AS Settings [B4X] [XUI] [Beta]
Introducing a new library that allows you to create your own settings page with minimal code.
@Alexander Stolte · 2025-03-07
AS Scheduler - MonthView and DayView [Week] [Payware] [B4X] [XUI]
The AS Scheduler is a B4X library for displaying and interacting with appointments.
@Alexander Stolte · 2025-03-04
SD LiquidProgress [Bar][B4X][XUI]
SD LiquidProgress [Bar] [B4X] [XUI]
@Star-Dust · 2025-02-27
AS PremiumSummary [Payware] [B4X] [XUI]
With this view you can easily and with little effort list your premium features and make it easier for the customer to choose the right premium package.
@Alexander Stolte · 2025-02-26
PocketBase - Open Source backend in 1 file [B4X]
PocketBase - Open Source backend in 1 file [B4X]
@Alexander Stolte · 2025-02-22
AS DatePicker - fast navigate to a Month - Year - Decade - Century [B4X] [XUI]
AS DatePicker - fast navigate to a Month - Year - Decade - Century [B4X] [XUI]
@Alexander Stolte · 2025-02-20
AS DatePickerTimeline [B4X] [XUI]
Date Picker Library that provides a calendar as a horizontal timeline.
@Alexander Stolte · 2025-02-20
AS Color Slider Advanced - a Snapchat like color picker [B4X] [XUI]
AS Color Slider Advanced - a Snapchat like color picker [B4X] [XUI]
@Alexander Stolte · 2025-02-13
GradientMaker - cross platform gradient background [B4X]
GradientMaker - cross platform gradient background [B4X]
@Erel · 2025-02-13
AS TextFieldAdvanced - Title, Information, Counter, Password, Button [B4X] [XUI]
With this view you can quickly and easily add good looking text fields, with title and or bottom text. Additionally you can make the TextField a button, so that you can open menus, but still keep the design of the text fields. The view speeds up development because you don''t have to worry about almost anything, it looks nice by default and is functional.
@Alexander Stolte · 2025-02-12
WebP images [B4X]
Cross platform library that loads the new WebP format images. Android natively supports this format so the regular LoadBitmap methods will also work.
@Erel · 2025-02-12
AS RoundSlider [B4X] [XUI]
AS RoundSlider [B4X] [XUI]
@Alexander Stolte · 2025-02-08
AS SectionedSlider [B4X] [XUI]
AS SectionedSlider [B4X] [XUI]
@Alexander Stolte · 2025-02-08
ASLabel - CrossPlatform Label [B4X] [XUI]
This is a simple label view, in IOS roundings are removed when resizing or colors are not displayed properly. This can be fixed by placing a panel under the label, this view does the work for you. Just set the properties you want in the designer like in a normal label.
@Alexander Stolte · 2025-02-08
AS Radio Button [B4X] [XUI]
AS Radio Button [B4X] [XUI]
@Alexander Stolte · 2025-02-06
AS RangeRoundSlider [B4X] [XUI]
AS RangeRoundSlider [B4X] [XUI]
@Alexander Stolte · 2025-02-06
MiniHtmlParser - simple html parser implemented with B4X [B4X]
MiniHtmlParser is a cross platform class that parses html strings and creates a tree with the various elements. It is a less powerful alternative to jTidy or jSoup, however it is simple to use, cross platform and as it is implemented in B4X it can be extended quite easily.
@Erel · 2025-02-06
AS Chips - Display your Hashtags, Filters or Categories [B4X] [XUI]
AS Chips - Display your Hashtags, Filters or Categories [B4X] [XUI]
@Alexander Stolte · 2025-02-03
AS DropDownBox - simple in app notification/information panel [B4X] [XUI]
AS DropDownBox - simple in app notification/information panel [B4X] [XUI]
@Alexander Stolte · 2025-02-03
AS BlinkTextView [B4X] [XUI]
A TextView that blinks, just like the good old HTML tag.
@Alexander Stolte · 2025-02-02
AS PlusMinus [B4X] [XUI]
AS PlusMinus [B4X] [XUI]
@Alexander Stolte · 2025-02-01
AS SelectionList - Single or multiple selection [B4X] [XUI]
AS SelectionList - Single or multiple selection [B4X] [XUI]
@Alexander Stolte · 2025-02-01
AS TimePickerDialog based on B4XDialog and AS_TimePicker [B4X] [XUI]
AS TimePickerDialog based on B4XDialog and AS_TimePicker [B4X] [XUI]
@Alexander Stolte · 2025-02-01
AS NumberProgressBar [B4X] [XUI]
AS NumberProgressBar [B4X] [XUI]
@Alexander Stolte · 2025-01-30
B4XDrawerAdvanced - Sliding Drawer - Left and Right Panel [B4X]
I took the original B4XDrawer code from @Erel and modified it to create a new view. This view supports right panel in B4A and B4I. What was often requested.
@Alexander Stolte · 2025-01-30
AS Badges [B4X]
I took the original Badger code from @Erel and modified it to create a new view.
@Alexander Stolte · 2025-01-29
AS FlowTabMenu - Early Stage [B4X] [XUI]
AS FlowTabMenu - Early Stage [B4X] [XUI]
@Alexander Stolte · 2025-01-29
AS Scrolling Tags based on xCustomListView - Display your Hastags or Categories [B4X] [XUI]
AS Scrolling Tags based on xCustomListView - Display your Hastags or Categories [B4X] [XUI]
@Alexander Stolte · 2025-01-29
AutoTextSizeLabel [B4X] [XUI]
AutoTextSizeLabel [B4X] [XUI]
@Alexander Stolte · 2025-01-29
xHttpServer [beta] [B4X]
It is an http server, which allows a browser to navigate on html pages stored on the device. In addition, dynamic pages can also be created.
@Star-Dust · 2025-01-28