B4XClassComms & Network [B4X]
SNTP class [B4X]
This class sends a request to a SNTP server (time server) and finds the offset between the local clock and the remote clock.
@Erel · 2020-01-30
B4XClassDialogs [B4X]
File download indeterminate dialog template [B4X]
Just a bit of fun for a project, this is a simple animated dialog template with nothing more than the standard view animations and FontAwesome.
@stevel05 · 2020-01-05
B4XClassB4X [B4X]
BytesBuilder - simplifies working with arrays of bytes [B4X]
BytesBuilder class, which is compatible with B4A, B4i and B4J, makes it easier to work with bytes. You can think of it as a combination of String and StringBuilder, but instead of holding characters it holds bytes.
@Erel · 2019-10-13
B4XClassMenu [B4A/B4I][B4X]
myPopup popup menu [B4A/B4i] [B4X]
Class which produces a simple popup menu anchored to a view. It works in B4A and B4i currently.
@kstainsb · 2019-09-06
B4XClassBCTextEngine/BBCodeView [B4X]
BCTextEngine parser: B4X Code Highlighter [B4X]
This is an example of creating a custom parser for BBCodeView. It depends on BCTextEngine v1.61+ which allows setting the text runs directly instead of parsing the BBCode.
@Erel · 2019-09-05
B4XClassB4X [B4X]
NinjaData - Easy-to-use data structure with JSON input/output [B4X]
A B4X data storage class (for my own needs). It''s a JSON-like object container that''s loosely based on Python lists and dictionaries.
@wonder · 2019-07-19
simple config converter class
Unfortunately, Windows and Linux work with different configuration files. Therefore, I have written a simple class for converting the most common formats. Formats: INI, MAP, CSV, JSON, XML, YAML
@Knoppi · 2019-04-06
B4X Eval (expressions evaluator)
Evaluate mathematical expressions
@Erel · 2019-03-27
B4XClassOS [B4X]
Account Class get a DeviceUID to create a account without registration [B4X]
With this Class you can create a Device UID.
@Alexander Stolte · 2019-01-26
XUI - haB4XMsgBox [based on B4XDialog][B4X]
Based on @Erel latest B4Xlibs projects, I created this modified class from the B4XDialog source class.
@Harris · 2019-01-16
Inverted Pendulum on Cart and PIDController Class
This litte App is showing the Inverted Pendulum on a cart which is actuated by motors on the wheels. The pendulum is freely jointed. The controlling process behind is done by a PID Controller Class. One instance is controlling the Angle of the Pendulum, the other the position of the cart. With the settings in the Initialization Procedure you may have influences to the dampening of the disturbances or it swings up ;o)
@Gunther · 2018-11-30
B4XClassAnimation [B4X][XUI]
AnimatedArrow - focus the user attention [B4X] [XUI]
AnimatedArrow - focus the user attention [B4X] [XUI]
@Erel · 2018-11-21
B4XClassOCR [B4X]
xOCR Class [B4X]
This Class (for B4J and B4A) uses the ocr.space service to convert scans or (smartphone) images of text documents into editable files by using Optical Character Recognition (OCR) technologies. It uses state-of-the-art modern OCR software. The awesome recognition quality is comparable to commercial OCR SDK software (e. g. Abbyy). You can extract the raw text and get the coordinates of the bounding boxes and the lines for each word if you like.
@Blueforcer · 2018-10-31
ViewPos [XUI] [source code]
A code module (also compiled as library), compatible with B4A, B4J and B4I, with few methods about views'' position.
@LucaMs · 2018-10-10
B4XClassYouTube [CLASS B4X]
YouTube V3 [Class B4X ]
With this class compatible for B4X (B4A, B4i, B4J? I haven''t tried) you can read and import all the information coming from youtube into your application. Etag, Title, Description, PublisheAt, Urlpicture, categoryId, channelTitle, Definition, dimension, PrivacyStatus, dislikeCount, likeCount, viewCount, CommentCount, Duration. Note Duration return example: PT15M33S this is 15 minutes and 33 seconds. And more.... this version is very fast look movie in youtube.
@MarcoRome · 2018-10-05
B4XClassMap [B4X]
Sorted Map Class (with source code) [B4X]
This is an implementation of a sorted map using a red black self balancing binary search tree. It replaces the B4J TreeMap Library and the B4I Sorted Map Library. The .zip file includes demonstration / test programs for B4A,B4I and B4J.
@keirS · 2018-09-14
B4XClassDrawing [B4X][XUI]
Siri Wave [B4X] [XUI]
For a while now I''ve been looking for an animation to represent some sort of ai talking but couldn''t find anything beside videos and gifs. I wanted something that can be usable in an app, so I came across with this project on github which is close enough for what I wanted but it was written in javascript which I know very little, but I managed to translate it to b4j and later to a b4x class.
@jtare · 2018-08-05
B4XClassHome automation [CLASS][B4X]
Broadlink home automation [Class] [B4X]
Broadlink home automation [Class] [B4X]
@walt61 · 2018-07-31
B4XClassCharts [B4X][XUI]
xChart Class has been updated to version 2.1 [B4X] [XUI]
xChart Class has been updated to version 2.1 [B4X] [XUI]
@klaus · 2018-07-30
B4XClassAudio/Video [B4X][CLASS]
MJPEG decoder [B4X] [class]
An implementation of a MJPEG over Http decoder.
@Erel · 2018-07-09
B4XClasshttp [B4X]
OkHttpUtils2 / iHttpUtils2 / HttpUtils2 source code [B4X]
The attached code is compatible with B4A, B4J and B4i. The various HttpUtils2 libraries are included in the IDE installation as internal libraries. The source code is attached here.
@Erel · 2018-06-25
B4XClassProgress/Gauge/Loading [B4X][XUI]
SD: RadarProgressView (With Source Code) [B4X] [XUI]
ProgressBar that simulates a submarine radar.
@Star-Dust · 2018-05-29
B4XClassAnimation [B4X][XUI]
ExpandView - source code [B4X] [XUI]
I wanted to create an animation
@LucaMs · 2018-05-19
Validation module
Contain many function about validate email,mobile and other
@Pooya1 · 2018-05-04
B4XClassToast [B4X][XUI]
ToastMessage class [B4X] [XUI]
Some time ago I wrote a class to port a TostMessageShow-alike method to B4J. Yesterday I decided it was time to convert it to B4x using XUI. While at it, I added methods here and there and some code to be able to use it with B4A and (hopefully) with B4i. Please find attached the class (clXToastMessage.bas) and working example code for B4J (tmtestJ.zip) and B4A (tmtest.zip). Note that both the zip files contain a copy of the class so you don''t need to download it separately. I couldn''t test it with B4i and, to say it all, I''m not even sure it will work with it "as is" because my coding followed snippets found on the Forum not any direct knowledge on my part. So please, amend it for B4i and post here the revised version.
@udg · 2018-04-30
B4XClassList- and scrollview [B4X][XUI]
xSelectableCustomListView [B4X] [XUI]
This is a modification of Erel''s xCustomListView version 1.50. It''s essentially the same class module, except that some fields, properties and functions were added to handle item selection and enabling, but still keeping all original functionality of xCustomListView in effect.
@Claudio Oliveira · 2018-04-30
B4XClassList- and scrollview
xCustomListView with LongClick event
xCustomListView v1.53 with support for LongClick event.
@janderkan · 2018-03-29
B4XEncryption .net DLL class library
I recently had the need to send encrypted data from my B4A/B4J/B4i apps to a .net web service. Because the B4XEncryption library works in all the B4X environments, I wanted a way to decrypt and encrypt data in the same way as the B4XEncryption libraries do.
@Chris Lee · 2018-02-25
B4XClassProgress/Gauge/Loading [CLASS][CUSTOM VIEW]
CircularProgressBar [class] [custom view]
A simple circular progress bar implemented as a custom view.
@Erel · 2017-10-16
B4XClassGoogle [B4X][CUSTOM VIEW]
Google Place Autocomplete View [B4X] [custom view]
PlacesAutocompleteView is based on SearchView. It calls Google''s Places autocomplete API to let the user select a place. Once selected it sends another request to get the exact location. You can get other information as well.
@Erel · 2017-07-24