CLVSwipe - CustomListView Swipe Commands [B4X]
CLVSwipe is a class that adds "swipe commands" to the standard xCustomListView library. It is compatible with B4A and B4i (currently not with B4J).
@Erel · 2025-03-02
xChart Class [B4X] [XUI]
Learning B4XViews and XUI, I wrote this CustomView xChart Class. It works on all three products: B4A, B4i and B4J. The xChart.bas file is located in the B4J and shared, relative link, in B4A and B4i. The code is exactly the same, one class file, for all three products. It is an evolution of Erels'' Android Charts Framwork. It has automatic scales, automatic text size according to the chart size. These can also be set manually. Demoprograms for all three products. Tested on PC, Android Samsung S6, Samsung Tab S2, iPhone 6 and iPad.
@klaus · 2025-01-19
xRotaryKnob class [B4X] [XUI]
You can turn the button, and it snaps onto the nearest value. A click in the middle selects the next value, a LonkClick in the middle selects the prevous value. There are three snap modes: AFTERMOVE snaps when the knob is released, upper left knob. ALLWAY snaps allways during moving, the lower green knob. NEVER doesn''t snap at all, displays the current value, the upper right knob,
@klaus · 2025-01-14
AS Popup Menu on any view [B4X] [XUI]
This is a simple cross platform Popup Menu.
@Alexander Stolte · 2025-01-08
A utility class to manage a simple collections of Map inside List
@aeric · 2024-10-09
xGantt Chart [B4X]
xGantt Chart [B4X]
@klaus · 2024-09-22
BR_B4XFloatTextField [B4X]
With the example of Erel library and with the help of Biswajit, we made some modifications to the original B4XFloatTextField library, recreating it with some modifications in the visual transforming into BR_B4XFloatTextField.
@Lucas Siqueira · 2024-09-18
xGauges Class [B4X] [XUI]
Having seen this thread fuel gauge, it challenged me and I wrote this CustomView xGauges Class. It works on all three products: B4A, B4i and B4J. The xGauges.bas file is located in the B4J project and shared, relative link, in B4A and B4i. The code is exactly the same, one class file, for all three products.
@klaus · 2024-07-04
MiniSearchView AutoComplete field [B4X] [XUI]
A cross platform, compact version of SearchView. The custom view is made of a TextField / EditText and a horizontal CLV above it that shows the matching items. The user can click on the items in the list or press enter to autocomplete.
@Erel · 2024-04-11
Google OAuth2 [class] [B4X]
It is no longer possible to use WebView to implement Google''s OAuth2 authentication. The solution is to open the default browser and set the redirection uri in such a way that the browser will redirect the response back to our app. GoogleOAuth2 class takes care of several tasks: 1. Opening the browser and getting the authorization code. 2. Getting and saving the access token and refresh token from the authorization code. 3. Getting a new access token when it expires using the refresh token.
@Erel · 2024-03-19
PDF Generator - B4X Cross Platform - Class 100% B4X Code [B4X]
PDF Generator - B4X Cross Platform - Class 100% B4X Code [B4X]
@spsp · 2024-01-03
APNG - animated PNG [B4X]
APNG is a format that extends PNG with support for animations, similar to animated gifs. This class, which is implemented in B4X, extracts the frames from the APNG file and creates the animation.
@Erel · 2023-12-24
BR_Button [B4X] [XUI]
Was created with the intention of leaving the button working equally in the 3 ides (b4a, b4i and b4j)
@Lucas Siqueira · 2023-07-28
wmKODI - control KODI [formerly XBMC] from B4X [B4X][Class]
wmKODI - control KODI [formerly XBMC] from B4X [B4X][Class]
@walt61 · 2023-07-13
Localizator - Localize your B4X applications
Localizator is a cross platform solution for strings localization. The strings are defined in an Excel workbook.
@Erel · 2023-06-23
barcodeGenerator - Cross platform Barcode code generator [B4X]
barcodeGenerator - Cross platform Barcode code generator [B4X]
@Lucas Siqueira · 2023-05-08
dgSwitches - a class to manage a group of switches/bits [B4X]
A class to group subs I generally use when manipulating bits in order to manage config parameters, options and the likes in my apps. We can work on single bits, multiple bits, group of bits, all the bits at once. There are methods to set bits by a numeric value, by a string of 0s and 1s, by a list/array. We can read current state of the switches (bits) using numeric values or strings.
@udg · 2023-04-28
dgSwitches - a class to manage group of switches/bits [B4X]
A class to group subs I generally use when manipulating bits in order to manage config parameters, options and the likes in my apps. We can work on single bits, multiple bits, group of bits, all the bits at once. There are methods to set bits by a numeric value, by a string of 0s and 1s, by a list/array. We can read current state of the switches (bits) using numeric values or strings.
@udg · 2023-04-28
B4XPages - Transition Class [B4X] [XUI]
A simple example on how to use the b4xpages transition class
@ilan · 2023-04-27
Raw ChatGPT class for B4X
Raw ChatGPT class for B4X
@JackKirk · 2023-03-14
An Inline Map Key Chooser - A Small Helper Class [B4X]
If like me you keep having the annoying problem of the wrong case or the wrong spelling for keys, you might like this.
@William Lancee · 2023-02-14
TextCrumbs v1 [BreadCrumbs using CharSequence] [B4X] [Class]
TextCrumbs v1 [BreadCrumbs using CharSequence] [B4X] [Class]
@epiCode · 2023-01-27
A cross-platform B4XPages class to display a network of nodes connected by arrows. [B4X]
A cross-platform B4XPages class to display a network of nodes connected by arrows. [B4X]
@William Lancee · 2022-09-21
A class to draw on canvas many types of arrows at any angle. [B4X]
A class to draw on canvas many types of arrows at any angle. [B4X]
@William Lancee · 2022-08-24
A B4X Source Code Handling Class [BANanoCodeHandler]
I am using this to maintain my BANano Custom Views and whilst its BANano related code, it is just b4x code after-all and can be adopted for any scenario.
@Mashiane · 2022-04-20
Class - clsRndItems [B4X]
A simple class for randomly picking items from a group without repetitions (but also with repetitions, if desired).
@LucaMs · 2022-04-08
Circular Buffer Class For Integer Arrays
The circular buffer uses a list which expands to a maximum size as entries are added then persists with items handled with list.set and list.get.
@rgarnett1955 · 2022-03-01
B4XDialog - Custom dialogs [B4X] [XUI]
B4XDialogs is part of XUI Views library. Use that instead: [B4X] XUI Views - Cross platform views and dialogs. B4XDialog class helps with creating cross platform custom dialogs. The dialog is made of a simple panel and it is therefore completely customizable.
@Erel · 2021-12-19
xInstrumentationController [B4X] [CustomView Class]
The xInstrumentationController purpose is to display a device present value & display and set a setpoint via touch or method.
@rwblinn · 2021-12-04
xInstrumentationMeter [B4X] [CustomView Class]
Display a meter value or to set a meter value via touch or mouse click.
@rwblinn · 2021-12-04