My contributions to the community
My contributions to the community
@hatzisn · 2025-03-04
bounce a png image
Bounce a png image
@Colin Evans · 2025-02-21
How to Implement Lottie in B4XPages [AXrLottie B4A and iLotttie B4i] [B4X]
How to Implement Lottie in B4XPages [AXrLottie B4A and iLotttie B4i] [B4X]
@mcqueccu · 2025-02-16
B4XTutorialDatabase [B4X]
PocketBase - Storage [B4X]
PocketBase - Storage [B4X]
@Alexander Stolte · 2025-02-11
B4XTutorialDatabase [B4X]
PocketBase - Deleting files [B4X]
PocketBase - Deleting files [B4X]
@Alexander Stolte · 2025-02-10
B4XTutorialDatabase [B4X]
PocketBase - How to reach api via smartphone on the same network when hosted locally [B4X]
PocketBase - How to reach api via smartphone on the same network when hosted locally [B4X]
@Alexander Stolte · 2025-02-10
B4XTutorialFirebase [B4X]
Firebase Push Notifications 2023+ [B4X]
Firebase Push Notifications 2023+ [B4X]
@Erel · 2025-02-09
B4XTutorialDatabase [B4X]
PocketBase - Authentification [B4X]
PocketBase - Authentification [B4X]
@Alexander Stolte · 2025-01-29
B4XTutorialDatabase [B4X]
PocketBase - Database CRUD [B4X]
PocketBase - Database CRUD [B4X]
@Alexander Stolte · 2025-01-26
Tip : B4XLib documentation
Tip : B4XLib documentation
@walt61 · 2025-01-26
Free game assets you can use
Free game assets you can use
@josejad · 2025-01-23
B4XTutorialPreferences [B4X]
AS Settings - Custom Property [B4X]
AS Settings - Custom Property [B4X]
@Alexander Stolte · 2025-01-06
B4XTutorialPicker [B4X]
AS AutoComplete - Custom Datasource and Icons [B4X]
AS AutoComplete - Custom Datasource and Icons [B4X]
@Alexander Stolte · 2025-01-02
B4XTutorialB4Xpages [B4XPAGES]
Single page with no action bar and other pages with action bar [B4XPages]
Single page with no action bar and other pages with action bar [B4XPages]
@Erel · 2024-12-30
B4XTutorialCharSequence / CSBuilder [B4X]
Simple function to highlight searchword in texts in CSBuilder Format [B4X]
Simple function to highlight searchword in texts in CSBuilder Format [B4X]
@fredo · 2024-12-28
B4XTutorialViews - other [B4X]
AS FeatureRequest - Approved and implemented requests [B4X]
AS FeatureRequest - Approved and implemented requests [B4X]
@Alexander Stolte · 2024-12-17
Massimo Meli Overview
Massimo Meli Overview
@max123 · 2024-12-12
B4XTutorialViews - other [B4X]
AS FeatureRequest - Supabase as backend [B4X]
AS FeatureRequest - Supabase as backend [B4X]
@Alexander Stolte · 2024-11-18
B4XTutorialMenu [B4X]
AS BottomActionSheet - Small Icon [B4X]
AS BottomActionSheet - Small Icon [B4X]
@Alexander Stolte · 2024-11-04
B4XTutorialPreferences [B4X]
AS Settings - ColorChooser Property [B4X]
AS Settings - ColorChooser Property [B4X]
@Alexander Stolte · 2024-10-31
B4XTutorialDrawing [B4X]
Measure Line Lengths and Intersection Angles - Draggable Points [B4X]
Measure Line Lengths and Intersection Angles - Draggable Points [B4X]
@William Lancee · 2024-10-09
B4XTutorialYAML [B4X]
Convert Complex Structures of Lists and Maps to YAML Strings: can also be used to convert JSON to YAML. [B4X]
Convert Complex Structures of Lists and Maps to YAML Strings: can also be used to convert JSON to YAML. [B4X]
@William Lancee · 2024-09-13
B4XTutorialhttp [B4X]
OkHttpUtils2 / iHttpUtils2 and accept all option [B4X]
Note that OkHttpUtils2, jOkHttpUtils2 and iHttpUtils2 are actually the exact same b4x library. jOkHttpUtils2_NONUI was required as a special version for non-ui B4J apps. It is no longer required and shouldn''t be used.
@Erel · 2024-09-05
B4XTutorialPreferences [B4X]
AS Settings - Change Description Text on the fly [B4X]
AS Settings - Change Description Text on the fly [B4X]
@Alexander Stolte · 2024-08-08
B4XTutorialPreferences [B4X]
AS Settings - ComboBox Property [B4X]
AS Settings - ComboBox Property [B4X]
@Alexander Stolte · 2024-08-04
B4XTutorialCamera [B4X][B4XPAGES]
Intent based camera [B4X] [B4XPages]
B4A + B4i project that uses an intent in B4A and the Camera object in B4i to take a picture using the default camera app.
@Erel · 2024-07-23
B4XTutorialViews - additional [B4X]
AS Onboarding - Dark and Light mode switch [B4X]
AS Onboarding - Dark and Light mode switch [B4X]
@Alexander Stolte · 2024-07-15
B4XTutorialB4X [B4X]
AS Views Overview [B4X]
AS Views Overview [B4X]
@Alexander Stolte · 2024-07-09
B4XTutorialDatabase [RPC][B4X]
Supabase - Call a Postgres function [RPC] [B4X]
Supabase - Call a Postgres function [RPC] [B4X]
@Alexander Stolte · 2024-06-26
B4XTutorialMenu [B4X]
AS FloatingActionMenu - Open Menu above an item in a xCustomListView [B4X]
AS FloatingActionMenu - Open Menu above an item in a xCustomListView [B4X]
@Alexander Stolte · 2024-05-20