-18
B4RLibraryB4R sensor
Digital Light Sensor BH1750FVI Library.
@rwblinn · 2017-02-15
B4RLibraryB4R sensor
rBH1750FVI - Digital Ambient Light Sensor
Ambient Light Sensor BH1750FVI Library using I2C communication.
@rwblinn · 2017-02-15
Data JSON Format to Node-RED
For sending data from Arduino/ESP to Node-RED (running on a Raspberry Pi), JSON format is an option as Node-RED provides simple methods for parsing JSON. The example sub writes via asyncstream a Key:Value Pair Array as a JSON string.
@rwblinn · 2017-02-14
B4RTutorialB4R other hardware
Pull up resistors and buttons
Understanding why you might need a pull up resistor…
@Peter Simpson · 2017-02-14
rCRC32-Easy for Calculate CRC32
rCRC32-Easy for Calculate CRC32
@santook · 2017-02-13
B4RLibraryB4R sensor
rMPU6050_I2C - MotionTracking
Library to read values from the MPU6050 MotionTracking device by InvenSense.
@rwblinn · 2017-02-13