B4XClassViews - additional [B4X][CUSTOMVIEW CLASS]
The xInstrumentationStateIndicator purpose is to display a device state or to set a device state via touch or mouse click. A device could be basically anything which can have a state true or false.
@rwblinn · 2021-12-04
B4XClassViews - additional [B4X][CUSTOMVIEW CLASS]
xInstrumentationValueIndicator [B4X] [CustomView Class]
The xInstrumentationValueIndicator purpose is to display an indicator with value and (optional) unit.
@rwblinn · 2021-12-04
B4XClassCharts [B4X][CLASS]
Chart analysis [B4X] [Class]
If you have chart data as a table with 2 columns, say weather temperature per hour - it would be good to have an analysis code that can check the data changing trend and return some result. The result may be like "Temperature is rising during 5 hours", or "Warning: sudden freeze for -20 degrees during 5 hours !" ...
@peacemaker · 2021-11-17
B4XClassViews - additional [B4X][CUSTOMVIEW CLASS]
xLevelIndicator [B4X] [CustomView Class]
The xLevelIndicator purpose is to monitor the level of a device, like Battery (%), Voltage (V), Tank Level (m3) and more.
@rwblinn · 2021-11-09
B4XClassB4X [B4X]
A Hierarchical Class Generator [B4X]
Generates data manipulation classes (source code, .bas modules) based on a string that describes the data structure
@William Lancee · 2021-09-21
B4XClassCharts [B4X][XUI]
xGraph Class and b4xlib [B4X] [XUI]
The xGraph Class and B4XLib allows graphic analysis of signals. The graph holds a given number of curves (10 by default) with a given number of samples (10000 by default) these values can be defined in the Designer. All curves have the same number of samples with the same X signal.
@klaus · 2021-09-12
B4XClassDatabase [B4X][CLASS]
RecordSet: A class that extends the functionality of lists of same length arrays [B4X] [class]
A recordset is a data structure that consists of a collection of database records. The RecordSet Class (Standard) adds the following functions to standard recordsets, without the use of a database such as MySQL or SQLite: 1. Named fields or alternatively loading external .csv/.txt files with field headers 2. Auto-detection of field type (numeric, categorical, or date) 3. Full indexing - all values in all fields are indexed (surprisingly, this works for recordsets up to 50000 records or more, depending on number of fields) 4. Sorting (Up/Down, Numeric/Categorical/ Date) (The indexing function uses B4XOrderedMaps, which are sorted during initialization, and after changes) 5. Searching 6. Filtering to subsets 7. Inserting, Deleting, Replacing records 8. Cloning 9. Data Summaries (descriptive statistics of any field (whether numeric, categorical, or date)
@William Lancee · 2021-08-25
iSD BottoMenu [with source code][B4X][XUI]
[B4X] [XUI] iSD BottoMenu [with source code]
@Star-Dust · 2021-07-27
jSD BottoMenu [with source code][B4X][XUI]
[B4X] [XUI] jSD BottoMenu [with source code]
@Star-Dust · 2021-07-27
B4XClassDate/time [B4X][XUI]
DateTimePicker View [B4X] [XUI]
DateTimePicker view is based on the CustomListView with a design similar to the ios datetime picker. This view has only been tested in B4A, it is not very useful in B4i since for ios the built-in picker is better.
@jtare · 2021-07-18
B4XClassGame [XUI2D]
Large background class + example [XUI2D]
LargeBackground class helps with drawing the game background based on a large image that is split into smaller images.
@Erel · 2021-06-14
B4XClassTable/Grid [B4XPAGES][XLUTILS]
A small class to view many-columned B4XTables - for example Excel sheets. [B4XPages] [XLUtils]
A small class to view many-columned B4XTables - for example Excel sheets. [B4XPages] [XLUtils]
@William Lancee · 2021-04-30
B4XClassImages [B4X]
SD_ImageView [B4X]
A custom ImageView view that allows you to upload an image from the web. Just pass the URL as a parameter
@Star-Dust · 2021-04-05
Build parametized SQL queries for Insert,Update and Delete
Build parametized SQL queries for Insert,Update and Delete
@spsp · 2021-02-25
B4XClassViews - other [B4X]
What''s new class [B4X]
This is a what''s new class for B4A and B4i (b4xlib) that you can use to display information for new views or functions (related to views obviously) of your application.
@hatzisn · 2021-02-07
B4XClassDialogs [B4X][XUI]
AS MsgBox/Dialog [B4X] [XUI]
I needed a cross platform msgbox and dialog, that I can modify to 100% and here is it! If you miss a Feature, then let me know! The Class is easy to use with less code. You can create this view with the designer or with code. Features: -Fully Customizable -Top and Bottom bar can be hidden -A Close Button can be visible -Show an Icon (Left , Middle or Right to text) -Set Title -You can Create your own dialog if you hide the top and bottom bar -LoadLayout from Layoutfile or with code -Customize the Bottom Buttons -Dragable -asynchronous with wait for -show the dialog with text (no layout required)
@Alexander Stolte · 2021-02-05
math evaluation
A module to evaluate a math expression
@lolo32 · 2021-01-19
B4XClassColour [B4X][XUI]
BitmapCreator + HSV Color Picker [B4X] [XUI]
There are two classes in the attached B4A project. Both of them are compatible with B4A, B4i and B4J. The first one is BitmapCreator. It allows creating in-memory bitmaps. It creates an array of bytes with the format of 24 bit uncompressed bitmaps. The raw data can then be loaded as a Bitmap object. Note that there isn''t any special memory access here. The result bitmap is created with Bitmap.Initialize2. This means that you need to get a new bitmap if you make any change to the raw data. The second class is HSVColorPicker. It uses BitmapCreator to create a HSV color picker. It is implemented as a custom view and should be added with the designer.
@Erel · 2020-11-22
B4XClassMaths [B4X]
FFT class [B4x]
This class performs Fast Fourier Transformations forward and inverse. The class is exactly the same for B4A, B4i and B4J.
@klaus · 2020-08-14
RippleButton Class
This custom view class will act as a button with ripple effect when clicked, it also has water effect if you swipe/move the pointer onto the view.
@rraswisak · 2020-08-03
SD BottoMenu [with source code][B4X][XUI]
[B4X] [XUI] SD BottoMenu [with source code]
@Star-Dust · 2020-07-27
B4XClassList- and scrollview [B4X][CLASS]
CLVDragger - drag to reorder items [B4X] [class]
CLVDragger - drag to reorder items [B4X] [class]
@wes58 · 2020-07-22
B4XClassStrings [B4X]
CSVParser - CSV parser and generator [B4X]
CSV - comma separated values format. The various StringUtils libraries include methods for loading and saving CSV files. However these methods have a few drawbacks: - They work with files instead of strings. This is especially problematic if the input is not UTF8 encoded. - As they are implemented inside a native library it is not possible to modify their behavior. Some CSV files are not 100% valid and will not work with these methods. CSVParser is a class that allows parsing and generating CSV strings
@Erel · 2020-06-29
Replacement for standard Map
This class can be used as a replacement for B4i-Map. An advantage over the standard class is that all functions contained in the B4a map are also included here. This class can of course also be used in B4a.
@Filippo · 2020-06-12
B4XClassToast [B4X][XUI]
ToastMessage Class Modifications [B4X] [XUI]
Based on the work by UDG in the post: https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/b4x-xui-toastmessage-class.92476/#content This is a cross platform library that will work in B4a, B4i, and B4j. These modifications help to mimic B4a/B4i ToastMessageShow better.
@gregchao · 2020-05-21
B4XClassList- and scrollview [B4X][XUI]
CLVIndexScroller - xCustomListView fast scrolling index view [B4X] [XUI]
It''s a class that adds a fast scrolling index view to xCustomListView. It has a dark and a light mode. You can show either alphabetic or numeric index and can change the index order.
@Biswajit · 2020-05-11
B4XClassViews - effects
Badger - Add badges to views
Simple class that adds "badges" to views. You can change the colors and radius in the class code.
@Erel · 2020-04-21
B4XClassPicker [B4X][CLASS]
xWheel [B4X] [class]
Xwheel is a "rotating wheel" based on xCustomListView
@mberthe · 2020-04-19
B4XClassViews - other [CLASS][B4X]
What''s new class for B4A and B4i [Class] [B4X]
This is a what''s new class for B4A and B4i (b4xlib) that you can use to display information for new views or functions (related to views obviously) of your application.
@hatzisn · 2020-02-24
Json to Class - Class to Jason - Class to map - Map to class
Json to Class / Class to Jason / Class to map /Map to class
@delgadol · 2020-02-21