CSBuilder marking based on regex pattern
This sub searches for matches and uses CSBuilder to mark the matches.
@Erel · 2024-10-06
Tips or Tricks for using Android Emulator
Tips or Tricks for using Android Emulator
@aeric · 2024-10-01
The (almost) Definitive Admob Example
To help the new members to make money with B4A, I tried to compile all the relevant Admob code (except mediation) of the forum in this example and put comments and links.
@asales · 2024-09-25
FrostPocketBaseMobile - A Full Wrapper for Pocketbase-mobile server
FrostPocketBaseMobile is a B4A wrapper around the Pocketbase-mobile library by Rohit Sangwan. This wrapper brings the power of a Pocketbase Server to your B4A projects, allowing you to easily integrate a lightweight, self-hosted backend into your Android apps.
@FrostCodes · 2024-09-22
Textsize and Colors of native MsgBox
These functions help to change the style of the native Android Msgbox
@Blueforcer · 2024-09-15
Add event in calendar using intent
Add event in calendar using intent
@asales · 2024-09-13
B4Xtesseract4android ver 4.70
B4Xtesseract4android ver 4.70
@roberto64 · 2024-09-12
JNSeekBar with gradient [XUI]
JNSeekBar with gradient [XUI]
@John Naylor · 2024-09-09
Project for sunroof with slats
Project for sunroof with slats
@MbedAndroid · 2024-09-07
AutoStart, battery optimization, and more intends from brands
AutoStart, battery optimization, and more intents from brands
@victormedranop · 2024-09-06
B4A-Bridge source code
B4A-Bridge source code
@Erel · 2024-09-02
TensorFlowLite -Update- an experimental machine/deep learning wrapper for B4A
TensorFlowLite -Update- an experimental machine/deep learning wrapper for B4A
@Zkshazly · 2024-08-30
Media3 ExoPlayer - Set playback speed
Media3 ExoPlayer - Set playback speed
@Peter Simpson · 2024-08-28
Handle the soft keyboard with the IME library
Handle the soft keyboard with the IME library
@Erel · 2024-08-27
ExoPlayer [media3] - video player
This version is based on Media3 ExoPlayer v1.2. It replaces ExoPlayer 2: https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/exoplayer-mediaplayer-videoview-alternative.72652/#content The underlying SDK isn''t backward compatible so calls with JavaObject may not work without modifications.
@Erel · 2024-08-26
More Emojis
More Emojis
@drgottjr · 2024-08-22
Solutions to The filename or extension is too long error [Closed]
Solutions to The filename or extension is too long error [Closed]
@asales · 2024-08-18
@scsjc · 2024-08-17
User Login + MySQL PHP API
User Login + MySQL PHP API
@aeric · 2024-08-16
Align the AES encryption and decryption results between B4X and the .NET platform
Align the AES encryption and decryption results between B4X and the .NET platform
@byz · 2024-08-14
How to determine default browser on device - WITHOUT using android.permission.QUERY_ALL_PACKAGES
How to determine default browser on device - WITHOUT using android.permission.QUERY_ALL_PACKAGES
@JackKirk · 2024-08-14
Android 14 / targetSdkVersion 34 and Services
Android 14 / targetSdkVersion 34 and Services
@Erel · 2024-08-05
Dropbox SDK V2 - Java [beta]
This is a wrap for the Dropbox JAVA SDK It is a request for the community too to parcitipate to this project doing test or writing documentation for the objects.
@DonManfred · 2024-08-03
solar calendar
Convert dates into the Persian calendar
@gohargazi · 2024-08-03
B4A My 2048
This app is based on the popular 2048 puzzle game, where the goal is to combine tiles with the same number to reach the 2048 tile.
@Grinaute · 2024-08-02
Exoplayer track video resolutions
Get video resolutions avilable in played video (m3u8,mp4 ...) and show them in a listview to select one
@zedapp · 2024-07-31
Receivers and Services in 2023+
Receivers and Services in 2023+
@Erel · 2024-07-28
Digitally sign XML Documents
Digitally sign XML Documents
@jkhazraji · 2024-07-24
Simple function to convert Markdown Text to CSBuilder Format
Simple function to convert Markdown Text to CSBuilder Format
@fredo · 2024-07-24
Introducing liteCsvParse: A Lightweight Library for Efficient CSV Processing
Introducing liteCsvParse: A Lightweight Library for Efficient CSV Processing
@carlos7000 · 2024-07-22