Pimp My B4X - New Fonts and Themes
After 3 years of B4X coding, I got bored with the current themes, so I decided to create my own! ;) Download the attached file, install the respective fonts and enjoy!
@wonder · 2016-10-15
Php.Show - a php script generator for httputils usage
Php.Show is a small utility app that has been built with b4j as a php source code generator. One is able to define a table and its fields (currently text and int) and then Compile a single php file based on the table name that can be used in a web server.
@Mashiane · 2016-08-07
jMashProjectProfile: Project Profiling & Distribution Tool
jMashProjectProfile for now seeks to address the problems of 1. Project Distribution and 2. Project Analysis What do we mean about Project Distribution? When one distributes a project, the current compression does not include the external libraries used in the project. One has to search for those on the website when they have to run the project. With jMashProjectProfile, when you distribute your project, the project is compressed including the external libraries used in it, including all the files used and all the shared code modules used into a single structured project zip file. And Project Analysis? Well, at times you want to invoice a client based on the number of code lines or subroutines or whatever methodology you use based on the code, or you just want to know the stats of your project. The project analysis reports then provide you some summary reports about your project. The code lines counted is the number of lines in the file as read with File.ReadList.
@Mashiane · 2016-07-25
jMashBal2Bil Convertor
The current Bal2Bil convertor is a command based tool, so I wanted such a tool but as a nice UI. So after playing around, I used B4J to develop it.
@Mashiane · 2016-07-17
B4Xgoodies viewer in B4J
Viewer program for the B4Xgoodies Excel workbook
@inakigarm · 2016-06-07
B4X Object Browser
B4A, B4i, B4J and B4r API documentation - B4X Object Browser
@Vader · 2016-05-26
B4XToolPush notifications
B4X Push Server
B4X Push Server is a B4J written back-end server for B4i and B4A apps that use push notifications (Android - GCM, iOS - APN).
@Erel · 2016-01-12
Charting Frameworkds: GoogleCharts, dhtmlxChart etc
The purpose of the project is to explore the different charting frameworks available for building charts using B4A. This started as http://www.basic4ppc.com/android/forum/threads/google-charts.31240/ Currently the implementation is for Google (Online) and dhtmlxChart (Offline) charts that get rendered to the webview control. I will keep updating it based on interest and other available charting tools that can render html source code including javascript etc.
@Mashiane · 2013-10-05