B4RLibraryB4R sensor
rMultiFuncShield - Arduino Multi Function Shield
This library supports the Arduino Multi Function Shield - a good device to get started learning sensoring & B4R.
@rwblinn · 2017-02-13
B4RLibraryB4R sensor
rSRF04-Easy Use Ultrasonic ranging
rSRF04-Easy Use Ultrasonic ranging
@santook · 2017-02-13
B4RSnippetB4R WeMos
TCS34725 RGB Sensor interface with Wemos mini...
TCS34725 RGB Sensor interface with Wemos mini...
@rbghongade · 2017-02-13
B4RLibraryB4R LED
rTM1638 - 8 Seven Segment LED Display with Keys And LEDs
Library supporting the 8 Seven Segment LED Display with Keys And LEDs using the TM1638.
@rwblinn · 2017-02-07
rLCD1602BigNumbers - Display Big Numbers
Library to display up to 4 Big Numbers on a LCD1602.
@rwblinn · 2017-01-31
B4RSnippetB4R WeMos
BME280 with ESP8266 (Wemos mini)...
Interface the Bosch BME 280 sensor with ESP8266 via inline C code and the Arduino library
@rbghongade · 2017-01-30
B4R GitHub Repositories
You can find B4R libraries source code here: https://github.com/AnywhereSoftware?utf8=✓&tab=repositories&q=B4R
@Erel · 2017-01-17
B4RLibraryB4R other hardware
rAdafruit_STMPE610 & rAdafruit_ILI9341 - Touch Sensitive Screen
Libraries for Adafruit TFT screen: https://www.adafruit.com/products/1651 https://learn.adafruit.com/adafruit-2-8-tft-touch-shield-v2
@Erel · 2017-01-16
This is a wrapper for Adafruit-GFX library: https://github.com/adafruit/Adafruit-GFX-Library This is a graphics library. It is used by other lower level libraries.
@Erel · 2017-01-16
B4RLibraryB4R LED
TM1637 - 4 digits display
Arduino library for TM1637 (LED Driver)
@Erel · 2017-01-15
B4RSnippetB4R motor
driving xy stepmotors by single byte
driving two motors (x,y) with 16 steps can be realized by one byte orders (16 stepmodes in upper 4 bit, 16 in lower 4 bit)
@Hans- Joachim Krahe · 2017-01-08
Timers, Loopers and CallSubPlus
Timers, Loopers and CallSubPlus
@Erel · 2017-01-08
B4RSnippetB4R motor
driving xy stepmotors by single byte within redundance
driving xy stepmotors by single byte within redundance
@Hans- Joachim Krahe · 2017-01-05
hex to int
hex to int
@Hans- Joachim Krahe · 2017-01-03
B4RLibraryComms & Network
ESP8266 Ping
Implements a ping feature which can be useful to test whether a remote server is reachable.
@Erel · 2017-01-01
B4RSnippetB4R sensor
HB100 RF sensor
This is a Doppler RF transmitter and receiver which can be used as a movement alert.
@derez · 2016-12-05
B4RLibraryB4R other hardware
This is a wrapper for MCP2515 library
@Erel · 2016-11-22
SN74HC165 Shift Register for multi input
The SN74HC165 Shift Register enables connecting many buttons to the Arduino/ESP8266 using only 4 pins.
@derez · 2016-11-20
B4RLibraryB4R LED
This is an Arduino library to control MAX7219 and MAX7221 Led display drivers.
@Erel · 2016-11-17
B4RLibraryB4R LED
Wrapper for: https://github.com/squix78/MAX7219LedMatrix This is an ESP8266 library.
@Erel · 2016-11-17
B4RTutorialB4R other hardware
Reed Switch Monitor Example
B4R & B4J experiment to monitor the state of a Reed switch connected to an ESP8266 - a NodeMCU is used.
@rwblinn · 2016-11-02
B4RLibraryB4R keypad
Simple library that monitors keypad key presses.
@Erel · 2016-10-30
RDC based on MQTT
This is an extension to jRDC2. It adds support for MQTT and allows accessing the remote database with an Arduino or ESP8266 board.
@Erel · 2016-10-27
B4RTutorialB4R relay
ESP8266 + Relay = Let there be light
Relays are electronic switches that allow low power (voltage) devices to control high power circuits. In this example the ESP8266 board controls a regular 220v light bulb.
@Erel · 2016-10-09
DATE to Uint - Unit to Date Converter
I using this code, Because Board has a problem for records size capacity of epprom.
@Tayfur · 2016-10-08
TIME to Uint - Unit to TIME Converter
I using this code, Because Board has a problem for records size capacity of epprom.
@Tayfur · 2016-10-07
B4RSnippetB4R other hardware
74HC595 Shift Register for multiple output
The attached implements a code module for use of a shift register for getting multiple outputs while using only 3 pins of the arduino/esp.
@derez · 2016-09-30
Using Firebase to send notifications to iOS and Android devices
When the button is clicked, two http requests are sent to Firebase REST api. Any subscribed Android or iOS device will receive the push message. It is a very simple and powerful solution It is simple as you don''t need a server and it is powerful as the messages will arrive even when the apps are not running. The solution works over the internet, it is not limited to the local network.
@Erel · 2016-09-29
Using PROGMEM to save memory
The smaller Arduinos like the Arduino Uno have 2k of RAM. The subs stack and the global variables use this memory. If your program includes constant data then you can use PROGMEM to store the data in the program code and access it without loading the whole data into the the limited RAM.
@Erel · 2016-09-19
B4RLibraryB4R sensor
rAPDS9960 - Gesture Sensor
APDS 9960 gesture and RGB sensor: https://www.sparkfun.com/products/12787
@Erel · 2016-09-07