b4x_cba [B4X Custom Build Action]
Ever since Erel introduced custom build actions I have run a collection of batch files to do certain things when I do a release build eg copy the jar to another folder, compile only etc.I''ve finally decided to combine these into a single console application (in C#) instead of a bunch of batch files.
@tchart · 2025-01-22
New b4x library compiler tool - like Simple Library Compiler - [open source]
I want to develop another version of Simple Library Compiler to compile .jar libraries. It should be compatible with newer SDKs, generate doclet documentation, and download necessary libraries from Maven.
@tummosoft · 2024-08-14
B4X ToDoCopy
ToDoCopy is a small tool that allows you to quickly enter the values in the table from the clipboard.
@RauchG · 2024-07-09
BMVariableFixFormat [B4X]
A small tool that will help you better organize your projects, reduce the lines of code and in turn reduce the weight of your project.
@Brian Michael · 2024-06-22
ZipperWm - based on Erel''s Zipper tool, with additional functionality - source included [Tool] [B4X]
ZipperWm - based on Erel''s Zipper tool, with additional functionality - source included [Tool] [B4X]
@walt61 · 2024-05-19
B4X Help program
B4X Help program
@klaus · 2024-03-16
MakeBxL - create a layout file from text or from an SQLite table [B4X] [Tool] [Source included]
MakeBxL - create a layout file from text or from an SQLite table [B4X] [Tool] [Source included]
@walt61 · 2024-02-10
B4Xlib file maker
B4Xlib file maker
@jkhazraji · 2023-09-12
With this small Windows application you can easily create a B4xlib library.
@Filippo · 2023-05-24
An application for creating a .b4xlib type library. [MakeB4XLib]
An application for creating a .b4xlib type library. [MakeB4XLib]
@T201016 · 2023-04-28
Code Sort
I wanted to write a tool to help me with organizing/sorting functions for my b4a apps. Original files are not touched at all. It can help you: 1. Sort Subroutines in lexicographical order (when you have too many subs which are in your code in no order) 2. Or order of your choice ( keeping related routines closer to each other so that it is easier to go back and forth) 3. Or arrange Regions ( organizing code for easier access)
@mohsyn · 2022-05-17
BalToDefs - Generate Code Stuff from Layout Files
Wanted to learn about JSON and the innards of layout files. I came up with something to help save lots of typing. I basically plagiarized BalConverter with some amateur, yet working code.
@mmieher · 2022-01-25
Dark Theme for IDE Code Editor
Dark Theme for IDE Code Editor
@fat32 · 2022-01-24
MS SQL Database viewer tool
List MSSQL database tables, their structure and data
@jkhazraji · 2022-01-09
B4X Online Tools - JSON Parser/QR Generator/Regex Parser [B4X]
B4X Online Tools - JSON Parser/QR Generator/Regex Parser [B4X]
@Alexander Stolte · 2021-07-14
lmRenameB4XPagesProject [Tool] [Source code]
If you want to change the B4XPages project name, you need to manually rename 6 files - 2 for each platform - and the "main root folder" if desired (very often). In particular, you know how tedious it is to rename "meta" files, because of the double dot. With this tool you can do it automatically and without the risk of making mistakes.
@LucaMs · 2021-05-01
Snippets For B4X - a B4J app [tool] [B4X]
A code snippet manager that uses the TreeView and TreeViewExtended view and code. So you can search on the TreeView, using the TreeViewExtended search feature.
@mfstuart · 2021-03-18
A solution to easily add your own code snippets [B4X] [Library]
A solution to easily add your own code snippets [B4X] [Library]
@LucaMs · 2021-01-27
Color Picker Bizzo
This little app allows you to pick a color from two different color pickers and puts the hex and decimal numbers for that color in four labels.
@rgarnett1955 · 2020-08-18
b4xlib - XML generation [Tool]
b4xlibs do not require an XML file. The IDE parses the packed code modules. With this tool you can generate the XML from the packed source code. It is useful for documentation purposes as there are tools that expect this XML.
@Erel · 2020-07-08
B4X Projects Launcher for creating new projects
B4X Projects Launcher for creating new projects
@mcqueccu · 2020-01-18
Arabic translation is available [B4X]
Thanks to the hard work of @HAH, the Arabic translation is ready. It will be included automatically in future versions of B4X.
@Erel · 2019-12-11
Create b4xlib files from projects
This is an attempt to simplify the process of creating b4xlib projects. It will create an archive file from one or more project folders, allowing you to select the modules and files to add to the library and set the structure if the b4xlib file.
@stevel05 · 2019-11-20
Form generator for B4A and for B4J
Form generator for B4A and for B4J
@rossati · 2019-04-25
Bal to Bil Layouts converter - Drag Drop
Bal to Bil Layouts converter - Drag Drop
@Alberto Iglesias · 2019-01-29
Eversince I discovered it, my curiosity grew about ABMaterial. ABMaterial.Show intends to be a GUI RAD tool to create the UI designs of your web apps, you can then write the code for the rest.
@Mashiane · 2018-05-24
ABMaterial B4xgoodies
B4xgoodies is a scraping util made by @walt61 to search for libs/snippets/tutorials from a XLSM downloadable file via Dropbox (updated every week or so) I''d want to learn ABMaterial, so I''ve adapted the existing B4J app to a ABMaterial Webapp; I''d think it could be a easier task but ABMaterial is so huge ! (but also so powerful, thanks to the incredible work of @alwaysbusy )
@inakigarm · 2018-04-01
B4XHelp: WebApp for the documentation of the libraries (B4A/B4i/B4J)
I''ve created an ABMaterial WebApp to show the documentation for the libraries. Everyone who created a library for B4A, B4i or B4J can upload their .xml file to the WebApp and everyone can consult it. One can re-upload a new version for a library if needed. Link: HTTP/2 SSL Link:
@alwaysbusy · 2017-11-15
LibDoc (creation of documentation for libraries)
Many library developers know the script of Martin Pearman that converts the XML file to HTML or BB code. Unfortunately, this script contains several bugs and, whenever I use it, I spend a lot of time to fix the errors by hand (e.g. more than 300 errors to fix in the documentation of SimpleGameEngine). So I decided to create a tool with B4J to replace the script. This tool uses templates so you can customize the output. Currently the default result is similar to the Pearman''s script. This is not reserved to library developers. Any B4A/B4J user can use the tool to produce a documentation from the XML file of a library. The B4J source code is provided.
@Informatix · 2017-08-26
Compile Only
Sometimes you simply want to build your application (but not run) as you ready it for source archiving, packaging, and distribution. Today there is no "compile only" option offered in the B4X tool chain. Here''s how you can implement a "compile only" feature in B4J with the assistance of a helper tool and a custom build action.
@stanmiller · 2016-11-03